The Humiliation Of Equality
Shame they cut this off at the end, but you will just catch the word "combatants."
"There's not a single thing a man can do that a woman can't do as well or better. Not a single thing."
A lot of comedians had their go at this, which is only natural. Pickle jars and weight-lifting were over-featured. Peeing in the snow in cursive was not unrepresented. Won't make a bit of difference to those that believe in the false god of Equality, and to those who don't believe but lead its cult.
(Cult, a word I use frequently, is not over-used. With the disappearance of Christianity many new cults have arisen.)
I don't always do a good job at separating priests from the parishioners, but it's worth doing here.
The parishioners can be subdivided. The ardent believe in the god, and they really do think all are equal. Not every man, of course. Only cultists at the fringes truly believe all could be exactly equal if they were brought up identically. These are the people who interpret all evidence of inequality as proof of equality, but equality suppressed by bigotry, racism, etc.
Which, of course, proves equality is false. If it really is true women are, for example, just as good at being top mathematicians as men, but they have been kept out of that profession because of the machinations and schemes of men, then it proves men are better than woman at machinations and schemes.
Even after the schemes are removed by force, which is to say by implementing quotas, the standards must needs be lowered. This always means changing definitions. So top mathematics will be redefined, perhaps, from the ability to prove theorems to ability to discuss your feelings about numbers.
The next level of equalitarian parishioners are the distributional ones. They don't insist all are, or could be, absolutely equal. They insist merely on distributional equality. They say the same proportion of men and women, white and black, and so on, will naturally rise to the top of any profession.
This is the group is similar to the first. When shown blacks are eight to ten times more murderous than whites, they will admit the statistics, but will say the "disparity" is caused by "racism". Thus black guys whacking Asian guys on the head is caused by "white supremacy."
The beliefs of this group also fail when hit with the schemes-and-manipulations counter-argument, but this never bothers them. Like the absolutists, this group ignores the counter-argument and moves to quotas, and to the necessary re-defining of standards. Quotas can be negative as well as positive. This is why we see crime in certain localities being defined away, or not recorded. No statistics, no disparities.
Then come the high priests of the cult, not one of which is a believer. Sort of like the Lavender Mafia in the Church, or prelates in the Church of England. Every one of these priests, including Biden, is a liar in the strict sense.
They don't mean their words to be taken seriously or literally---to each other. Biden does not mean what he says, and he does not expect anybody in his group, the highest, to believe what he says. He knows, and they know, he is pandering to the first two groups of equalitarians. They believe. But he also knows he's signaling to the other priests, mouthing the platitudes they need to hear.
The worst is that he is humiliating non-equalitarians, knowing that when they are forced to agree about equality it kills something inside the Realists. Sure, Realists will joke about pickle jars and heavy weights, but few will touch intelligence or crime. And not as many as before will even joke about weights.
To equalitarians, Biden is preaching a beloved sermon, but to Realists Biden is showing who has power. Biden did not say women were equal, but better. That's why he mentioned combatants, and his pride in appointing female generals he knows are worse than men. Only cultists believe this nonsense.
Priests know it's a power grab for them and a way to chip away at the results of Realists. If you don't think so and work at a megacorp, try announcing the truth that women are not the equal of men, or blacks the equal of blacks, or sodomy enjoyers the equal of the chaste. It's a little harder to do that today. And will be even harder tomorrow, about an increasing range of matters.
There are ways to fight back, even in the system. Look at this purple-headed horror, a female sports entertainer who wants pay equal to male sports entertainers, even though if poised against males she would be ground to dust. Never fail to remind her she is not their equal.
And look at what the Army just did. They lowered standards of physical fitness for females because, obviously, they couldn't keep up with men (the top standards for women are at the bottom, or lower, than the bottom standards for men). Yet if you buy the "equal pay for equal work" argument made by equalitarians, it follows Army females should be paid less, and far less, than men, since they can't do the same jobs. Bring this up.
Do it wherever you can, and for as long as you can, before all speech is regulated.
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