Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

“it took men centuries and thousands of shipwrecks to master commanding ships”

Yes. And this knowledge is recorded in books. Which anyone can read. There is no need to reinvent it.

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But the books can't make women better at spatial perception, or less emotionally driven...

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Titanic ya daft cunt

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"They said you was high class, but that was just a lie..."

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Are you trying to make his point for him?

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Look out! Iceberg ahead!

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

The funny, no the ironic part of the RNZN's ship sinking is that it was a hydrographic and salvage vessel.

I had lookup what a hydrographic vessel is - "a survey ship with a multibeam echo sounder to conduct hydrographic surveys. Multibeam sonar measures the depth of the sea floor."

Apparently the ship ran aground on an underwater reef. It's a ship that surveys the sea floor. This is beyond incompetent. Neptune is warning us.

Well at least the ship can now be salvaged.

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Possibly not. It burned and since all crew and passengers had been evacuated, there was no damage control.

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I prefer to respect the differences. I gave birth to our daughters and I delighted in caring for them. My husband provides for us. We each bring our biological gifts to establish a family. The family is the micro of relationships and responsibility. A country is the macro of successful families. Destroy the family, destroy a country. The playbook is known.

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MMGA! (Make Motherhood Great Again!)

In my eyes you moms are the highest status women, and I see this attitude becoming much more prevalent. Cheers!

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I think motherhood and fatherhood is a rite of passage into adulthood. Responsibility becomes a tangible part of us.

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I love your MMGA. By your children, you will be known …

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Women have destroyed the workplace, too. Corporate work was difficult before, but now it's near impossible to enjoy it and do a good job due to women's incompetence and political maneuvering and the insane system that encourages it. Pure hell. That's why men are dropping out. Women and soybois are blind to all this, of course, so the madness continues.

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All the women’s fault isn’t it? Was a golden age before the skirts arrived. Sigh. I’m as unhappy with the pretense that we’re all the same but to think that one sex is responsible for all the problems… you’re just doing what the man haters do in reverse. How about we all decide what standards are to be followed and admit or dismiss based on measures of competence and ability?

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I was there before women became the problem they are today. I saw the transition. You don't know. 10s of millions of lives have been destroyed because of their narcissistic irresponsibility. Families wrecked, minds and spirits destroyed, careers and companies wrecked. These are facts anyone can observe, so check your feels at the door.

But you are right that men let women get this way and only men can fix it. Women don't even see the problems they have created nor do they care.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

According to feminism, it is always men who run after women. So women must be faster by nature. Which means they are different.

That paragraph from Shmentific Shmerican is in open contradiction with feminist theory and practice.

I'm appalled at so much debauchery from that prestigious publication. How dare Xey!

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Mr Briggs,

This reminds me of Serena Williams admitting men are much better at Tennis. So, at first I couldn't remember the woman's name so I did a search with AI. Then did a 2nd with her name. I then found the video where she admits it.

Even AI is on the scam.

See here:


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22 hrs agoLiked by William M Briggs

"She said we shouldn’t try to investigate this from a male perspective but learn lessons from a female perspective."

Then women should make their own ships.

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Love how the solution of no sex divisions exposes the ludicrousness of women-who-are-really-men competing as women in elite sports.

I think it's important though to recognise that while men are generally better than women at certain things and and vice versa, SOME women are better than or equal to SOME men at things that men are generally better at than women and vice versa.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Once again as one of the fish swimming against the current, there are sound reasons why the scriptures make it clear women should not be in positions of authority.

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Its interesting that women who agree with this viewpoint are also some of the happiest. This is of course my anecdotal experience with dozens of homeschool moms who have large families and happy marriages.

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Oh those women have plenty of authority. Otherwise couldn’t raise children or run a household

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The only place where a woman should have authority is the running of her household and the raising of her children with the support of a good man who is her husband and the father of her children. Otherwise, in the workplace their only role should be of service and assistance to a competent man who has earned his position through merit. Oh wait. I think the only place where the foregoing might be in effect is Nirvana.

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Exactly. Well said. Wherever this structure has been followed, civil societies have been stable and flourished.

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Go to the Islamic countries and see if you like it there

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During my time in the military I was surrounded by media chatter about women in combat. But as a man in combat I never witnessed a female on a dismounted patrol carry anything heavier than a Camelbak, a small backpack with some comfort items and some food, a plate carrier (mandatory) and four magazines. Not one time have I ever, ever, seen a women carry any significant weight in combat or anywhere else. There’s maybe 1% that could do it for a little while before they’re injured. LARPING? 100% true otherwise they’d be included in the draft.

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22 hrs agoLiked by William M Briggs

I recently read an op-ed discussion of men playing in women’s sports which sealed the deal for me that it absolutely should not be allowed. In the article the author pointed out that eight 14/15 year old boys broke Katie Ledecky’s gold medal time in the recent Olympics.

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

No sea captain of today is a thousand year old survivor of multiple shipwrecks. The expert is an insane voodoo priestess blaiming her failures on the evil eye of genetic memory.

Woemunz are predominantly dismal at manly things and it is men's fault for not being equivalently dismal. Hence men are responsible for the privilege of the cost difference.

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

It wouldn't be called madness if it worked, and if it was not madness it would work.

It's madness.

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Dear Sarge,

Yes, Amen, 100%. Vive la différance!

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Oct 8Liked by William M Briggs

Note to self: Rewatch "Idiocracy"

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I'd like to know when we went from equality meaning equal legal protections and equal merit-based opportunities, to it meaning everyone is an interchangeable cog in the machine.

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