So basically one group of white people uses black people to control other groups of white people.

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

The only answer is that Europeans and their descendants have lost all desire to live. We wage war on our own home and hearth. If we were Troy then no horse would be needed, no elaborate deceit, the invaders need simply say, 'We would like to come into your homes, defile your women, take your things, beat your children's heads into the pavement, and we expect your applause.' and while they wouldn't earn the renown of Odysseus they would/will destroy the city.

Other groups don't tolerate this. They behave like humans and defend their own. Perhaps we have already become transhumans and the leading edge of our evolution is this thanatophilia? Perhaps life in these United States is rightly seen as not worth living? Do we curse the day of our birth like Job and rush to the grave? All of the blessings of this land we have turned to curses. Is this how Western Civ ends?

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The middle class in the world is overwhelmingly white. The ongoing movement of globalization will destroy it. Demonizing white people will make it easier to implement a possible um...final solution (?) to the problem of the middle class.

Why do a sizeable number of white people go along with it is the real head-scratcher. The non-stop anti-white propaganda is very effective in making people hate themselves.

An aside: a decade ago in my sister's lilly-white upper middle class suburb, THE ultimate status symbol among the moms was to be able to obtain the services of a gay, black nanny. One of those descriptors should have precluded him from coming within 100 yards of a child.

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

They’re idols in the old-fashioned sense: Cult totems.

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

The notion of diversity and inclusion sounds nice, but if it results in the tearing down and breaking down of others including their history (eg George Washington) this is what I call a bad idea and needs to be stopped: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-spot-bad-ideas-and-why-we

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

Beneath contempt. And imagine is even one of these hideous affronts to beauty were to be defaced?

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

No one has yet to provide a list of tangible benefits “diversity” brings. What is the point of it exactly? Aside from making AWFLs and luxury liberals feel good about themselves and assuaging their “white guilt”?

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

Cultural suicide does NOT happen accidentally.

We're living in the culmination of a planned extermination of Normal American culture, which culture was the culmination of WASP civics/politics/economics/art/language.

Using the media, Hollywood, and education/academia, the destruction operation implanted messages of self-hatred: "America is a: racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, capitalist, imperialist hellhole. And it must be changed."

This payload implicitly demonized, and made it cool to hate: whites, males, straights, Americans, and business. And it implicitly made heroes of the opposites: blacks, females, queers, non-Americans, and socialism/communism.

The operation created organizations (NGOs, non-profits, etc) based on one or more of those demons or heroes--damning the demons and celebrating the heroes. Joining, or supporting, or repeating the messages of these organizations became the height of "cool."

It took longer for the seeds to grow and bear fruit than the operators originally planned. Instead of 2 or 3 years, the fruit only ripened in the 1990s. Now, after 105 years of constant repetition of the hatreds, we see the results everywhere.

While the original target was America in the 1920s, the results have spilled into other cultures that look like Normal America--thanks to the post-WW2 global spread of American culture (which is now dominated by these hatreds). So we see the UK, the Netherlands, etc, aping hatred of Normals, and worship of the opposites of Normals.

Thus, black woman good--build statues!


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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

In Germany that gargantuan, neo-Hottentot waste of natural resources would be torn down! Why? Because the blue color of the dress and shoes stands for Nazism: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/smurf-scandal-update-and-open-thread

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

Looks like the woman who modeled for that Keshawna Out-of-Work statue in Rotterdam enjoyed a very calorie-rich diet, despite being economically disadvantaged. The wonders of the mature social welfare state!

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

This is Neo-Marxism at work. They want to destroy the culture. This was done in every color revolution all over the world. We have seen this before in other countries. It works because there are people who are asleep and just accept what is fed to them. We need to wake up. We need to think for ourselves. Do our own research and then begin to realize - that alarmingly - these communists were infiltrating our countries for decades, just waiting to pounce. And pounce they did. They would be happy if we just accept these lies or if there is a civil war - either way is fine since their goals are to leave the countries in ruin. So that they can rule over the ashes.

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

It is a sick fetish. real people are sick of the left...(it will be a bloodbath according to MSNBC)

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

When all this fetishized nonsense comes to a well deserved end, lots of blacks will have hurt feelings. So be it. Many are tired of contorting themselves into pretzels to avoid easily observable facts.

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Oh no, don't give any ideas to the MACAWOKE folk! (Make America Communist Altogether While Overlooking Known Evil)

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Mar 18Liked by William M Briggs

The white Anglo-German-Slavic culture has produced the current civilisation.

However it is/was the dominant culture, certain parties who have lived off the product of others for 5,000 years (and been banished from those producers in more than 200 instances) ca no longer easily manipulate the emerging consciousness. Thus to maintain their parasitical existence they need to destroy the intellect that can see through their machinations.

Thus :

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, which was delivered before the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest,

Hungary, Jan. 12, 1952:

“Greetings, my children. You have been called here to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. . . . The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for !three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. . . .Within five years, this program will achieve its objective, the Third World War, which will surpass in destruction all previous contests. . . .

This war will end for all time our struggle against the [white race]. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out interracial tensions. forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, and the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear. for mixing the dark with the white will be the end of the white man. and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We [Jews] will embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the earth. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.”

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Always a good time, never a bad time, to consider the Camp of the Saints. Two recent reviews of Raspail's book are by Haywood at (his) Worthy House, and by Pinkoski at First Things.

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