The group of white people behind this evil appears to be white, but does not identify as white. They've lived among whites for centuries and have harbored a strong contempt for them. They've simply accrued enough power in the West to finally implement their resentment and hatred.
Keenly perceptive and perfectly expressed, Doc. It's still only March, but this may already get my vote for Comment of the Year. Indeed, it seems hard to overlook one specific thread that can be traced throughout recorded history. Always entangled in the most destructive movements and events.
Thanks, Prodigal. I've read a couple of conversion stories of Jews turning to Christ. Their thoroughly secular families treated them as pariahs for doing so. The hatred is very real.
Look around. What used to be called Christendom is being destroyed from within by powerful people. Christianity IS Western Civilization. Not their people, not their culture, they figure.They gleefully celebrate its demise, even though its demise portends their eventual ruin.
Twenty years ago, it was unimaginable that I would have expressed this opinion, so total their control of the arms of propaganda was. I, and countless others, have been awakened.
Yes. We can feel it now finally, I think. Feel the dam breaking online. Look at the seemingly universal reaction to the Gaza war. More and more people will no longer be silenced, no longer intimidated by the tsunami of Zionist propaganda and false victimhood. Pretty sure it has been the Internet that blew it wide open, gave people access to the truth. What has long been said of most Jews is clear as day: Their loyalty is to their fellow Jews, first and foremost. Twice in last 2 weeks I have commented on other Stacks, serious material, the author and other commenters seeming to share almost all of our wavelength, conservative, anti woke madness etc. But let talk turn to Israel and Palestine, and their objectivity disappears instantly. Until now, I have played it cautious on this topic, but just today I recognized that is over. Otherwise I can't look myself in the mirror. Same applies to blacks, 14% of U.S. population responsible for nearly 70% of worst violent crime and murders (overwhelmingly against other blacks). And getting worse every day. That in return for how many gazillions of taxpayer dollars since 1964? Take care, Doc. Talk soon!
What you are describing applies one way or another to everyone who still has a heart to see. And at the same time it is the perfect example how fragile/wicked our mind is.
The Lord Jesus Christ teaches "turn the other cheek". Now EVERYONE can show how much he is willing "to deny himself and follow The Lord Jesus Christ". Those trying to save their life will loose it only those willing to sacrifice their life for The Lord Jesus Christ will have ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM.
I am not saying this lightly, but keeping quiet facing someone going down THE BROAD ROAD TOWARDS DESTRUCTION would be equivalent to denying THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
Which doesn't mean one is not allowed to say what is right but being consumed by the hatred and destructive spirit of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - and it is not the flesh that's causing the disobedience, the flesh only carries out what the spirit tells it to do - GOD ALMIGHTY is forging the soul of HIS CHILDREN in the fire of vanity and disobedience ... since THE GARDEN OF EDEN.
The Jew-hatred you express in your fluff language is obvious and evil. I'm sorry to see Wm Briggs endorsing it. Shame on you all for your 'hinted at' anti-Semitism; it is wrong and anti-Christian.
Yeah. Jim Goad called it Passover Syndrome-- but you don't have to really believe in your magical exemption, just in the herd's ability to stomp on crackers; osmosis thinking
Jews are not White in the same sense that I AM. Jews have interbred with shiksas and produced spawn that kind of looks like White Western Europeans. However, if you know what to look for the Khazarian DNA does appear in certain facial features. So. what is actually correct is jews use niggers as their pit bulls to further the agenda of exterminating the entire White Race.
The "whites" of which you speak are not White, they pretend to be when they wish to do some heinous thing, but they call themselves jews otherwise. Having bought every shabbos goy they possibly could in governments, and infiltrated every lever of institutional power, they now have enough power to hate REAL White people, open their borders and genocide us LEEEGALLY with mass illegal immigration. These statues are humiliation rituals, im surprised a "Russian" doesn't already know this considering what they did to that country, that is if youre REALLY a Russian....🤔
The only answer is that Europeans and their descendants have lost all desire to live. We wage war on our own home and hearth. If we were Troy then no horse would be needed, no elaborate deceit, the invaders need simply say, 'We would like to come into your homes, defile your women, take your things, beat your children's heads into the pavement, and we expect your applause.' and while they wouldn't earn the renown of Odysseus they would/will destroy the city.
Other groups don't tolerate this. They behave like humans and defend their own. Perhaps we have already become transhumans and the leading edge of our evolution is this thanatophilia? Perhaps life in these United States is rightly seen as not worth living? Do we curse the day of our birth like Job and rush to the grave? All of the blessings of this land we have turned to curses. Is this how Western Civ ends?
The epitome of PRIDE ... since THE GARDEN OF EDEN!
Europeans and their descendants will live...and they want to live. But we are changing, evolving in ways that make some folks in traditional politics very uncomfortable. The entire house of cards that is 'diversity' is entirely dependent on Whites not demanding that *their* diverse interests be serviced with equal intensity to those of non-Whites.
'Western civilization' is like the shell of hermit crab. The crab is the White race. Whites can shuck the shell and move on, creating something just as marvelous down the road.
There is nothing in 'western civilization' that Whites cannot create again.
It does Whites no real harm to burn it all down.
The desire to 'preserve western civ' is a nostalgia unworthy of a great race.
Aaaarrrggghhh! You think we can build Chartres again? Or paint the Sistine Chapel again? Sorry, not even our most talented people working day and night could come close. Western civ has a magnificent legacy that deserves reverence and protection. Too bad our people are enstupidated and browbeaten into preferring Kanye over Bach,.
There's no need for a Marxist "Year Zero". I think our task shall be to sift wheat from chaff, to preserve all those worthwhile things, while letting the ugly cancer burn or rot. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the best parts of its legacy were preserved and incorporated into the new institutions and ways of life of the Medieval world. Likewise, we must not abandon the past, but use it as our guide to building anew.
Those following THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT FOREVER AND EVER will live ... exactly as prophesied by GOD ALMIGHTY ... it doesn't say anything about colours, as GOD ALMIGHTY/THE TRUTH/LIFE doesn't "care" about colours as long as it fulfills its function to LIFE.
Pleeeease. The jews were commanded to kill all those in their way by their genocidal wilderness god. Much of the Old testament reads like a military blueprint to genocide all the non jews in the area and take their land and wealth. The same mandate they ruthlessly destroy the non jews all over the middle east with, and have Russia doing in their name to the Ukraine today. "Holy Spirit"? If God doesn't see race, why command "his chosen" to kill all non jews and steal their land and wealth without mercy? Just like they did in Russia, just as they attempted, and largely succeeded at in Germany, and over, and over again since time out of mind. The Bible is SPECIFICALLY a book of racial supremacy, but here you are saying God's word doesn't advocate racism? Coincidentally, the terms Equality, and Racism were terms and concepts invented by jews to destroy the hierarchical natural racial order of humanity, and its working well. Africans that never discovered the wheel, or had a written language on their continent are not equal to those that were building Cathedrals in Europe 1000 years ago. The penguin is not equal to the eagle, but they're both birds. The penguin has adaptations that make it thrive where cold, an eagle can't survive in 70 below zero weather, and a penguin can't fly and live in the high desert or swamp. We desire purebred dogs, horses, cats and birds, but trying to keep the human bloodline true to its own is wrong? Ridiculous drivel.
7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Jn 8, 7
1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Matt 7, 1-6
What good is it in GOD ALMIGHTY'S EYE to have a billion luke warm Judas Iscariots ... think about it it's about your soul first and foremost!
How did he know - GOD ALMIGHTY knew since the beginning of time, as HE created it - and HE has chosen numerous of HIS messengers to reveal it to the world so NO-ONE would have an excuse of not knowing. THE SYNAGOGUE OF LIES has been advertising this since THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN!
The middle class in the world is overwhelmingly white. The ongoing movement of globalization will destroy it. Demonizing white people will make it easier to implement a possible solution (?) to the problem of the middle class.
Why do a sizeable number of white people go along with it is the real head-scratcher. The non-stop anti-white propaganda is very effective in making people hate themselves.
An aside: a decade ago in my sister's lilly-white upper middle class suburb, THE ultimate status symbol among the moms was to be able to obtain the services of a gay, black nanny. One of those descriptors should have precluded him from coming within 100 yards of a child.
My 3 siblings. All of them lost. Passionate supporters of everything that is destroying our civilization, supremely confident that they are correct. Unilkely they will recover at their ages. Completely unmoored from all of the values and traditions that shaped us, our parents' beliefs and their ancestors' culture. Why? First step was following the instructions of their always on TVs, but the deathblow was Facebook, which is where they and all of their peers and "friends" live and spread their ignorance like a digital Legionaire's disease.
Being glued to THE WORLD - TV its primary messenger - is everyone's undoing and only to be undone by THE HOLY SPIRIT ... if accepted by the mind as THE GUIDE and THE BIBLE as THE WORD OF LIFE!
Those craving for status in and of itself let alone by resorting to THE SYNAGOGUE OF LIES' most visible wicked symptom will have to have a lot to answer to GOD ALMIGHTY when the time comes.
No one has yet to provide a list of tangible benefits “diversity” brings. What is the point of it exactly? Aside from making AWFLs and luxury liberals feel good about themselves and assuaging their “white guilt”?
who needs a list. I know it personally. diversity is so refreshing. to get away from the boredom I get at the sameness of conservatism. or even that of whichever the race or races you family around, and mostly only that. its so good to exist in a place where permission to exist and even to excel, is simply the case.
As a disabled, biracial female, I want only the best as my surgeon, my pilot, my architect, my engineer, my attorney, etc.
Your DEI propaganda says competency and merit aren’t as important as getting away from “the vicious sameness of conservatism.”
As skin color, gender or some other meaningless element apparently is your idea of being the deciding factor determining what’s best for us, the vast majority of all differing groups disagree. We don’t want a DEI hire over a person who has TALENT, especially when our lives are at stake.
Let your Neurosurgeon or Pilot be the DEI hire, Dusty, the rest of us prefer merit and competency. We don’t want to get less than the best to make you feel good about yourself and your pathetic White guilt.
its not over talent. its with talent. I do not feel guilty about supporting my neighbors and colleagues. In fact those who have gained the most from DEI are women. Diversity works for us all.
freedom to destroy ? my cultures is not being destroyed. quite the contrary, its being allowed to pursue, to excel, to engage, to share. I love DEI. I do well there. Y'all cant handle change. conservatism never does that well. as if my being employed and having my own company too and speaking my mind, freely. and engaging across with all peoples that surround me, is somehow your destruction? rather than their acquaintance. Its not.
you can choose your own doctor and surgeon. I always have. thats up to you. do the research. I live and work in a DEI environment, it's supportive, talented and diverse. there is no destructiveness, indeed thats the point. its fair, comprehensive, and just.
Real diversity is different from a Benneton commercial of liberal corporate marketing directors.
Go talk to drivers, mechanics, doctors, restaurant owners from different places... That's a variety of perspectives, largely conservative.
Plus social and economic diversity.
When white liberals talk about diversity they mean cool restaurants that cater to them and "color" to makes themselves feel more traveled than they really are.
No one has provided an answer to a rather simple question, what are the tangible benefits of diversity? If the answer is “it makes me feel good” that’s a tangible benefit for you, good for you. But it is not an answer to the question at hand.
I understand your argument, people engage with “others” all the time, but voluntarily. Forcing companies or clubs or sports teams, etc. to be “diverse” is not the same. Being forced to hire a less qualified individual simply because they have some immutable characteristic the government finds important is ridiculous. This is how lowering of standards became a necessary practice. I’d like the most qualified engineer to design the bridge I’m going to drive on, thank you, whether they are gay or Latino/a or whatever, makes no difference to that preferred outcome.
The notion of diversity and inclusion sounds nice, but if it results in the tearing down and breaking down of others including their history (eg George Washington) this is what I call a bad idea and needs to be stopped:
We're living in the culmination of a planned extermination of Normal American culture, which culture was the culmination of WASP civics/politics/economics/art/language.
Using the media, Hollywood, and education/academia, the destruction operation implanted messages of self-hatred: "America is a: racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, capitalist, imperialist hellhole. And it must be changed."
This payload implicitly demonized, and made it cool to hate: whites, males, straights, Americans, and business. And it implicitly made heroes of the opposites: blacks, females, queers, non-Americans, and socialism/communism.
The operation created organizations (NGOs, non-profits, etc) based on one or more of those demons or heroes--damning the demons and celebrating the heroes. Joining, or supporting, or repeating the messages of these organizations became the height of "cool."
It took longer for the seeds to grow and bear fruit than the operators originally planned. Instead of 2 or 3 years, the fruit only ripened in the 1990s. Now, after 105 years of constant repetition of the hatreds, we see the results everywhere.
While the original target was America in the 1920s, the results have spilled into other cultures that look like Normal America--thanks to the post-WW2 global spread of American culture (which is now dominated by these hatreds). So we see the UK, the Netherlands, etc, aping hatred of Normals, and worship of the opposites of Normals.
All your comment describes are THE SYMPTOMS/VISIBLE MANIFESTATIONS of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - THE CULT OF MATERIALISM - trying to play GOD ALMIGHTY and thereby in its blindness rather tearing down everything before its own eyes than admitting its error.
Like a MESSED UP three year old whom his favourite sweet is denied.
Never expect a caveman to play piano. And this is the result of millennia - not 105 - of SATAN'S WORK again and again temporarily papered over by technology advances and material affluence, accelerated by ANTIsocial media - the last nail in the coffin, so it seems.
Being "a prejudiced buffoon" before THE WORLD is the greatest honour and best assurance of carrying the cross A SERVANT of GOD ALMIGHTY can be blessed with.
darling you really are a nutter. god is just existence, much of the rest I hear in you is just absurd excuses for hating the other... Jesus is about recognition that love is a universal concept --
Exactly. Ask her about her love for preborn babies of every color, and about their civil rights. You know, the human right not to be tortured to death inside, partially inside and newly outside the womb if they survive their abortion attack.
Seen as tantamount to erasure of the entirety of black females, we'd have to find and kill the person, offering them up as a sacrifice to the gods of moral evolution.
It would look a lot like what happens when somebody Draws Mohammed.
This is Neo-Marxism at work. They want to destroy the culture. This was done in every color revolution all over the world. We have seen this before in other countries. It works because there are people who are asleep and just accept what is fed to them. We need to wake up. We need to think for ourselves. Do our own research and then begin to realize - that alarmingly - these communists were infiltrating our countries for decades, just waiting to pounce. And pounce they did. They would be happy if we just accept these lies or if there is a civil war - either way is fine since their goals are to leave the countries in ruin. So that they can rule over the ashes.
When all this fetishized nonsense comes to a well deserved end, lots of blacks will have hurt feelings. So be it. Many are tired of contorting themselves into pretzels to avoid easily observable facts.
Always a good time, never a bad time, to consider the Camp of the Saints. Two recent reviews of Raspail's book are by Haywood at (his) Worthy House, and by Pinkoski at First Things.
I believe "bloodbath" has recently been redefined, by the media, to encompass ONLY the wanton slaughter of innocent true believers by those evil Christian white supremacists, (of all races).
So basically one group of white people uses black people to control other groups of white people.
The group of white people behind this evil appears to be white, but does not identify as white. They've lived among whites for centuries and have harbored a strong contempt for them. They've simply accrued enough power in the West to finally implement their resentment and hatred.
Keenly perceptive and perfectly expressed, Doc. It's still only March, but this may already get my vote for Comment of the Year. Indeed, it seems hard to overlook one specific thread that can be traced throughout recorded history. Always entangled in the most destructive movements and events.
Thanks, Prodigal. I've read a couple of conversion stories of Jews turning to Christ. Their thoroughly secular families treated them as pariahs for doing so. The hatred is very real.
Look around. What used to be called Christendom is being destroyed from within by powerful people. Christianity IS Western Civilization. Not their people, not their culture, they figure.They gleefully celebrate its demise, even though its demise portends their eventual ruin.
Twenty years ago, it was unimaginable that I would have expressed this opinion, so total their control of the arms of propaganda was. I, and countless others, have been awakened.
Yes. We can feel it now finally, I think. Feel the dam breaking online. Look at the seemingly universal reaction to the Gaza war. More and more people will no longer be silenced, no longer intimidated by the tsunami of Zionist propaganda and false victimhood. Pretty sure it has been the Internet that blew it wide open, gave people access to the truth. What has long been said of most Jews is clear as day: Their loyalty is to their fellow Jews, first and foremost. Twice in last 2 weeks I have commented on other Stacks, serious material, the author and other commenters seeming to share almost all of our wavelength, conservative, anti woke madness etc. But let talk turn to Israel and Palestine, and their objectivity disappears instantly. Until now, I have played it cautious on this topic, but just today I recognized that is over. Otherwise I can't look myself in the mirror. Same applies to blacks, 14% of U.S. population responsible for nearly 70% of worst violent crime and murders (overwhelmingly against other blacks). And getting worse every day. That in return for how many gazillions of taxpayer dollars since 1964? Take care, Doc. Talk soon!
They always claim, "and then, for no reason whatsoever..." but "every single time" is what many people are noticing nowadays.
Hang in there, Prodigal.
What you are describing applies one way or another to everyone who still has a heart to see. And at the same time it is the perfect example how fragile/wicked our mind is.
The Lord Jesus Christ teaches "turn the other cheek". Now EVERYONE can show how much he is willing "to deny himself and follow The Lord Jesus Christ". Those trying to save their life will loose it only those willing to sacrifice their life for The Lord Jesus Christ will have ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM.
I am not saying this lightly, but keeping quiet facing someone going down THE BROAD ROAD TOWARDS DESTRUCTION would be equivalent to denying THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
Which doesn't mean one is not allowed to say what is right but being consumed by the hatred and destructive spirit of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - and it is not the flesh that's causing the disobedience, the flesh only carries out what the spirit tells it to do - GOD ALMIGHTY is forging the soul of HIS CHILDREN in the fire of vanity and disobedience ... since THE GARDEN OF EDEN.
Yes, exactly. “White” when it’s convenient.
Hatred is inevitable in order for LOVE to exist.
Bingo 💯
The Jew-hatred you express in your fluff language is obvious and evil. I'm sorry to see Wm Briggs endorsing it. Shame on you all for your 'hinted at' anti-Semitism; it is wrong and anti-Christian.
Continue fighting yourwar on those who notice the obvious.
There are far too many quotes of influential Jews expressing hatred for Christianity and Christian culture out there.
Every. Single. Time.
Dude shut up. We aren't to blame for this shit. These kinds of black people hate Jews the most.
Yeah. Jim Goad called it Passover Syndrome-- but you don't have to really believe in your magical exemption, just in the herd's ability to stomp on crackers; osmosis thinking
Thanks. “how long progressives can keep claiming that they are fighting the status quo before recognizing that they are the status quo”. Brilliant.
That first group of people often considers themselves something else.
Jews are not White in the same sense that I AM. Jews have interbred with shiksas and produced spawn that kind of looks like White Western Europeans. However, if you know what to look for the Khazarian DNA does appear in certain facial features. So. what is actually correct is jews use niggers as their pit bulls to further the agenda of exterminating the entire White Race.
You mean jews
Your statement presumes that most Black people are useful.
I prefer not to think of people as useful or useless.
But, but, but...
We have it on "expert" authority that the majority of non-elites are "useless eaters".
And the "experts" can not possibly be wrong.
Can they?
Experts are people. To err is human.
jews aren’t white. not surprised you still fly the soviet flag.
The "whites" of which you speak are not White, they pretend to be when they wish to do some heinous thing, but they call themselves jews otherwise. Having bought every shabbos goy they possibly could in governments, and infiltrated every lever of institutional power, they now have enough power to hate REAL White people, open their borders and genocide us LEEEGALLY with mass illegal immigration. These statues are humiliation rituals, im surprised a "Russian" doesn't already know this considering what they did to that country, that is if youre REALLY a Russian....🤔
The only answer is that Europeans and their descendants have lost all desire to live. We wage war on our own home and hearth. If we were Troy then no horse would be needed, no elaborate deceit, the invaders need simply say, 'We would like to come into your homes, defile your women, take your things, beat your children's heads into the pavement, and we expect your applause.' and while they wouldn't earn the renown of Odysseus they would/will destroy the city.
Other groups don't tolerate this. They behave like humans and defend their own. Perhaps we have already become transhumans and the leading edge of our evolution is this thanatophilia? Perhaps life in these United States is rightly seen as not worth living? Do we curse the day of our birth like Job and rush to the grave? All of the blessings of this land we have turned to curses. Is this how Western Civ ends?
This seems (is) the beginning of the end as prophesied by GOD ALMIGHTY!
It will certainly be our end if He doesn't intervene. Whether or not it is 'the end' remains to be seen.
GOD ALMIGHTY IS IN CONTROL and whoever is UNABLE to believe it has two options
1. To cry out to HIM to be SAVED.
2. Be consumed by THE HELL his disobedience helped to create it.
Doing nothing because your soul is covered after you die is the epitome of boomer religion.
"Screw you kids, I got mine!"
The epitome of PRIDE ... since THE GARDEN OF EDEN!
Europeans and their descendants will live...and they want to live. But we are changing, evolving in ways that make some folks in traditional politics very uncomfortable. The entire house of cards that is 'diversity' is entirely dependent on Whites not demanding that *their* diverse interests be serviced with equal intensity to those of non-Whites.
'Western civilization' is like the shell of hermit crab. The crab is the White race. Whites can shuck the shell and move on, creating something just as marvelous down the road.
There is nothing in 'western civilization' that Whites cannot create again.
It does Whites no real harm to burn it all down.
The desire to 'preserve western civ' is a nostalgia unworthy of a great race.
Aaaarrrggghhh! You think we can build Chartres again? Or paint the Sistine Chapel again? Sorry, not even our most talented people working day and night could come close. Western civ has a magnificent legacy that deserves reverence and protection. Too bad our people are enstupidated and browbeaten into preferring Kanye over Bach,.
It's not about 'I'. It's about 'us'. And we will build new things to respect.
There's no need for a Marxist "Year Zero". I think our task shall be to sift wheat from chaff, to preserve all those worthwhile things, while letting the ugly cancer burn or rot. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the best parts of its legacy were preserved and incorporated into the new institutions and ways of life of the Medieval world. Likewise, we must not abandon the past, but use it as our guide to building anew.
The trolls are out in force today. You know that you have said something worthwhile when they crap all over it.
Those following THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT FOREVER AND EVER will live ... exactly as prophesied by GOD ALMIGHTY ... it doesn't say anything about colours, as GOD ALMIGHTY/THE TRUTH/LIFE doesn't "care" about colours as long as it fulfills its function to LIFE.
Changing perspective oftentimes helps.
Pleeeease. The jews were commanded to kill all those in their way by their genocidal wilderness god. Much of the Old testament reads like a military blueprint to genocide all the non jews in the area and take their land and wealth. The same mandate they ruthlessly destroy the non jews all over the middle east with, and have Russia doing in their name to the Ukraine today. "Holy Spirit"? If God doesn't see race, why command "his chosen" to kill all non jews and steal their land and wealth without mercy? Just like they did in Russia, just as they attempted, and largely succeeded at in Germany, and over, and over again since time out of mind. The Bible is SPECIFICALLY a book of racial supremacy, but here you are saying God's word doesn't advocate racism? Coincidentally, the terms Equality, and Racism were terms and concepts invented by jews to destroy the hierarchical natural racial order of humanity, and its working well. Africans that never discovered the wheel, or had a written language on their continent are not equal to those that were building Cathedrals in Europe 1000 years ago. The penguin is not equal to the eagle, but they're both birds. The penguin has adaptations that make it thrive where cold, an eagle can't survive in 70 below zero weather, and a penguin can't fly and live in the high desert or swamp. We desire purebred dogs, horses, cats and birds, but trying to keep the human bloodline true to its own is wrong? Ridiculous drivel.
7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Jn 8, 7
1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
6Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Matt 7, 1-6
What good is it in GOD ALMIGHTY'S EYE to have a billion luke warm Judas Iscariots ... think about it it's about your soul first and foremost!
This is due to deliberate demoralization campaign. Uri Bezmenov predicted this.
Exactly. Make me feel powerless and angry. Sow division.
Key is to highlight the real perps.
How did he know - GOD ALMIGHTY knew since the beginning of time, as HE created it - and HE has chosen numerous of HIS messengers to reveal it to the world so NO-ONE would have an excuse of not knowing. THE SYNAGOGUE OF LIES has been advertising this since THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN!
Succinctly and elegantly stated. Truth is indeed the most beautiful of things.
The truth is a hideous troll with a broken tooth and a rusty straight-razor waved about with wild abandon.
The middle class in the world is overwhelmingly white. The ongoing movement of globalization will destroy it. Demonizing white people will make it easier to implement a possible solution (?) to the problem of the middle class.
Why do a sizeable number of white people go along with it is the real head-scratcher. The non-stop anti-white propaganda is very effective in making people hate themselves.
An aside: a decade ago in my sister's lilly-white upper middle class suburb, THE ultimate status symbol among the moms was to be able to obtain the services of a gay, black nanny. One of those descriptors should have precluded him from coming within 100 yards of a child.
My 3 siblings. All of them lost. Passionate supporters of everything that is destroying our civilization, supremely confident that they are correct. Unilkely they will recover at their ages. Completely unmoored from all of the values and traditions that shaped us, our parents' beliefs and their ancestors' culture. Why? First step was following the instructions of their always on TVs, but the deathblow was Facebook, which is where they and all of their peers and "friends" live and spread their ignorance like a digital Legionaire's disease.
Interesting. Sorry to hear that, Prodigal. No one is beyond God's reach, so hopefully they will find their way back on the right path.
One wonders if they will cling to it when younger people choose wholeness, success, religion, marriage, God, guns and money.
Ie they won't be winners by proxy for at least a few years.
But yes the Blue zones are schizo dens of angry, depressed people.
Exactly as prophesied!
Being glued to THE WORLD - TV its primary messenger - is everyone's undoing and only to be undone by THE HOLY SPIRIT ... if accepted by the mind as THE GUIDE and THE BIBLE as THE WORD OF LIFE!
Those craving for status in and of itself let alone by resorting to THE SYNAGOGUE OF LIES' most visible wicked symptom will have to have a lot to answer to GOD ALMIGHTY when the time comes.
what a lot of prejudiced rot. tho I shouldnt be surprised. indeed its what we all over on the left are fighting against.
"fighting" is for "the left" and all disciples of the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!
I think both of those descriptors should've precluded the candidate for nanny.
No one has yet to provide a list of tangible benefits “diversity” brings. What is the point of it exactly? Aside from making AWFLs and luxury liberals feel good about themselves and assuaging their “white guilt”?
who needs a list. I know it personally. diversity is so refreshing. to get away from the boredom I get at the sameness of conservatism. or even that of whichever the race or races you family around, and mostly only that. its so good to exist in a place where permission to exist and even to excel, is simply the case.
As a disabled, biracial female, I want only the best as my surgeon, my pilot, my architect, my engineer, my attorney, etc.
Your DEI propaganda says competency and merit aren’t as important as getting away from “the vicious sameness of conservatism.”
As skin color, gender or some other meaningless element apparently is your idea of being the deciding factor determining what’s best for us, the vast majority of all differing groups disagree. We don’t want a DEI hire over a person who has TALENT, especially when our lives are at stake.
Let your Neurosurgeon or Pilot be the DEI hire, Dusty, the rest of us prefer merit and competency. We don’t want to get less than the best to make you feel good about yourself and your pathetic White guilt.
its not over talent. its with talent. I do not feel guilty about supporting my neighbors and colleagues. In fact those who have gained the most from DEI are women. Diversity works for us all.
The culture you hate so much is the only one in world history that gives you the freedom to destroy it
freedom to destroy ? my cultures is not being destroyed. quite the contrary, its being allowed to pursue, to excel, to engage, to share. I love DEI. I do well there. Y'all cant handle change. conservatism never does that well. as if my being employed and having my own company too and speaking my mind, freely. and engaging across with all peoples that surround me, is somehow your destruction? rather than their acquaintance. Its not.
you can choose your own doctor and surgeon. I always have. thats up to you. do the research. I live and work in a DEI environment, it's supportive, talented and diverse. there is no destructiveness, indeed thats the point. its fair, comprehensive, and just.
Yes, only your personal experience matters. What a typical AWFL response. Feelings over all else.
You’re. And learn to capitalize.
garbage dei works. your just a crybaby. because others are allowed in. making every excuse for your racism.
Real diversity is different from a Benneton commercial of liberal corporate marketing directors.
Go talk to drivers, mechanics, doctors, restaurant owners from different places... That's a variety of perspectives, largely conservative.
Plus social and economic diversity.
When white liberals talk about diversity they mean cool restaurants that cater to them and "color" to makes themselves feel more traveled than they really are.
No one has provided an answer to a rather simple question, what are the tangible benefits of diversity? If the answer is “it makes me feel good” that’s a tangible benefit for you, good for you. But it is not an answer to the question at hand.
I understand your argument, people engage with “others” all the time, but voluntarily. Forcing companies or clubs or sports teams, etc. to be “diverse” is not the same. Being forced to hire a less qualified individual simply because they have some immutable characteristic the government finds important is ridiculous. This is how lowering of standards became a necessary practice. I’d like the most qualified engineer to design the bridge I’m going to drive on, thank you, whether they are gay or Latino/a or whatever, makes no difference to that preferred outcome.
The notion of diversity and inclusion sounds nice, but if it results in the tearing down and breaking down of others including their history (eg George Washington) this is what I call a bad idea and needs to be stopped:
A need to erase history is a mark of something else. Hardly tolerance and real diversity. Call it what it is, trash and bullying.
garbage, if you stopped feeling sorry for yourself, you could see how beautiful it actually is. just too busy justifying your fears. grow out of it.
Cultural suicide does NOT happen accidentally.
We're living in the culmination of a planned extermination of Normal American culture, which culture was the culmination of WASP civics/politics/economics/art/language.
Using the media, Hollywood, and education/academia, the destruction operation implanted messages of self-hatred: "America is a: racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, capitalist, imperialist hellhole. And it must be changed."
This payload implicitly demonized, and made it cool to hate: whites, males, straights, Americans, and business. And it implicitly made heroes of the opposites: blacks, females, queers, non-Americans, and socialism/communism.
The operation created organizations (NGOs, non-profits, etc) based on one or more of those demons or heroes--damning the demons and celebrating the heroes. Joining, or supporting, or repeating the messages of these organizations became the height of "cool."
It took longer for the seeds to grow and bear fruit than the operators originally planned. Instead of 2 or 3 years, the fruit only ripened in the 1990s. Now, after 105 years of constant repetition of the hatreds, we see the results everywhere.
While the original target was America in the 1920s, the results have spilled into other cultures that look like Normal America--thanks to the post-WW2 global spread of American culture (which is now dominated by these hatreds). So we see the UK, the Netherlands, etc, aping hatred of Normals, and worship of the opposites of Normals.
Thus, black woman good--build statues!
All your comment describes are THE SYMPTOMS/VISIBLE MANIFESTATIONS of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - THE CULT OF MATERIALISM - trying to play GOD ALMIGHTY and thereby in its blindness rather tearing down everything before its own eyes than admitting its error.
Like a MESSED UP three year old whom his favourite sweet is denied.
Never expect a caveman to play piano. And this is the result of millennia - not 105 - of SATAN'S WORK again and again temporarily papered over by technology advances and material affluence, accelerated by ANTIsocial media - the last nail in the coffin, so it seems.
oh its this prejudiced buffoon again calling the other satan, what a load of religious overdetermined garbage. man what a racist fuck you are.
Remember - ETERNITY is a LOOOONG time ... your current rage is only a precursor of what's to come!
eternity is now. we live in the eternal now. I dont cotton to religious overdeterminationisms...
Being "a prejudiced buffoon" before THE WORLD is the greatest honour and best assurance of carrying the cross A SERVANT of GOD ALMIGHTY can be blessed with.
Take the narrow path that leads to LIFE!
darling you really are a nutter. god is just existence, much of the rest I hear in you is just absurd excuses for hating the other... Jesus is about recognition that love is a universal concept --
😂🤣 Leftist lecture ‘I don’t read the Bible, I hate Christianity, now here let me tell you what Jesus was all about’
Exactly. Ask her about her love for preborn babies of every color, and about their civil rights. You know, the human right not to be tortured to death inside, partially inside and newly outside the womb if they survive their abortion attack.
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST doesn't oblige anyone, it's an OFFER anyone can take HIM up on or leave it ... in full knowledge of the outcome of either!
They’re idols in the old-fashioned sense: Cult totems.
They adopted their former masters deeds!
Beneath contempt. And imagine is even one of these hideous affronts to beauty were to be defaced?
Seen as tantamount to erasure of the entirety of black females, we'd have to find and kill the person, offering them up as a sacrifice to the gods of moral evolution.
It would look a lot like what happens when somebody Draws Mohammed.
Alas, probably true.
Then again, if enough of these atrocities were 'modified'.... No, an eye for an eye too soon becomes the land of the blind.
Hate crime!
This is Neo-Marxism at work. They want to destroy the culture. This was done in every color revolution all over the world. We have seen this before in other countries. It works because there are people who are asleep and just accept what is fed to them. We need to wake up. We need to think for ourselves. Do our own research and then begin to realize - that alarmingly - these communists were infiltrating our countries for decades, just waiting to pounce. And pounce they did. They would be happy if we just accept these lies or if there is a civil war - either way is fine since their goals are to leave the countries in ruin. So that they can rule over the ashes.
In Germany that gargantuan, neo-Hottentot waste of natural resources would be torn down! Why? Because the blue color of the dress and shoes stands for Nazism:
When all this fetishized nonsense comes to a well deserved end, lots of blacks will have hurt feelings. So be it. Many are tired of contorting themselves into pretzels to avoid easily observable facts.
Oh no, don't give any ideas to the MACAWOKE folk! (Make America Communist Altogether While Overlooking Known Evil)
The West lost the World Wars. "We fought the wrong S.O.B.s." ~ General George S. Patton
Always a good time, never a bad time, to consider the Camp of the Saints. Two recent reviews of Raspail's book are by Haywood at (his) Worthy House, and by Pinkoski at First Things.
There’s a real dual stupidity with “white” people feeling guilty of knowledge attained from the Greeks, the Romans and the Jews;
And at the same time feeling guilty of in turn passing that knowledge on to sub Saharan Africa.
A kind of virtue signaling self hatred that wallows in utter stupidity.
It is a sick fetish. real people are sick of the left...(it will be a bloodbath according to MSNBC)
I believe "bloodbath" has recently been redefined, by the media, to encompass ONLY the wanton slaughter of innocent true believers by those evil Christian white supremacists, (of all races).
True! Could well be.