Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

I've notice that the managerial class here and abroad, don't actually know how to do anything. They can't for example: plumb a toilet, run an electrical circuit, build a small shed or even landscape their own property. Fancy degrees but no practical knowledge. Inflated salaries with no substance. A reliance on the unwashed class who can do things for them... deep down they know this and resent it.

Then comes a haughtiness towards ordinary people. Contempt for those who can do things, virtue signaling and self proclamation of their fake expertise. If most of them were fired the world would go on, like Twitter when Musk took over.

I'll add that Trump, with all his faults, has a deep appreciation for those who can "do" things.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

Starmer's even worse than all that. He was a lawyer, a public prosecutor, a man whose job it was to put people like us in jail for the crime of disagreeing with him.

He was the man who bought the court case that forced the UK Government to give benefits to invaders. You can look at him becoming prime minister as his reward for that service to globohomo, since it massively accelerated the invasion of Britain.

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Are the British people morons or is it election fraud?

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Aug 10Liked by William M Briggs

The British people are like most people: they find it hard to believe such depths of betrayal and evil. But it eventually becomes undeniable so they're waking up.

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wow, I didn't know that!

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That’s an incredible and alarming point.

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Aug 13Liked by William M Briggs

Reminds me of how a (liberal arts) college professor in our very small town was bitten by a fox who had a den underneath the shed in his back yard -- a fox he never saw before, a den he never noticed, a shed he rarely went to, a tool he never used before ...

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

David, you are right on! Empty suits!

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Oh yes. I believe it was when Tony (war criminal WEF traitor) Blair was PM, so no doubt the courts were already inclined in that direction to a great degree. But Starmer was the guy who bought the case.

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'I'll add that Trump, with all his faults, has a deep appreciation for those who can "do" things.'

Yes, although reportedly he's reluctant to pay them for doing those things.

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If he "always" didn't pay people how could he have gotten people to work for him?

Shoddy workmanship was likely the reason.

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Which turns out to be no less false than any of the other endless lies about Trump.

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I did say "reportedly" ;)

I'm over my TDS but have yet to re-examine everything I was told during that period.

I should have added that our entire culture needs to renew its appreciation for people who can actually do stuff.

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Yes, bringing the managerial class to repentance would be a good start.

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Character assassination is so passé at this point, bankruptcy and jail too.

Their hired stooge missed, what's next?

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Likely a lot more stooges. How nervous would Brutus et al have been if Caesar had been knocked, and not gutted?

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Thomas Sowell calls knowing how to do things “consequential knowledge” - knowledge that has consequences. Elites do not have this knowledge.

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Yet they are consequential as heck, running the West into destruction.

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Some with very un-fancy degrees too - who slithered up the chain of sycophancy.

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if most of them were fired, the world would go on much better

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

Underlying this is a deep hatred for all of western civilization as it has developed for the last 2000 years. Coupled with a burning envy directed at those same western cultures and peoples. Once glorious Europe being the prime target.

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Yes, indeed. Our art, culture, heroes, and history are under assault. It's a deeply personal matter to our overlords.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

Right. The antidote is thus, obvious.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

"But the sure foundation of God standeth firm, having this seal: the Lord knoweth who are his; and let every one depart from iniquity who nameth the name of the Lord. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and earth: and some indeed unto honour, but some unto dishonour. If any man therefore shall cleanse himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and profitable to the Lord, prepared unto every good work."

— 2 Timothy 2: 19-21

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This is happening in all white countries. IMHO it is an on-going generational payback for Hitler and all the times the Jews have been kicked out of countries in the past. They hate homogeneous nations because homogeneous people have what Aristotle called "Philia" - a common interest, with a tendency to object to their nation being undermined by its "guests". The "holocaust" gave them free rein to go to town on us without objection. The destruction of white nations is the number 1 objective above all others, and nothing will ever be of a higher priority - and this is why it will never be stopped, no matter how vociferous the objections of the common folk. It is a demographic war being fought and until we start stringing up politicians and all those who promote, enable, and support mass immigration, our descendants will forever be denied the opportunity to grow up in safe, homogenous, high trust societies, as we did. Read "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald. And weep.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

You can say that but it’s been going on longer than WW2. Have a look at Oz Conservative. Many of the so-called intellectual elite saw ethnic consciousness as a problem even back into the 1800s. Mark over at that blog has documented how the precursor to the destruction of the White Australia Policy was the policy to import Mediterranean peoples — Italians, Greeks, etc. — to Australia in order to destroy Australia’s sense of Anglo identity. It was a deliberate and conscious policy. You can find similar sentiments expressed elsewhere going back to before the French Revolution.

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Indeed, wokepedia has it going back to 733BC ("Expulsions and exoduses of Jews"). The 'holocaust" merely gave them carte blanche as the ultimate victims, beyond criticism in the current era.

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The Holocaust™ exists for several reasons. One rarely mentioned is that it provides a ‘narrative’ that elides the fact that the jewish diaspora intentionally waged war on German jewry.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

The fear in our “leaders” (a term I have never accepted) is palpable. They know their days are numbered and they will go to any lengths, including touching off a world war, to cling to power. They are very dangerous.

Also, they benefit from increasing large-scale giveaways because they are financed by printing money, and those closest to the money printer benefit most from it (Cantillon effect). That’s one of the drivers behind the war machine — the vast cost of it makes them rich. Look at the defense stocks in the wake of yesterday’s market decline. They went up, because war — the war they so badly want — is imminent and vast sums of money will be printed to pay for it.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

concur 100%

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

Brilliant analysis. The ruling class is made up of castrating women and feminine men. These English brutes, the J 6 hordes, the truckers in Canada, the farmers in Netherlands, share one characteristic. They are largely strong men (and women who love them) that have man skills and man affect. Weave in whiteness, which is excellence, and we understand why they must be stopped. There is no room in the world for feminine men and castrating women if strong white men are allowed to flourish.

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Online exercise discussion a woman described, going into the men’s area and making fun of them because she could lift more than some of them.

All the women were congratulating her

I said yes congratulations and then you wonder why generation z men are useless.

It’s female harpies that are making it so.

I can’t even begin to describe my hatred and disgust of them. They took everything away from us.

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As Janice Fiamengo argues persuasively, the most dominant feature of 'feminism' is denying men any empathy or understanding.

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“Our rulers have to go.”

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The PMC should not have a moment of respite from this.

You want to go to the pub? Where do you stand on remigration?

You want your electrical done? Where do you stand on remigration?

You want your car fixed? Where do you stand on remigration?

You want to go to the shops? Where do you stand on remigration?

You want to go to the football? Where do you stand on remigration?

They have to be shown exactly how weak they are and exactly how little "power" they really have. Don't like it? Go ask your diverse brethren for help, I'm sure they're willing to oblige.

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A thousand times this

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It's going to have to be like this. The PMC are willing to let the whole thing die just to feel morally superior. They can't be allowed to. If they're going to "submit" then they will have to submit to the real English.

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Well yes, and today PM 🇬🇧 Keir Starmer got thrown out of a pub.

“That man can’t come in my pub.”

Pub owner in UK tosses PM Keir Starmer out- and he walks away !


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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

I believe the economic rationale of immigration is not so much about «cheap labor» (which affects mostly junk food delivery anyway), but about keeping the real estate bubble inflated and rents high. All those people need to live somewhere, and the people looking to escape from them also need to live somewhere, and so somehow the aggregate demand is maintained.

It's also worth noting the bubble and the mass «buy-to-let» mania was built on more than a decade of zero interest rate policy; the people in there are highly leveraged, which means even a small change in rent means considerable change to their incomes. That's why they're so emotional.

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Don’t overlook Clients for Patronage. Also voting fraud- in USA greater numbers generate greater ballots which are then filled out by election workers .

Election 🇺🇸Fraud isn’t the migrants vote, the election workers do-

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I suspect that this reason, banal and boring as it might be, is unfortunately the main driver of the Great Replacement. I say unfortunately precisely because it is so boring and banal. The destruction of our civilization should have been caused by something worthy, like a meteor or war or alien invasion. Instead it's because gay weirdos want the numbers to go up on the graph.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

@Christopher Cook wrote about this same topic yesterday in his article, “Stop making excuses, some people hate you”. Definately recommend it as a read: https://christophercook.substack.com/p/stop-making-excuses-evil-some-people-hate-you

When we realize that evil is a thing and evil people do exist, it’s a lot easier to accept: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack#details

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

History did not begin on Oct 7 23 in Gaza, or Feb 22 in Ukraine.

The whole migration nonsense began nearly 100 years ago, try and find a non-google version of the Kalergi plan, amongst other things "We intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes [through massed migration] ... the Eurasian-Negroid race of the future .. will replace the diversity of peoples " It goes on "Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its' own will shall be ruled by them...".

Coudenhove-Kalergi Praktischer Idealismus 1925 pp22, 23, 50.

He created the concept of a Pan-European Project which became the EU.

" .. Through their puppet politicians sitting furtively in National Parliaments, The Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and the plethora of other `front` organisations, their European `Project` appears close to becoming a reality, a first step along the road to the New World Order.

At the fourth annual conference of the Institute for the Scientific Study of International Relations at Copenhagen in June 1931 which was published in the magazine of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in December of that year, the following Statement was read out

"We are at present working discreetly but with all our might, to

wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches

of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are

denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands, because

to impugn the sovereignty of the local national states of the world

is still a heresy for which a statesman or a publicist can be,

perhaps not quite burnt at the stake, but certainly ostracised and


What amazes is that there are still those `amateur` researchers, who although far more informed than the average State/Media programmed `resource` still cannot understand that these are not chaotic times. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The `project` is completely `on track` and nearing it's conclusion. So arrogant are the `Lord and Masters` now, that even a minor detail such as the Irish Referendum `NO` vote does not deter their ambitions. So how were a relatively small cadre of conspirators able to achieve this astonishing level of supremacy over a population of almost 500 million people?

The world is 'owned' by the creditors. The source of all great power in the 21st century and the 20th before it is money. And the root and base of this power is Usury, that is the issue of money as interest bearing debt. (And this is what the war on Islam is about, Islam prohibits Usury and therefore destroys the whole basis of the control system.)

It is not a coincidence that three of the five lowest national debt per capita is China, Russia and South Africa.

George Orwell was an 'insider' to the plans and thus wrote Animal Farm and 1984 to warn the people of what was to come. Of course they did not listen.

The world does not work on 'quarterly earnings' the real world has 200 year and longer plans.

The idea of ​​race unifies people spiritually and supreme values ​​such as heroism and honour can be achieved. Through the instrument of Marxism, 'Elite' wants to destroy EVERYTHING; race, nation, religion, property, family, culture, art… you name it. It is clear that they hope to achieve an internal collapse in Western society, giving the "chosen people" universal triumph.

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes."

Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965), US Supreme Court Justice, (1939)

“So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. “

– Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister


"There is something behind the Throne greater than the King himself."

Sir William Pitt (1708-78),

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

excellent comment

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Aug 9Liked by William M Briggs

Agree. This is chaos as any controlled demolition would be chaos to those unaware that it is demolition.

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What's the old Catholic adage, Briggs?

"Sin makes you stupid."

Interesting how much they hate us, hate Christ, and yet just love pedophiles and sex traffickers.

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Latin fed posting here, but it is worth bringing back:

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

- Arnaud Amalric, Cistercian abbot

Maybe ask Tree of Woe to rewrite in Auran.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

"Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own"

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

The primary reason mass migration is so heavily promoted is very simple, and has been clearly spelled out by John Michael Greer: https://www.ecosophia.net/an-unfamiliar-world/

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I only skim read it but (unless I missed it) I see no mention of the fact that every single policy is aimed at reducing the indigenous population. All propaganda and social engineering is also aligned with that aim.

If you saw a policy, Hollywood movie or BBC current affairs feature which promoted pair bonding, marriage and having lots of kids you'd wonder if it was a dream.

People coming into western countries from developing or war torn nations have much lower expectations when it comes to standard of living, freedom, self expression and human rights. That fact alone explains why the political / corporate class prefer them.

Studies show that immigrants from high birth rate countries who enter low birth rate countries also align with the low birth rates after a generation. So it does nothing to solve the problem, which is why I don't think it's the reason (although it is a good cover story for the real reason).

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I read it fairly quickly, then saved it. ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to an understanding of the great migration of which we so bitterly complain. READ IT!

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Thanks for the link.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

The nation’s highly educated elites have held the common men and women in contempt for generations because they hold common sense in contempt (because they are intellectuals who think they rise above common sense), and because the common people stand between the intellectuals and the realization of their dreams of rule by philosopher kings.

They hate the common people as the common people hate traitors. They invert their own treason and impute it to all the ordinary citizens they loathe. Hence they treat us as traitors beneath contempt.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

There is a much more simple and comprehensive explanation. It is war. The why might be why (some) of them signed up for the war, and why (some) of them keep fighting. Others in the ranks will have other reasons. A lot of our rulers, in the West, are foreigners who are, as foreigners always are, happy to see ethnic rivals destroyed. Their behavior is the least surprising to anyone with a grasp of human nature and history.

It is a war on goodness, beauty, and truth. Fundamentally it is a war against humanity. The most capable peoples are targeted for immediate destruction, while less capable peoples will be destroyed later. Both for the practical reason that more capable peoples are more dangerous potential enemies of this Orcish pursuit and for the ideological reason that capability is something to be despised and destroyed in itself, as part of their war. People unite around ethnic lines, and never across them, and people need to be united to oppose the enemy. That’s why Amazon, for example, uses multiracialism to ensure its stores and workers don’t unionize.

Unchosen attributes like which group you belong to are anathema to liberalism. We must be liberated from them, only allowed to choose who we want to associate with when any taint of unchosen instinct for birds of our same feathers is gone. Of course this means they must be destroyed. Educating away human nature is not enough. The groups physically must be destroyed, the most capable first. This is more obvious now that Asia and the Middle East to an extent are now being targeted like we in the West were. As I’ve said to foreign friends for years now: don’t laugh, they’ll come for you next.

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They first appeared as if they were devoted to the common good, then they instituted an educational system that robbed people of their agency.

So now people do vote for these awful leaders who hate them.

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Aug 6Liked by William M Briggs

All politics is psychological; i.e. all political action stems from the individual's psychological needs.

The liberal society, with its insistence that all positions be open to men (and later women) of whatever social status, left the European (White) ruling classes with a dilemma: how do they and their offspring maintain power and social status in a liberal world?

Many of the offspring of any ruling class will have regressed to the mean - dull of intellect and with commensurate lack of principle/honour. In other words, not elite.

For those midwits who are not born to the oligarch class, the pathway to power, wealth and influence is credentialism, cronyism, and nepotism, but in order for the latter to be in play, they must first buy the credential.

Academic sociologists have written books on the subject and the ruling class's use of credentialism to mask their offspring's marginal skills and gain them access to power - what, after all, is the point of 'legacy' admissions to the Ivy League?

Now, in the 20th century, the technocratic ideal gave rise to the leviathan administrative state - that state is staffed, top to bottom, with the credentialed midwit offspring of the well-connected.

[N.B. As you may or may not be aware, there are no entrance exams barring entrance to the higher places of the bureaucracy in Canada or the US to midwits, and I'm betting they've disappeared in the UK to a large extent as well.]

This 'ruling class' is not the best and the brightest; what's more, they know it.

It is entitlement, narcissism, and insecurity that breeds their contempt for the masses, and they live in fear of having to earn a living outside of the bureaucracy using their limited skills.

It is these structural circumstances which makes our countries playthings for the super-wealthy. In order for the midwits to keep their status, or to attain higher status, they must master the art of boot-licking the more powerful. Doing that means selling out one's nation to that oligarchic class.

Very few, if any, of the midwit men in the upper bureaucracy believe in liberal egalitarianism, although many of the women might.

The mass immigration from the 3rd world stems from Jewish beliefs/triumphalism, and gentile venality - the Jewish leadership hate and wish to dominate humanity, and our nations are run by a class of people who have no morality other than a rationalization of ravening self-interest.

They may parrot liberal egalitarian talking points for public consumption because they must.

Keir Starmer, Justin Trudeau, Tony Blair, Adhern, Macron, Morrison, Albanese, Andrews, Sturgeon, Merkel, and on and on, are cookie-cutter sociopaths who have risen to destroy due to the rise of the administrative leviathan (in which all political parties are interchangeable) and the collapse of public morality.

I hold degrees from two of Canada's most prestigious universities and, while there, I met countless entitled idiots who were the sons and daughters of money.

Anyone intelligent attending or teaching at a university in the AngloWest would have had occasion to observe that much of the raw material in front of them partying their way to the purchase of a four-year credential were hardly 'elite' material (of course, intelligent able White men have been barred from tenure-track appointments since at least the early 90s).

Our ruling class aren't 'elite'.

Take a look at that 'man' in the photo - he's a dullard and a flaming queer married to a Jewess handler, and he rose to be head of the Crown Prosecution Service.

Of course he wants to destroy because he can't compete, he can't contribute, and his soul is burning with hatred of the competent.

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“the leviathan administrative state - that state is staffed, top to bottom, with the credentialed midwit offspring of the well-connected” DEI is also a jobs program for well connected midwits and nepo babies, as is the censorship complex and the NGO do-gooder industry. Economic hard times will flush a lot of these people out

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