When I read accounts like this I realize I am becoming something of an accelerationist. It cannot be fixed.

The psychology behind it is fear, as evidenced by Rooksby's rhetorical gymnastics. I know it's all bullshit, but I am playing along so I don't get cancelled. Understandable, but Rooksby is closer to the problem than us and presumably thinks the game is lost.

So I want it all to burn. I want every high court judge to be black and female. I want them to push it as hard as possible, even to South Africa levels where they openly state white people cannot apply.

Perhaps then the majority will understand what they face and how much aggression they will need to bring to the table to wrestle even a modicum of decency from the "marginalized" we have worked so hard to assist.

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I admire you greatly for being so honest to say "It cannot be fixed". Later today I will begin writing my first actual long-form article for Substack, and it will address exactly that hard reality. My feeling is the great majority, including those who more or less see the world as readers of this publication do, readers of Eugyppius, and so many similar accounts -- they mostly seem to be hovering at the point "Man, it's getting really bad ... if this keeps up ...". And that is understandable, not judging those who cannot face it. Above all because many are parents, not like me. I'm alone and without dependents, so it's much easier for me, though still very daunting. We are not getting close to the point where nothing works anymore -- we are there NOW.

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I'd prefer to get the collapse over before I'm to old to survive it.

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I think we all do. But part of the survival should be to create communities to help us survive.

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Mar 22
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Remember, these events help us. The goal is for normals to understand consequences.

People opposed mass immigration because it will destroy the nation not because they hate brown people. Brown citizens will be hurt too after all.

So the loss of property in your example is just one more example for the hard of thinking.

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Yes. The white Americans collectively accused of white supremacy because their opinions are unfashionable, they are only one example. As you say, anyone with any idea of what's really happening can see that everyone is being hurt by this. But I like "hard of thinking" 🤣 Hearing that for the first time.

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When Amy Wax mentioned that during her long years at U Penn law school she could not remember a single black student who graduated in the top half (!) of the class, her fellow professors rushed to the microphones to loudly condemn her. What they didn't do was provide the name of a single student who graduated in the top half of the class...

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Feelings versus facts. Fantasy versus reality.

The fantasy is their precious tabula rasa, the absolute cornerstone of modern academia, particularly the social sciences.

The reality is Wax's observations, the unimpeachable IQ data from the US, the equally impressive data from the UK (no slavery, no Jim Crow, same dysfunction), local news, the government's own crime stats, and increasingly memes that write themselves.

Although they did build the pyramids and Stonehenge, so we should cut them some slack.

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All of the institutions that form the bedrock of our civilization are crumbling -- fast. I am a big believer in the power of humor, of being able to laugh at life's absurdities. It has long been my go-to medicine. But I'm running out of that medicine. The ultimate medicine is of course faith in God. And they cannot take that from us, not with laws, poverty nor punishment in any form. I remember!

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Amazing. The legal profession does need to die. Or DIE. I passed the bar. It’s not difficult . . . if you study a lot beforehand. The bar prep courses overprepare you. It’s basically a test of: have you been going to class the last three years? Have you actually engaged with the material? If so, it’s not so bad, just long.

I work with a lot of black lawyers who obviously passed the bar. I also took the bar with a lot of black people who I know for a fact passed first try. So I’m not buying the “it’s too hard for blacks” line, which is kind of, you know, racist. Maybe there aren’t enough (whatever that means) blacks writing boilerplate as you say because the US is about 13 percent black, and Washington itself is only 3.8 percent black? But what do I know?

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It's not hard *if you're of at least slightly above average IQ*. But since the black average IQ in the US is 85 (probably lower now due to recent immigration), it is very difficult for most of them.

But I suspect you will call this assessment "racist."

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"But what do I know?"

That's a great question, that you may want to ponder on....

While you're pondering on that, you might also want to consider that the singular of "data" is not "anecdote."

The data you're guessing about, based on your anecdotal "working with a lot of black lawyers," is quite easy to find. And it is quite damning of your black colleagues' abilities, and for DIE.

Blacks have the LOWEST bar exam pass rate of all ethnic/racial groups at 57%. Whites have the highest pass rate at 83%.

"According to information released Tuesday by the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, Black candidates continue to have the lowest first-time test-taker pass rate, which was 57% in 2022, compared with 61% in 2021.

Out of 33,721 first-time bar examinees in 2022, 2,510 candidates were Black, according to ABA data, which parses out pass rates by race, ethnicity and gender.

Among other first-time test-takers:

• The pass rate for Native Americans was 60% out of 183 candidates.

• The pass rate for Hawaiians was 69% out of 45 candidates.

• The pass rate for Hispanics was 69% out of 4,201 candidates.

• The pass rate for people who were two or more races was 74% out of 1,186 candidates.

• The pass rate for Asians was 75% out of 2,199 candidates.

• The pass rate for whites was 83% out of 21,553 candidates."


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Why stop there?

Why not simply declare that 'all are lawyers'?

Every other profession as well.

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In the name of advancing DIE, I expect they will soon no longer require medical board certification to practice medicine nor FAA accreditation to fly commercial airliners. The world will then be a more just and equitable place.

Actually, given the last few years, I have myself, on occasion, wondered about the value of medical boards. But not FAA accreditation, at least as it was say 10 years ago. I’m not sure about now.

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Accreditation in most areas is just a barrier to entry set up by the guilds to protect their interests. Which is why PTs now need a Ph.D. to practice. Honestly, how fine grained will these doctoral dissertations get?! There are only so many ways to manipulate a joint to promote healing. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Obviously, certification of pilots and doctors, et al. should continue without lowering standards, but we know that’s not going to happen.

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Look up the history of "Killer King" hospital. I think Hanania did a story about that a while back.

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LAW needs to DIE. Laws must Die so we live. The Rule of Law is the Rule of Men.

This Cult along with it's mosques and madrassas of schools are the twin pillars of our insane and evil tyranny - let them self destruct, simply continue to bang the drum of warning to stay away.

All of this is Jonestown, Jim Jones is the Founding Father of "Our Democracy" - all of this was pioneered by him including the sexual degradation of the cult members especially Men and Fathers.

That it's usually done by talking, persuasion instead of the Prison Style Jim Jones practiced is simply the Hard Tyranny morphing into the soft Karen one..

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FYI, in OH, which is what I was familiar with in the 90s, passing rate was one in three. In spite of that, when I needed a lawyer, I was better off with a paralegal and hire the cheapest lawyer (representing oneself only angers judges, which can determine the outcome of a court case) only to tell them what to do in court. Shakespeare already projected: "Let's kill the lawyers first!" I guess, it's never too late.

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Well…since only 50% of trials are won by one side, it follows that 50% are lost. If you lower the bar [pun intended] to practice law, you’ll still get the same 50/50 split. Measured by wins and losses in trial, the quality of practitioners won’t change.

(Unless, of course, you do the anti-woke, racist measure of keeping tabs on ~who~ wins and who loses. But, of course, we wouldn’t do anything heinous like that.)

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Math is raaaacist!

As is any form of non-sports related measure of performance.

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Would you entertain a suggested correction? You say "They are still frightened of breathing other people’s air." Perhaps this: "They are misinformed about the efficacy of a cloth mask in avoiding germs but, hey!, they're the smartest people in the state."

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You are approaching this issue from the wrong perspective. I have been a lawyer for close to a half a century. I have from time to time hired and fired a large number of lawyers.

I am here to tell you that academic credential and exam scores are pretty meaningless. The two best lawyers I ever hired were from a third tier law school. The worst were from top rank law schools.

Law as a subject should be taught in community college like useful trades such as plumbing and HVAC.

Like the so called education requirements, the bar exam is only there to limit the competition from new lawyers.

In its original constitution the state of Indiana said that any honest citizen could enroll as a lawyer. I am all in favor of bringing that rule back.

There are trades for which educational requirements and licensing tests should be retained. Law is not one of them.

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There are cases of professionals who are well qualified for their profession, who latter lose their privileges because they refuse to sell out. People who take their own moral integrity seriously are chewed up by the system.

DIE means that the institutions of The Party want people who are easy to manipulate. We can't talk about that. We have to focus on their low intellectual quality, as if the lowering of standards was only about that.

In my opinion it's mainly about selecting for moral weakness, and the idiocy is just the icing on the cake, because in the future those idiots will be much easier to replace with computers. People will scream to get an AI attorney or an AI judge instead of a retarded and amoral DIE lawyer.

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Is that a recent picture of the Superior Court of Washington? Because it would explain a lot of the retardation of this decision.

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My understanding is that while the bar exam is not required, it has not been eliminated. This means the market will have bar-certified lawyers and others. I imagine those that are bar-certified might become in higher demand. Of course the comedy will be when such lawyers go up against the DIE judges and while beating them in argument and knowledge, will lose their cases.

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I have noticed that many recent court cases, (even the ones that are not against Trump), tend to be settled on a basis of DIE rather than the merits of the case.

Woke judges seem to render verdicts based not in the context of the applicable law, but on their interpretation of the plaintiff's DIE credentials.

So, while bar-certified lawyers continue to prepare their cases according to rules of evidence and the law, non-bar certified lawyers will prepare their cases based on DIE criteria.

So in the law, as in so many other fields, we have allowed the totalitarians to re-write the rule book, and agreed to play by their rules. This does not end well.

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1. The IQ gap between whites & blacks is “the most documented finding in the history of the social science.” - Steve Sailor

2. Like gravity, it matters not in the least if you don’t like / accept that.

3. For a preview of DIE-America, see S Africa where the water no longer is delivered, nor the electricity, nor the food.

4. For a closer look, check out Haiti

5. No reason exists for the adults to keep living with these proglodytes. Secede. Now.

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If I spend the night at the Holiday Inn, can I be a lawyer in WA?

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Apparently - if the Holiday Inn is in WA.

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