Though I dislike doing a topic more than once during a week, it’s been a while since we last reviewed our woke DIE litany. But the State of Washington forced it upon us. So here it is again:
Woke officials demand to DIE.
They promise standards will not be lowered.
Standards are lowered.
It is announced the standards were never really necessary.
It is discovered the utopia of DIE has not yet been achieved.
This cycle repeats until DIE results in the death of the organism. Which you might not see as a good thing. But it is, for in that death, complete Equality has been reached. This is Victory. See, for example, any major (and most minor) institution in woke countries.
Washington State announced they want the legal profession to DIE. Top lawyers in the Washington bar looked about and discovered, lo, there were not enough blacks writing boilerplate. They wanted more blacks writing boilerplate. Because what could be better than having black bodies take pen in hand to write boilerplate. “Black bodies” is a woke phrase, not mind. Yet tow to achieve this glorious state of more black bodies writing boilerplate?
By lowering the standards of becoming a lawyer while—and here is their real innovation—announcing standards are not being lowered. They thus combine Steps Two and Three, a brilliant move, making the journey to total DIE that much faster. But better is to come, as we’ll see.
Here is the story, according to one paper:
The bar exam will no longer be required to become a lawyer in Washington, the state Supreme Court ruled in a pair of orders Friday…
The Bar Licensure Task Force found that the traditional exam “disproportionally and unnecessarily blocks” marginalized groups from becoming practicing attorneys and is “at best minimally effective” for ensuring competency, according to a news release from the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts.
Sharp readers will have noticed that not only have the woke Washington lawyers combined the first three Steps into one, they put Step Four in at the same time!
They DIEd, promised eternal standards, instantly lowered them, and announced the standards were useless all in the same move. This is like scoring a touchdown and getting the two-point conversion in the same play.
DIE scholars will be studying this maneuver for use in their own organizations. What used to take months, even years, has been accomplished in one day. Total DIE in one sudden move cannot be far behind.
It still awaits. As smooth as this DIE innovation was, it could not complete the cycle and incorporate Step Five.
That will come when the woke look about and see that they have enough blacks in the profession, but not yet enough in what are considered to be the higher ranks of the profession.
Which is how Ketanji Brown Jackson got her job on the Supreme Court. And before you object, remember it was announced by the people making her appointment that she was getting her job because she was black. How well she has been acquitting herself you can judge for yourself.
How soon until being black is sufficient qualification for any profession?
Incidentally, the picture of the board of woke e Washington State Supreme Court justices is perfect. They are still frightened of breathing other people’s air.
They, perhaps, are not the only ones frightened, as this quote suggests:
Gonzaga School of Law Dean Jacob Rooksby said he is supportive of alternative pathways but hopes they will be implemented at a smaller scale first.
“I’m on board with it in concept,” Rooksby said. “The devil is in the details.”
This is a most careful answer. It sounds like a clever, but cowardly, way of saying “Please don’t call me a racist, but I don’t want bad lawyers.” This has some chance of being a good interpretation, given how the article continues:
[Rooksby] hopes for “guardrails” so that the goal of increasing diversity and meeting legal needs in marginalized communities is met.
Rooksby expects the earliest an alternative pathway process could be implemented at Gonzaga would be in 2025.
There is no good reason in the world to “increase diversity” for the sake of increased “diversity”. Because, of course, because of our DIE litany.
Rooksby wants a cap of 5% on the “experiential pathway”, maybe in the hopes it will limit damages. It won’t. Because once you let the woke monster in, it consumes and destroys all in its path.
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When I read accounts like this I realize I am becoming something of an accelerationist. It cannot be fixed.
The psychology behind it is fear, as evidenced by Rooksby's rhetorical gymnastics. I know it's all bullshit, but I am playing along so I don't get cancelled. Understandable, but Rooksby is closer to the problem than us and presumably thinks the game is lost.
So I want it all to burn. I want every high court judge to be black and female. I want them to push it as hard as possible, even to South Africa levels where they openly state white people cannot apply.
Perhaps then the majority will understand what they face and how much aggression they will need to bring to the table to wrestle even a modicum of decency from the "marginalized" we have worked so hard to assist.
When Amy Wax mentioned that during her long years at U Penn law school she could not remember a single black student who graduated in the top half (!) of the class, her fellow professors rushed to the microphones to loudly condemn her. What they didn't do was provide the name of a single student who graduated in the top half of the class...