"We are in a post-Christian, post-rational society that can’t answer the simplest questions (like, ‘what is a woman’?)." Ianto is right -- this alone is more than enough to bring an end to the Empire. Obviously. The popcorn's been eaten, the credits are still rolling on the cinema screen, and the audience is just waiting to see the words "The End". The financial, military, industrial, and political malignancies can not be cured by a hypnotized people living in a world of omnipresent digital deception, boundless greed, and worship at the high altar of sensual "pleasure". There is now only one possible remedy remaining, and that is staggering hardship. Those who survive that are going to have their work cut out for them.

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Buy a wheelbarrow. You’ll need it to load up your worthless $$$ to get yourself a loaf of bread.

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That rings a bell ... hasn't that happened somewhere, sometime in the past? :) I do recall it led to quite the turmoil. :)

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Darn. I was hoping we’d be the first. Someone said something like history doesn’t repeat itself…………..but it rhymes. :)

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The basic premise (that at least some of them are actively considering letting Trump «win» and take the blame for all the crap that's going to happen) is sound. Not so sure about the elaboration; there are lots of things that can change until November.

As for the Rest of The World: some countries are doing the exact opposite – becoming functional colonies of the U.S.. That might be stupid at this point but it works for the «elites», and no one cares about the proles anymore.

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The Empire isn’t American’s friend Rat.

It’s a ruinous burden.

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Countries like Argentina and the Philippines are very much exceptions to an overall trend.

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Not so sure about Argentina...

Argentina takes first step toward NATO partnership


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I say, go outside and mow the lawn or something.

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The answer to the emergence of the Antifa cucks will be an awakening of the slumbering giant that is the white working class man. The elites were terrified of an unarmed "mob" that milled through the capitol building for a couple of hours and left peacefully. Imagine what they will do if the slumbering giant actually wakes up and shows up to answer Antifa in the streets. Kyle Rittenhouse showed us that most of them are degenerate gay pedophile cowards who can be stopped.

Our mistake after Trump won in 2016 was going back to sleep thinking everything would be okay. It wasn't and it won't be if Trump wins again. Wake up, get off your ass, stop watching football (or whatever mind opiate you consume through a screen) and start doing something. Start by going to church this Sunday. The West was built by Christians. It is no coincidence that our decline has followed the abandonment of Christian principles.

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Yes, they will pin the blame on The Donald, just as we pin all the blame on Joe for the inflation. (Joe has made it worse, but there was going to be inflation regardless. Lockdowns and multi trillion dollar deficits have delayed consequences.)

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I don't think it particularly matters any more. A Trump victory is psychological but it'll not have the same effect it did in 2016. That truly broke some people and it permanently damaged our Western style of politics.

In Britain the Labour party are almost guaranteed to win and will inherit the inevitable mess. A similar situation as to America but instead of a Left-to-Right handover of power it's the other way. That said, the Conservatives and Labour as so close in politics the former have started defecting to the latter.

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I formulated a similar hypothesis independently, although in my version it's a subconscious desire on the part of the elites for Trump to win.

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That was another option that seldom crossed my mind! Needless to say it is obvious that our government has gone Rouge and does not have our best interest!

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I predicted in the Spring of 2018 that Donald Trump would lose the 2020 election through cheating; my prediction for 2024 is that the DemonRats will look to replace and install the Pedo in Chief aka Captain Poopy Pants at the DNC with Gavin Newsom for POTUS and "Big Mike" Obama for VP!

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Easy enough to find out. Whether they switch out Biden before the election, or not.

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I truly believed Biden would die off and the Democrats would triumphantly have a brown woman as President of the US by default, as a potential POTUS she would've been too unpopular at the election to install her in that manner. I'm still a a little surprised it hasn't happened given Biden's obvious infirmity.

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The best thing an ordinary person can do is strive to be a saint.

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If anyone says Donald Trump is going to right the ship of the west we'll.... why did he let the lockdowns and vaxx happen. I have no trust for Donald Trump. Saying he's better then Biden is like saying getting 3 fingers cut off is better than a whole hand.

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Trump is a wrecking ball for DC.

That’s it.

We then, freed … settle affairs more sanely,

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Operation warpspeed trump can not be trusted. It's a joke that people still belive him. After the scamdemic it is clear our 'betters' can not be trusted anymore.

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I agree he was terrible during the pandemic. The main victory is symbolic and psychological but it will be nowhere near as powerful as 2016 - it was the surprise of his victory that was damaging. I wonder if the collapse of immigration restriction is a way to compensate for the inevitable drop that will come under Trump, in advance.

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Enjoyed the "politics for dummies" explanations and the warnings. Thank you, looking forward to future ones😉

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20 years ago the convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff explained that he could corrupt anyone in Washington at the blink of an eye. All it takes is offering them a job. I have always thought that this was the root of the anti-Trump animosity. They are terrified of the guy who famously said: "You're fired!". I will be astonished if, between now & November, they don't manage to throw Trump in jail for some reason, & then Epstein him. They are that determined to keep the party going.

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Yup, this is what I have been saying too. It's a trap. The best move Trump has is to be brutally honest about it, but honesty about bad news is not his strong suit. And he'd have to do practically everything the left accused him of wanting to do - gutting the federal government, slashing entitlement programs, hard authoritarian policies, to have even a chance of getting us through the worst of it before his time is up.

Which if it worked would prove their point in the minds of most people who don't understand what's happening. And which anyway I don't think he has the balls to do, nor support from the legislature. He's being set up as a patsy, along with his supporters.

If I had to guess, the next guy will be offering a new New Deal, but I don't think that's going to work out the way they hope.

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The AngloSphere Empire is over, for private money is no longer safe here… True.

The money and dollar as poison.

You’re correct. The reason the world speaks English is private property was sacred from the Angles, Jutes and Saxons forward. That’s why England had such wonderful tax systems (still does) making it most attractive to William the conqueror, who PAID all his loans back. The English and the Americans paid their debts, they kept private property sacred (including excommunication in Magna Carta, BTW). The East India company… paid in full always the… Indian Bankers such as the Jagat Seth clan who’s idea of using this spice company’s Sepoys to get their money back from Bengal was the inception of… the British Empire. Indian bankers also paid for the next 50 years of conquest. The British and Sepoy Troops always had food, supplies, ready money and THEY PAID THEIR TROOPS.

…the others didn’t…

The same story right through the 20th century. We just outspent them, and we always had more, because your money was safe with us.

Not anymore.

It’s over.

But nuclear weapons allow any nuclear power sovereignty.

So all is well.

Or at least it’s over.



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Best-case scenario is that Trump (somehow, God help him) actually pushes Schedule F through and finally downsizes the bloated civil service as should’ve been done decades earlier.

Not a complete solution, but it’ll put the Executive Branch back in the hands of its highest guy, which will open the door for a PARTIAL recovery of our global image.

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By the way I agree with you. I'm just not sure how they are going to make this Trump's doing.

However, I think that they are going to admit that the vaccines were a flop, and blame that on Trump after he's in office.


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Ianto agrees with Warroom. The financial part is crucial. Our leaders are a heady mix of evil and stupid.


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