Briggs note: Consider two old men, both in the habit of painting their faces so that they appear not too near death, are running for the ceremonial role of President. Yesterday rulers released a heavily edited cut of Biden challenging Trump to a debate. The paint on Biden’s face was not enough to make him appear lifelike. The entire thing is farce.
Watt’s point about the incompetence of our rulers and their hatred of Russia provoking a war on the dollar is correct. Our rulers also cannot stop spending. This means bad times are coming. This is the main takeaway from this post.
But does it mean they’ll work behind the scenes to quash Biden and let Trump win? Watt thinks so. I doubt this. But consider. If they fortify the election in favor of Biden, they have no excuse for violence. Or maybe they are hoping for it before the election.
If you think you know what will happen, by all means let us know. Part II of Watt’s piece runs next week.
The fix is in. How do I know? Simple. Bill Barr said he was going to vote for Trump in 2024. This, from one of the greatest political stoats of all time. This confirms my fear in the most blatant of ways.
I’m getting that hair-on-the-neck feeling again. About Donald, again. And about how he’s going to win, again. Just in time to be blamed, again, (along with all Heartlanders) for the coming economic/military collapse.
I first posted here in July of 2016 and said Donald would win in November. And then deliver the Empire to Vlad. Which he did, in the weirdest possible way. A way none of us could have predicted. Except Hilary and Joe, who were the actual colluders. And who have effectively amputated the Western leg of the Roman Empire, both militarily and economically. And now, against their colluding will, the East will rise again.
But this time, the shoes are on opposite feet. This time Donald thinks he can win (whereas he was actually surprised in 2016). And the Hilary/Biden cabal think they can’t possibly win (again, the opposite of 2016). At least, they can’t win in a fair fight. Now here’s the weird part. Joe is good with this!
Yes, that’s what I said. Joe doesn’t want to win. Because he knows the Western empire is about to visibly collapse. And he needs someone else to take the fall for that. That would be Donald. And all who vote for him. All Joe has to do is keep up the facade till Inauguration day. He may even withdraw before the convention. Leaving the Dem’s without a credible replacement.
The MSM is already primed for this. They have reversed the multi-year ‘Ukraine-is-winning!’ narrative. They are rolling out the new narrative. The story line goes like this; ‘Trump and his MAGA Gang have destroyed America – everything was fine till he returned to office’.
Then they will use this buckling of the economy and military to justify their rollout of DeepState 2. Where ‘patriotic’ bureaucrats oppose Donald’s every move as he attempts to right the ship. Which, under earlier conditions, could be done, to an extent. But not now.
Why is that? Because the global economy has been effectively sundered. No, I don’t mean that commerce doesn’t continue to flow, globally. But now there are two competing financial camps. Whereas prior to the Sanctions War (a.k.a. WWIII Part One) there was a Uni-Dollar world. But the sanctions demanded by the Russia-Bad crowd have resulted in our own economic suicide. Before sanctions, everyone traded in Dollars, which created world-wide demand for them. This effectively masked the internal inflationary effect of running a 36 trillion dollar public debt.
All those outside the Anglosphere understand this. Now is their best chance to escape their debt bondage to the Western Empire. While Ghaddafi and Hussein paid with their lives for trading oil in non-dollars, today everyone is peaceably busy buying oil (and everything else) in anything-but dollars. With good reason. If you have to get dollars for trade, you risk buckling under the Western Fisc. And if the royal treasury is running low, well, the Sherrif of Nottingham just might confiscate your foreign-exchange account. Like it did to Russia.
Make no mistake about this. Every lesser nation on earth understood this seizure as an act of war. At the nuclear-dollar level. No nation on earth wants this to happen to them. So, they are all looking to minimize the need to deal in dollars. Here’s the funny part: every one is now buying ‘sanctioned’ oil. Buying from India and China, of course. Those two, who refused to sanction Russia, are buying Russian oil/gas at a deep discount. And re-selling it at market rates, pocketing a handsome profit. But here’s the kicker- both sides of these transactions are settling an increasing number of trades in their own currency. Thus, becoming functional allies of Russia.
Yes, the Empire tried to sanction the one nation that holds approximately two-thirds of all the world’s mineral wealth. And one of the largest agricultural exporters as well. With the wave of our Imperial wand, we demanded that everyone stop buying anything from them. Yet if Russia disappeared from all markets, the lack of huge swaths of vital commodities would cripple the world. All rational people understand this. All have begun to find the work-arounds, like the one described above.
So, multi-polar global trade continues, profitable for both buyers and Russia. But fewer trades are transacted in Caesar’s coin. The net result of sanctions has been to free the markets. Free it from the Empire. It takes a special class of genius to destroy a perfectly good Imperial scam. One that has worked (to our benefit) for centuries. But our glorious leaders have done it!
This is why you are seeing the change of Imperial narrative. Everybody from The Economist to the WSJ and even the NYT is busy explaining why Joe is going to lose in November. The articles are so numerous and widespread they deserve no further mention.
Now consider the other Leftist advantages that come from ‘letting’ Donald win. All of the sudden, all who claimed 2020 was stolen have lost their incentive to continue that battle. Conversely, all of the Left’s lost credibility from that nefarious heist is fraudulently restored. How? By simply stepping aside the runaway train of an infuriated electorate. Any who continue to dwell on the past are recast as sore losers. Because if Donald wins in 2024 then obviously, Komrades, the system still works. Da? No more need for electoral reform, eh?
All the necessary excuses for ‘why Joe lost’ are now in place, starting with RFK, Jr. who will be blamed for bleeding votes from Joe. Don’t be fooled. Dominion will still be on-call, but with a different algorithm loaded into the counting software. So no, Donald won’t win in a landslide, ‘officially’ of course. The Left will then be able to say Donald has no real mandate. (By the way, is that a sexist word?)
Plus, the Left (a ridiculous term, I know) won’t be re-acting this time. This time they will be pre-acting. That is, they will be expecting this, because they will make sure it happens. They’ve already distributed the new script to their Deep State members. Time Magazine (among others), already has a story on what the ‘First 100 Days’ of Donald’s next reign will seek to accomplish. In other words, Deep State Komrades, here’s what you need to be looking for, in order to obstruct it. Point by point. Get ready now. Start bullet-proofing your departments. Start issuing rules that make it nearly impossible for Donald to rescind them easily. Gum up the works, NOW. Get ready.
Then get ready for another flip of the script. The one where the Left starts accusing the MAGA side of voter intimidation and maybe even a little Dominion-work of its own. Surely ridiculous (because no one who knows the Stupid Party like I do could believe this), but nevertheless, ‘believable’ enough to spark the release of ‘The Return of Antifa’ blockbuster. Followed by BLM-2. And maybe even ‘Pandemic II’ Why not? Donald fell for it once, it’s worth a shot.
And all of this will be swimming in an economic broth of declining wealth and rising prices. Meanwhile, the Rest of The World (ROW) continues to exit Stalag Luft 7 in the offshore re-make of ‘The Great Escape’.
So then, HeartLanders, how do we escape this trap? How does Donald navigate these rapids without capsizing the boat? As I see it, there’s only one way. And it’s pretty simple, but it requires all those who still dream of the American Empire to wake up from that nightmare. How can Moses (Donald) get Pharaoh to listen when he says, ‘Let My People Go’? I’ll tell you in my next post.
But until then, we must keep one thought in the forefront of our minds. And that is this; we can never restore the Western Empire to its former level of ‘glory’ (aka economic and military dominance). Why? Because it was all built on conditions that no longer exist.
First of all, the oceans that protected us in past wars no longer exists in the new reality of hypersonic warfare. Plus, we have no hypersonic answer to Russia’s possession of them. And no means to produce them, domestically, even if we could design them. We’re the ones who lack the critical resources needed. Isn’t it amazing, the ones who control those resources are exactly the ones we’ve pissed off. Brilliant, eh?
Secondly, the global economic jailbreak has already occurred. The Emperor has no clothes, and the ROW knows it. No one is looking to buy our debt anymore. Which means our ability to control the global economy has slipped away. That genie won’t willingly get back into the bottle, and we have no means to functionally coerce him.
Finally, our internal cohesion is gone. We are in a post-Christian, post-rational society that can’t answer the simplest questions (like, ‘what is a woman’?). Every axiom is under assault. And since no axiom can be proven, it’s easy to demand proof, knowing none can be given.
Therefore, I will close this part by stating the following: the best that can be hoped for is that a legitimate victory by Donald can at most only buy us some time. Maybe enough time to forestall a nuclear event (which our current leaders seem to desire). Maybe enough time to achieve a ‘soft-landing’, economically speaking (which Vlad and Xi seem to be willing to facilitate, in order to keep us from using the Big Red Button).
Maybe enough time to repent of our Imperial ways, and to rediscover our true National way, as a fellow (but not ‘exceptional’) member of the family of nations. And then, maybe, maybe another four years to regain our faith and a position of trust and actual respect amongst the family of nations. And most importantly, in the Heavenly realm.
God, have mercy upon us.
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"We are in a post-Christian, post-rational society that can’t answer the simplest questions (like, ‘what is a woman’?)." Ianto is right -- this alone is more than enough to bring an end to the Empire. Obviously. The popcorn's been eaten, the credits are still rolling on the cinema screen, and the audience is just waiting to see the words "The End". The financial, military, industrial, and political malignancies can not be cured by a hypnotized people living in a world of omnipresent digital deception, boundless greed, and worship at the high altar of sensual "pleasure". There is now only one possible remedy remaining, and that is staggering hardship. Those who survive that are going to have their work cut out for them.
The basic premise (that at least some of them are actively considering letting Trump «win» and take the blame for all the crap that's going to happen) is sound. Not so sure about the elaboration; there are lots of things that can change until November.
As for the Rest of The World: some countries are doing the exact opposite – becoming functional colonies of the U.S.. That might be stupid at this point but it works for the «elites», and no one cares about the proles anymore.