Transferrence is the psychological mechanism, ideology the driving religious force which moves the true believer to deny reality and to undertake evildoing against "the other" and hatred of "the self" for commiting whatever original or mortal sin or contrived transgression is anathma to the religion and the Party of ideology. In The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn describes the phenomenon wonderfully well in his intense depictions of Stalin's show trials, whereby, after years of unwavering service to the ideology of Leninism and sacrifice to the Communist Party and after comitting myriad atrocities on their behalf, devout Bolsheviks were falsely accused and wrongly convicted as enemies of the Party (and thus of the State), became self-loathing, and, then, openly, sincerely denounced themselves. No punishment in the gulags, thereafter, was so harsh and insufferable as banishment from the very Party for which they gave their lives and from which they obtained their human identity and their existential meaning.
(Borrowing from Wikipedia,) we learn that, while Solzhenitsyn agreed with Shakespeare, that "conscience doth make cowards of us all," he also concluded from his years of eye-witness experience in Soviet labor camps that ideology was the psychological power that empowered evil by eliminating moral hesitation, whether in harming others or hating one's own self: "Macbeth's self-justifications were feeble – and his conscience devoured him. Yes, even Iago was a little lamb, too. The imagination and spiritual strength of Shakespeare's evildoers stopped short at a dozen corpses. Because they had no ideology. Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes...."
Orwell perfectly understood the phenomena of transferrence and the all-consuming power-unto-death of ideology, when he tenderly proclaims of the psychically-crushed Winston Smith, "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
Big Brother's ideology of anti-racism demands the unquestioning love of Big Brother, that one politically approve Big Brother's hatred of whites and physically support Big Brother's destruction of whites and psychologically loath one's caucasity.
"The woke, though, to cleanse themselves from the original sin of whiteness are happy to consider eliminating deplorables".
It sure seems to be headed that way, doesn't it?
My sister just met up with some friends living in a rather nice section of Chicago. They informed her of carjackings, shootings, assaults, and robberies in the neighborhood, the perpetrators unidentified because to do so would be tres gauche and, frankly, unnecessary. There is one subset of Chicago's population that is responsible for 80+% of the violence. Of course, her friends settled in on the abundance of guns as the reason for this mayhem.
Discussion later turned to favorite bands of their youth. The Smiths were no longer on her friends' playlist, since the lead singer Morissey revealed that he supports an anti-immigrant, so-called "white nationalist" political party.
A few years ago, I used to roll my eyes when reading someone claim that "liberalism is a mental illness." Now I think the evidence is overwhelming.
Transferrence is the psychological mechanism, ideology the driving religious force which moves the true believer to deny reality and to undertake evildoing against "the other" and hatred of "the self" for commiting whatever original or mortal sin or contrived transgression is anathma to the religion and the Party of ideology. In The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn describes the phenomenon wonderfully well in his intense depictions of Stalin's show trials, whereby, after years of unwavering service to the ideology of Leninism and sacrifice to the Communist Party and after comitting myriad atrocities on their behalf, devout Bolsheviks were falsely accused and wrongly convicted as enemies of the Party (and thus of the State), became self-loathing, and, then, openly, sincerely denounced themselves. No punishment in the gulags, thereafter, was so harsh and insufferable as banishment from the very Party for which they gave their lives and from which they obtained their human identity and their existential meaning.
(Borrowing from Wikipedia,) we learn that, while Solzhenitsyn agreed with Shakespeare, that "conscience doth make cowards of us all," he also concluded from his years of eye-witness experience in Soviet labor camps that ideology was the psychological power that empowered evil by eliminating moral hesitation, whether in harming others or hating one's own self: "Macbeth's self-justifications were feeble – and his conscience devoured him. Yes, even Iago was a little lamb, too. The imagination and spiritual strength of Shakespeare's evildoers stopped short at a dozen corpses. Because they had no ideology. Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes...."
Orwell perfectly understood the phenomena of transferrence and the all-consuming power-unto-death of ideology, when he tenderly proclaims of the psychically-crushed Winston Smith, "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
Big Brother's ideology of anti-racism demands the unquestioning love of Big Brother, that one politically approve Big Brother's hatred of whites and physically support Big Brother's destruction of whites and psychologically loath one's caucasity.
"The woke, though, to cleanse themselves from the original sin of whiteness are happy to consider eliminating deplorables".
It sure seems to be headed that way, doesn't it?
My sister just met up with some friends living in a rather nice section of Chicago. They informed her of carjackings, shootings, assaults, and robberies in the neighborhood, the perpetrators unidentified because to do so would be tres gauche and, frankly, unnecessary. There is one subset of Chicago's population that is responsible for 80+% of the violence. Of course, her friends settled in on the abundance of guns as the reason for this mayhem.
Discussion later turned to favorite bands of their youth. The Smiths were no longer on her friends' playlist, since the lead singer Morissey revealed that he supports an anti-immigrant, so-called "white nationalist" political party.
A few years ago, I used to roll my eyes when reading someone claim that "liberalism is a mental illness." Now I think the evidence is overwhelming.