"The woke, though, to cleanse themselves from the original sin of whiteness are happy to consider eliminating deplorables".
It sure seems to be headed that way, doesn't it?
My sister just met up with some friends living in a rather nice section of Chicago. They informed her of carjackings, shootings, assaults, and robberies in the neighbor…
"The woke, though, to cleanse themselves from the original sin of whiteness are happy to consider eliminating deplorables".
It sure seems to be headed that way, doesn't it?
My sister just met up with some friends living in a rather nice section of Chicago. They informed her of carjackings, shootings, assaults, and robberies in the neighborhood, the perpetrators unidentified because to do so would be tres gauche and, frankly, unnecessary. There is one subset of Chicago's population that is responsible for 80+% of the violence. Of course, her friends settled in on the abundance of guns as the reason for this mayhem.
Discussion later turned to favorite bands of their youth. The Smiths were no longer on her friends' playlist, since the lead singer Morissey revealed that he supports an anti-immigrant, so-called "white nationalist" political party.
A few years ago, I used to roll my eyes when reading someone claim that "liberalism is a mental illness." Now I think the evidence is overwhelming.
"The woke, though, to cleanse themselves from the original sin of whiteness are happy to consider eliminating deplorables".
It sure seems to be headed that way, doesn't it?
My sister just met up with some friends living in a rather nice section of Chicago. They informed her of carjackings, shootings, assaults, and robberies in the neighborhood, the perpetrators unidentified because to do so would be tres gauche and, frankly, unnecessary. There is one subset of Chicago's population that is responsible for 80+% of the violence. Of course, her friends settled in on the abundance of guns as the reason for this mayhem.
Discussion later turned to favorite bands of their youth. The Smiths were no longer on her friends' playlist, since the lead singer Morissey revealed that he supports an anti-immigrant, so-called "white nationalist" political party.
A few years ago, I used to roll my eyes when reading someone claim that "liberalism is a mental illness." Now I think the evidence is overwhelming.