Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

If being gay is something to be proud of, is being straight something to be ashamed of?


Then what's the point of shouting it from the rooftops?

It's just an accident of birth. Like being left handed. "Hey, everybody, look at me! I'm a lefty!"

Brag about your accomplishments. The deck you built off the back of your house. That Beethoven piano sonata you learned. That tricky programming bug you fixed. ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Your sexual preference isn't an accomplishment. Nor is your hair color or skin color. You might as well be proud of the coffee you just bought.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

It is a mental illness brought on by a disruption of the natural developmental process. Some due to disruptions in the body (ie. hormonal imbalances from environmental causes), others due to sexual trauma (ie. being raped by a gay man pretending to be a spiritual leader), and others due to behavioral pressures from peer groups and society (ie. C'mon Timmy, everybody's trying out the gay thing, it's cool. See how happy everybody was for Charlie when he came out?)

Nobody is "born that way". There are no gay babies.

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100% right. No one is born gay.

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Family friends - three guys. Two of them are identical twins. They're both doctors. And they're both gay. The straight one is not a doctor; married with a child.

All raised in a loving household, no sexual trauma as a child.

Other than their homosexuality, there is no reason to think any of them is mentally ill. I guess they both sat down one day in their early teens and weighed the pros and cons of being gay versus straight, and decided, "yeah my life will be better if I'm gay."

The same way you did when you were 12, and came down on the straight side.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

They could have been raised in a perfect household. That doesn’t exclude the possibility that a gay man outside of their household didn't provide some sexual trauma.

My uncle came back from a Catholic boarding school in the spring way different than when he left the previous fall. He came out of the closet years later. Will he admit that a gay priest or older gay student molested him? No. Why not? If the dirty little secret that homosexual men reproduce by grooming and molesting boys got out then more people would keep their boys away from gay men. That would mean less opportunities for gay men to have sex with young boys, which upsets a lot of gay men. Just look at how upset they were when the Boyscouts didn't want openly gay men to go on camping trips with young boys.

Why do you think the LGBTQLMNOP movement is pushing to normalize pedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons”? Why do you think the left is pushing “right to privacy” for minors everywhere they can? Why are the Drag Time Story Hours not being performed at retirement homes? The answer is that the left understands that young minds can be more easily warped and that warped minds are easier to control.

Besides rape, it is entirely possible that your gay friends were exposed to hormone disruptors at some point in their development. Plastics can mimic estrogen in the body and cause all sorts of problems. Testosterone levels in all men are down and have been steadily dropping for years. Something is causing that. The combination of a perfectly loving, low testosterone father, raising a low testosterone boy in a society that is bending over backwards to celebrate sexual deviancy could very easily lead to a sodomite lifestyle for that boy. Factor in the destruction of childrens ability to peer correct deviant behavior through years of “anti- bullying” campaigns in our schools and it's no wonder we are seeing an explosion in alphabet lunacy among young people. Low testosterone boys who are never told by their father to stop acting like a little faggot are more likely to think that maybe they are actually a girl. The lack of boys taking on their rightful masculine roles in society leads to girls filling that void which contributed to the lesbian phenomenon.

All sorts of people suffer from all sorts of mental illnesses. People who like to cut themselves are not necessarily bad people but society doesn't pretend that that behavior is normal. Cutters will wear long sleeves to hide the shameful thing that they do to themselves. Our society used to view homosexuality as a shameful thing and those that couldn't control their deviant desires at least kept it hidden away because they were rightfully ashamed of shameful behaviour.

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"Our society used to view homosexuality as a shameful thing..."

When our society was normal, homosexuality was also diagnosed as mental illness. As was believing that you were Napoleon, or that you were a woman, when you were not.

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The parallels between the homosexual phenomenon and the transgender phenomenon are hard to ignore. Both were listed as mental illnesses and both have been "corrected". What I find interesting is the vast number of people who believe transgenders are just misguided gay people.

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So being a doctor is just something you were born with?

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This other tired notion that nobody “chooses” to be gay is rather played out. Human beings have the ability to regulate their own moral compass. I may be more inclined to become violently angry if someone cuts me off in traffic. That higher inclination towards anger could be a result of genetics, environment, upbringing, or a combination of all three. It may be more difficult for me to choose not to follow that bad driver home and beat them with a hammer but no sane member of society would try to defend me if that is what I chose to do. Nobody would try to argue that I was born angry and that I couldn't possibly “choose” to beat people with hammers because that choice would obviously make my life more difficult. That argument is just as silly applied to homosexuals as it is applied to angry hammer wielders. People make irrational choices all the time that make their lives worse.

Now LGBTQLMNOP advocates are starting to say that pedophiles don't “choose” to be attracted to children. Aw shucks, they were just born that way. They are still good people. You shouldn't discriminate against them, let them work at the daycare. How long until people will start proclaiming that they have “Minor Attracted Friends” who are really good people that aren't mentally ill at all?

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This is a good distinction you make here, between innate predilection and the choices one may make under the influence of that predilection. Being prone to anger is not a choice, but chasing down a bad driver to beat them to death with a hammer is. Being "gay" in the sense of being romantically and sexually attracted to members of one's own sex rather than to the opposite sex is something some people are born with, but choosing to actually have same-sex intimate relations is a choice. Being transgendered in the sense of having a lifelong craving to be of the opposite sex is innate, but getting a sex change operation or putting oneself forward in society as a member of the opposite sex is something that one chooses. Being sexually attracted to children may be innate, but sexually molesting them is a moral choice.

This distinction should be guarded, because people on both sides of the issue politically try to confuse it. If they are trying to justify the behavior, they pretend it can't be helped because the predilection is innate, and if they condemn it, they pretend there is no such specific predilection producing a temptation that most people simply don't suffer from.

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Thank you. There's a big difference between having a predilection and acting on it. The difference between the thought and the deed.

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I don't think anyone is born gay or transgender. There is simply no evidence that babies are sexual beings. Sexuality is something that develops as a person progresses through life so upbringing and environment play a much bigger role in ones sexual proclivities than any innate weakness in ones genetic makeup.

Imagine if, when I was put on trial for beating a fellow driver with my hammer, my defense was that I was born a violent person. That would be silly. Babies can get angry, but they do not have the capability to be violent. The capacity for violence is something that develops in a person over time, so to call a baby gay is just as silly as calling a baby violent, it is simply nonsensical. The LGBTQLMNOP movement trying to sexualize babies and children is worse than if Dana White proposed UFC cage matches for babies and children. The end result would be grown men beating babies to death in the octagon while people cheered them on.

Being gay is much like being short for Gary Coleman. Without defect or sickness, Gary Coleman would have grown to a normal height. Gary Coleman was not born short, he developed that way. To pretend that Gary Colemans height was a natural thing would be ludicrous. It is not a hateful thing to say that something was developmentally wrong with Gary Coleman and maybe we should look into what caused that to try and prevent the same thing from happening to others.

The crazy thing with the LGBTQLMNOP movement is that they expect people to celebrate their defects. I refuse to do that just as I would refuse to celebrate Gary Colemans unnatural shortness.

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I am with you in refusing to celebrate defects, and also in regarding LG&T+ as defects. However, I regard LG&T+ as unfortunate predilections, not as any kind of mental incompetence. I also believe that they are neurologically innate, and not generally the result of environmental influences.

Whether or not newborn babies are sexual beings, the course of their later sexual development is largely fixed by what they already are. A boy baby is beardless, but he will usually grow whiskers around fifteen to twenty years later, regardless of upbringing or environment. His sexuality will unfold biologically as well.

Certainly stunting due to starvation or sickness is possible, and it isn't hateful to look into the cause of either stunting or LG&T+ with a mind to preventing it from happening. I think that the wrong sort of hormonal environment at certain critical points of gestation when the brain is being formed is much more likely than childhood sexual trauma to cause LG&T. By the time we learn about it though, it is years too late to help.

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Years ago, when my kidneys were failing and I was on the wait list for a transplant, I asked one of the twins if he ever needed a transplant...and he knew where I was headed.

"No, I won't need any immunosuppressant drugs. That's why I keep Josh around - for spare parts."

(I got a transplant from my sister; taking two immunosuppressants, and doing well after 7 years...)

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Seperated twin studies show gayness being 11-14% common. Meaning gayness is environmental.

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I don’t doubt that is more true than not. My personal experience is limited to gay and lesbian acquaintances. Most say that they “knew” by adolescence. My lesbian cousin was married and has a son but came out later. My gay cousin always seemed effeminate to me and my brothers even as preadolescents. Neither shows other pathologies of being molested that I know about. Bottom line, either way sexuality is fluid.

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Ok. Apply that same logic to someone who likes to have consensual sex with animals.

Bob "knew" he was attracted to horse rumps at a young age. Nothing wrong with it, sexuality is fluid after all. What do you care? It's not like Bob and the horse are hurting anyone else. What? You don't want your children around Bob? Why not? You must be some kind of bigot!

The bottom line is there is something wrong with Bob. He needs help and should be kept away from children.

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You might be right but how do you know that for sure? Maybe the twins are predisposed to being gay or maybe they were molested. I have two cousins, gay and lesbian from the same family. This leads me to believe that they were predisposed from birth, but who really knows for sure?

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it's conscience.. conscience that drives this behavior, relentless conscience.

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I wouldn't know. I just realized one day that my algebra teacher was really pretty. Believe me when I tell you that my conscience was not in the room at the time.

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I had a hot algebra teacher too. I would blame her for my innumeracy but having a middle aged male teacher didn’t help me much either 😁

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This was fucking hilariously brilliant, so stealing "so you're proud of sodomy" and entering it into my lexicon, well done sir, well done.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

Some profess to see pride as sin, though. From: "The Rite of Sodomy" by Randy Engel

"… in an essay titled The Necessity of Excess, Pat (Patrick) Califia-Rice, a transgenderized bisexual and licensed therapist and member of "the kink community" with a son he-she is "co-parenting with his/her ex-lover (also a transgender)," described his-her fisting experience:

"… But I also knew that there was something sacred about our deep intimacy that was higher than any chemical could ever get me, perhaps as high as heaven itself ... The man who arranges himself in a sling, awaiting anointing with Crisco, has come in perfect love and trust like a child to baptism. Lust can be a sacrament that washes us clean of envy, pride and anomie, and returns us to daily life with a satisfied heart, renewed hope and greater compassion."

I wait impatiently for the Spanish Inquistion II, which I doubt will ever take place. The Final Judgment will suffice. Nothing against an asteroid strike beforehand, though.

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I see a wee typo. surely you meant ass-teroid.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

My inventive mind has many times considered making a celebratory sign to plant next to a home's pride flag on the sidewalk of a major road....

"Honk If You Like Sodomy".

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Surely it should be : "Honk if you are into sodomy."

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

Scathingly funny Genius.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

Best one-sided dialogue ever written.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

It was the "Up North Pride" that made me lose my coffee.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

Which flag was it? There are so many variations (unnatural fetishes). . https://www.hrc.org/resources/lgbtq-pride-flags

"What".. you may ask... "drives this?" "What animates this behavior?" It's simple, it's conscience. Deep down they know better than anyone these behaviors are unnatural.

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs


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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

LOL...Prairie Home Companion, the way we all wish it could be....

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Sep 3Liked by William M Briggs

Wait! Wait! I’m Cinna the poet…

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Sep 6Liked by William M Briggs

This was awesome, good sir. Lolsy and poignant. Put your hands together and say “excellent” a al Mr. Burns.

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Sep 4Liked by William M Briggs

Best belly laugh I’ve had all day. Thank you.

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I drive a lot with work (in W TN). I don't remember seeing a single pride flag, but I may have just been unconsciously protecting myself.

Now, I have to make it a point to look. (I stay away from Memphis, so I may be safe)

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On the origin of "Gay Pride"

Winston Churchill :

"On the coldest night of the year? It makes you proud to be British." (On hearing that Ian Harvey had been caught with a guardsman in St James's Park).

Both had their trousers round their ankles and the temp was -6 C

Ian was a Conservative cabinet minister until the incident 1958.

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Oh boy, this will bring them out of the woodwork.

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