I blew my prediction that the left would dump Biden and install Gruesome Newsom in his place, fortify the election in his favor, and so cement permanent leftist rule (blog/Substack).
Leftists have a hive mind, they'll do as they're told. Will they be told to riot?
Although their propensity is to have temper tantrum when they don't get their way, and riots would be great "fun" (for them), I think not.
- The country is sick of the Left's antics, and the drones at the top know this. There isn't a pandemic happening, people will not support a clear riot against a clear election.
- When Trump wins, corporate media will be defeated, they'll be no calling Trump Hitler for 4 years and being believed.
But one thing hangs in the balance: Trump must not only win the electoral college, he must win the Popular Vote!
If that comes to pass, there will be peace. If not the Leftists will riot against what makes us the United States choosing a President (and not major cities)- the electoral college.
If you live in a blue state (as I do) you must still vote! and vote for Trump!!
(I was going vote for Kennedy, but now I am not. Kennedy said the same thing last week. Vote for Trump!)
I think the Elite Leftists will "let" Trump win because within that group there is a quiet, but growing recognition of how badly the people responsible for providing the water and fertilizer necessary to keep Biden breathing have screwed things up over the last 4 years.
I think they are beginning to realize that their chickens in the form of the whole covid disaster, the whole "climate change" disaster, the whole DEI disaster, the whole illegals/border disaster, the whole war on fossil fuels disaster, the whole BLM disaster, the whole Afghanistan disaster, the whole Russia/Ukraine disaster, the whole divisiveness in the "1/2 of the people in America are Evil" disaster, the whole ongoing Obamacare disaster, and worst disaster of all, the whole economic/inflation/interest rates disaster, are coming home to roost. I think they know that they have steered the USS U.S. straight into the rocks (deliberately?) and that we are headed into some extremely tough times and right soon.
There are a lot of very big problems they have caused, and these problems are going to require some painful solutions that are going to be painful for a lot of people. Many of these people are those on the government dole and who are their voter base.
I think that in realizing this, they have figured out that there is no better person to have in the White House to deal with the looming crash than Donald Trump. Who better to have up there to take the blame for the pain than the much hated Trump? After all, they already blame him for everything anyway. And don't you know that the media will gleefully jump on that bandwagon!
Also, I suspect this is exactly why they put up The Cackler to run against Trump. And I suspect this is exactly why they allowed her to choose the equally execrable Tampon Tim as her running mate. They know she and Timmy are odious beyond description and as such, have no chance against Trump. They are setting him up to take the fall. Then, after 4 years of an avalanche of "We told you so's" of how awful Trump and his policies are, who do you suppose will don the white hat and ride to our rescue? Gruesome Newsome, of course!
The Leftist Elites are not stupid and they play a much longer game the Conservatives in the U.S. They also march in lockstep which makes them formidable opponents. Notice how Obama, et al, rallied around their candidate, even tho they are all on record as hating her. They aren't looking at the next election, they are looking much further down the road and we consistently ignore this, which is what has led us to where we are now.
Also, never ignore the fact that what they are doing, and what they have done, is deliberate. How better to play the hero than to rescue the heroine from a disaster that they deliberately caused?
Wow. I think of allllllll these comments, frankly and honestly, you hit the nail right on the head … I really do. I think you are totally correct. I had dinner a year ago or so with someone who knows in depth what is going on and is friends (grew up with) with Newsom and guess what this guy said.. Newsom is being groomed and will be president. Yep. It’s a long game and the left is in it. You nailed it.
I guess it all depends on backdoor communications between our hilariously misnamed elites and Trump. If Trump seems intent on taking a chainsaw to the bureaucracy and prosecuting traitors like Milley, Mayorkas, Biden, etc, then it's game on in the election aftermath.
Most likely, the author of "The Art of the Deal" has cut a deal to stay out of jail. He will be mostly ineffective and will not threaten the left's stranglehold on government (he didn't do a damn thing about DIE until a few months before 11/20). The wall will not be built, migrants will not be deported en masse, the right will be further demoralized, and leftist rule of gays and girl bosses will be cemented in 4 years when citizenship is granted to those who've entered illegally.
Hatred of white, Christian America is the tie that binds the left's diverse coalition and the ruling philosophy of the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy has worked decades to get to this point. They can wait another 4 years to get what they want.
Trump has hit on a wave of absolute contempt that many Americans harbor against our rulers. Does he have the strength or even the inclination to take on the thoroughly corrupted government? I would guess not. But... I do think that he has paved the way for an ambitious patriot to come forth and attempt to right the ship.
With the backing away from the Heritage Foundation 2025 plan, I think you are right. For comparison, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world a century ago and it has taken a century of chaos and obvious decline for the Argentine people to produce Millei and the radical change he is bringing. It may have to get a lot worse before the required change comes.
It is quite obvious to me that this entire thing is intentionally being pushed to Trump. Blacks, Latinos, and moderate lefties are sick of WOKE and see the Kamala ticket as horrible. Every aspect of what we see shows me that Trump is The Guy in this sElection. He has the pity vote due to the James bogus lawsuits. He has the sympathy vote for the "assassination attempts" (3, thus far).
Prepare for the attacks against the 1st Amendment (anti-semitism laws) and the 2nd (we must stop all the fake assassination attempts).
Whatever anyone else says or does, I don't think that Madam Vice President will certify a Trump win. I hate to say something positive about her but, 'She's no Mike Pence.' And the Marc Elias legal election attack dog wing won't stand down without going full bore.
You have hit however on one of the most interesting parts of this whole drama. It turns out that Joe Biden remains an actual human being with more or less human thoughts and feelings. His endorsement of Kamala, long known as his MAD against his handlers, is pretty much assuring their destruction. I never would have pegged him for the moving piece on their chess board but I still think that it was a stubborn, and actually somewhat reasonable, determination in him to 'end the war in Afghanistan' that brought their house of cards down, that began to end the relationship between the D's and the MIC whose end has led to so many of the events of the last 3 years.
I think that Agenda 2030 has pretty much gone out the window, and its largely because of a stubborn, egotistical, stupid old man.
My personal view is that violence is inevitable. Elon posted research showing the growing polarisation of opinion in the USA; the middle is shrinking as people move to the extremes.
As Vox Day has pointed out: Diversity + Proximity = War.
You cannot have a nation with a population divided over basic values, fundamental truths, and mores and customs of civil behaviour. When you have half the population who believes that violence is physical attacks against people and property, while the other half believes that words they don't like are violence, and justify them attacking people and property but that is not violence but "social justice" - then you're well on your way to a civil war.
Stir in open borders, an invasion that has been going on longer than I have been alive (I'm nearly 60), and encompasses the single largest human migration in recorded human history; and civil war is not only unavoidable now, it is frankly the only route to survival of the America Posterity whose rights the Constitution was written to protect.
Trump is not going to be the man to pull this trigger. Easily the best US President in a century, he is still too much a centrist, too much a civic nationalist, too much a "legal immigration" proponent (he cannot possibly be expected to de-legitimise his own family), too much a deal-making compromiser, and too much an Israel-firster, to be relied upon to do what needs to be done.
Someone like Vance, who actually IS a heritage American with roots, but probably someone less political than Vance, is going to be needed, and the sooner the better. The more the separation is delayed, the more the balance moves in favour of your enemies.
Quite a few "legal" immigrants if Donald has his way. I don't have faith that mass deportations will occur either. I wouldn't be surprised if there's well over 50 million aliens by 2028.
Yes. And that's the problem in a nutshell. Trump will say what needs to be said but for whatever reason he's not done what needs to be done and so it is doubtful he ever will.
As I like to remind people, the Spanish Reconquista took 600 years. It was long, bloody, and murderous. But it succeeded. Ironically, the EU is now reversing it all over again. They've done in less than 6 decades what took 6 centuries to achieve. Destroying is always easier than building.
I have no doubt that they will try to steal the election as the did four years ago the documentary below shows in great detail how this happened in PA. As correctly stated in the article, the right won't hit the streets to protest and I'm sure they are counting on this. Plus conservatives are very aware of the number "insurrectionists" are rotting in jail. However, Trump is way ahead, if polls are showing him up 1 or 2, he's probably up significantly more, and they know that. I think they will have a tough time making the numbers work, eligible voters vs votes.
The problem conservatives face is that they aren't just up against politicos, they are up against their propaganda department (all msm) which though in decline still reaches a lot of very uncritical thinkers. Conservatives also face the money interest which I find ironic since the uncritical thinkers associate money with republicans. While many wealthy conservatives will support Trump; who owns Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Goldman Sachs? While they might send Trump a shekel or two the majority of their spend will go to the marxist. The last hurdle they will face if Trump wins will be the judicial system that will pull out all the stops. This could be real ugly.
People should educate themselves on how the french, bolshevik, mexican and spanish revolutions came about and who was behind them. It's not different in our country.
For any Christian out there, who was it that persecuted the Christians in Acts? Well, will be same now because make no mistake, "white privilege" is actually code for Christian.
Not sure about the cities but in my light-blue smaller town, there seems to be resignation. Yesterday at the canine park I heard one say to the other "16 days". It took me a while (no coffee) to realize she was speaking about Election Day. Her friend slowly nodded.
I kept my mouth shut.
If by some miracle (I mean that seriously) Trump wins, the Dems have no one to blame but themselves, but will of course ignore the obvious. It almost appears as if the Dems want Trump to win, that they know they have engineered such a mess that cannot be fixed without numerous opportunities for the fixee to be blamed for inevitable errors and compromises.
Doing the impeachment thing won't work this time around. J.D. Vance is more dangerous than Trump.
Also, Israel is better off if Trump is at the helm if it comes to war with Iran. And with the woke going pro Palestine, certain powers are going to dial down the Trump is Hitler thingy.
there are some who doubt that DJT will do much to help -- I can share that at times, and digging into the immigration issue (reading Benzman's book Overrun, highly recommend if not required reading for anyone turning the corner into actual events unfolding around us) has revealed he has done real things that help real Americans -- a recent article here https://jensheycke.substack.com/p/immigration-roulette helps to make the point, on the immigration issue; sometimes executive orders and other Presidential actions have real consequences; and the battle will be fought in the foxholes with sometimes minor victories being all there is, but we need to take these W when we can. Thank you Dr. Briggs for pushing the discussion.
The Left is out of energy and very old. They have no credible replacements, a loser diversitoid isn’t a replacement. Harris after Biden or Hakeem Jefferies after Pelosi isn’t a replacement.
The Boomers made the mistake of not training replacements across the board.
This doesn’t mean normal times.
It means opportunities are pounding in the heads of opportunists. What is on offer holds no lines, mans no walls, cannot hold. Trump is a BRAND, he’s Brand Fuck You for all the forgotten ones as Michael Moore just explained. That’s not the same as what is needed to hold down the youth of yet another generation… holding back the young is a terrible mistake, evil, stupid , and… it’s over.
Vance ?
Vance is capable enough in the world he succeeded in, so determined to succeed…. That…
… he denounced his own mother in writing. Truly Vance has what it took- the Denunciation- in the world Vance succeeded in.
Yes. Elegy indeed, but that world Vanishes, Vance.
Vance will not Vanquish, what he chose Vanishes…
Ivy League Elegy…. ‘tis the funeral march to unmarked and unmourned Potters field, the crowd faded away.
Not even Alcibiades denounced his mother. Truly no replacement.
Much of the problem in the comments and in the article is in thinking along traditional political lines. This is in no way a typical or normal election, nor will the response be normal. No one knows what will happen and there is a reason for that. I would suggest thinking in terms not of what is expected and normal in politics, but think very much outside the box.
Newsom is definitely tacking to the wind, which shows unexpected cleverness on his part,,,I think a fair number of the ultra-rich have serious doubts about installing a drunken nitwit as President, despite their dislike of Trump, and may make only a half-hearted effort this time...
Leftists have a hive mind, they'll do as they're told. Will they be told to riot?
Although their propensity is to have temper tantrum when they don't get their way, and riots would be great "fun" (for them), I think not.
- The country is sick of the Left's antics, and the drones at the top know this. There isn't a pandemic happening, people will not support a clear riot against a clear election.
- When Trump wins, corporate media will be defeated, they'll be no calling Trump Hitler for 4 years and being believed.
But one thing hangs in the balance: Trump must not only win the electoral college, he must win the Popular Vote!
If that comes to pass, there will be peace. If not the Leftists will riot against what makes us the United States choosing a President (and not major cities)- the electoral college.
If you live in a blue state (as I do) you must still vote! and vote for Trump!!
(I was going vote for Kennedy, but now I am not. Kennedy said the same thing last week. Vote for Trump!)
Oh, and as I like to say of our tax payer NPR:
"All things are not considered, on "All Things Considered..." "
I think the Elite Leftists will "let" Trump win because within that group there is a quiet, but growing recognition of how badly the people responsible for providing the water and fertilizer necessary to keep Biden breathing have screwed things up over the last 4 years.
I think they are beginning to realize that their chickens in the form of the whole covid disaster, the whole "climate change" disaster, the whole DEI disaster, the whole illegals/border disaster, the whole war on fossil fuels disaster, the whole BLM disaster, the whole Afghanistan disaster, the whole Russia/Ukraine disaster, the whole divisiveness in the "1/2 of the people in America are Evil" disaster, the whole ongoing Obamacare disaster, and worst disaster of all, the whole economic/inflation/interest rates disaster, are coming home to roost. I think they know that they have steered the USS U.S. straight into the rocks (deliberately?) and that we are headed into some extremely tough times and right soon.
There are a lot of very big problems they have caused, and these problems are going to require some painful solutions that are going to be painful for a lot of people. Many of these people are those on the government dole and who are their voter base.
I think that in realizing this, they have figured out that there is no better person to have in the White House to deal with the looming crash than Donald Trump. Who better to have up there to take the blame for the pain than the much hated Trump? After all, they already blame him for everything anyway. And don't you know that the media will gleefully jump on that bandwagon!
Also, I suspect this is exactly why they put up The Cackler to run against Trump. And I suspect this is exactly why they allowed her to choose the equally execrable Tampon Tim as her running mate. They know she and Timmy are odious beyond description and as such, have no chance against Trump. They are setting him up to take the fall. Then, after 4 years of an avalanche of "We told you so's" of how awful Trump and his policies are, who do you suppose will don the white hat and ride to our rescue? Gruesome Newsome, of course!
The Leftist Elites are not stupid and they play a much longer game the Conservatives in the U.S. They also march in lockstep which makes them formidable opponents. Notice how Obama, et al, rallied around their candidate, even tho they are all on record as hating her. They aren't looking at the next election, they are looking much further down the road and we consistently ignore this, which is what has led us to where we are now.
Also, never ignore the fact that what they are doing, and what they have done, is deliberate. How better to play the hero than to rescue the heroine from a disaster that they deliberately caused?
Wow. I think of allllllll these comments, frankly and honestly, you hit the nail right on the head … I really do. I think you are totally correct. I had dinner a year ago or so with someone who knows in depth what is going on and is friends (grew up with) with Newsom and guess what this guy said.. Newsom is being groomed and will be president. Yep. It’s a long game and the left is in it. You nailed it.
This is depressingly plausible.
I hate to say it, but this is the most interesting and promising take on the whole deal yet. Great analysis.
I guess it all depends on backdoor communications between our hilariously misnamed elites and Trump. If Trump seems intent on taking a chainsaw to the bureaucracy and prosecuting traitors like Milley, Mayorkas, Biden, etc, then it's game on in the election aftermath.
Most likely, the author of "The Art of the Deal" has cut a deal to stay out of jail. He will be mostly ineffective and will not threaten the left's stranglehold on government (he didn't do a damn thing about DIE until a few months before 11/20). The wall will not be built, migrants will not be deported en masse, the right will be further demoralized, and leftist rule of gays and girl bosses will be cemented in 4 years when citizenship is granted to those who've entered illegally.
Hatred of white, Christian America is the tie that binds the left's diverse coalition and the ruling philosophy of the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy has worked decades to get to this point. They can wait another 4 years to get what they want.
I very much fear that your prediction is correct!
It is very hard to imagine how the army of millions unknown, unelected, unaccountable, very powerful bureaucrats can be brought to heel.
Even in the highly improbable event that Trump wins by a landslide!
Trump has hit on a wave of absolute contempt that many Americans harbor against our rulers. Does he have the strength or even the inclination to take on the thoroughly corrupted government? I would guess not. But... I do think that he has paved the way for an ambitious patriot to come forth and attempt to right the ship.
With the backing away from the Heritage Foundation 2025 plan, I think you are right. For comparison, Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world a century ago and it has taken a century of chaos and obvious decline for the Argentine people to produce Millei and the radical change he is bringing. It may have to get a lot worse before the required change comes.
It is quite obvious to me that this entire thing is intentionally being pushed to Trump. Blacks, Latinos, and moderate lefties are sick of WOKE and see the Kamala ticket as horrible. Every aspect of what we see shows me that Trump is The Guy in this sElection. He has the pity vote due to the James bogus lawsuits. He has the sympathy vote for the "assassination attempts" (3, thus far).
Prepare for the attacks against the 1st Amendment (anti-semitism laws) and the 2nd (we must stop all the fake assassination attempts).
Mark my words.
Whatever anyone else says or does, I don't think that Madam Vice President will certify a Trump win. I hate to say something positive about her but, 'She's no Mike Pence.' And the Marc Elias legal election attack dog wing won't stand down without going full bore.
You have hit however on one of the most interesting parts of this whole drama. It turns out that Joe Biden remains an actual human being with more or less human thoughts and feelings. His endorsement of Kamala, long known as his MAD against his handlers, is pretty much assuring their destruction. I never would have pegged him for the moving piece on their chess board but I still think that it was a stubborn, and actually somewhat reasonable, determination in him to 'end the war in Afghanistan' that brought their house of cards down, that began to end the relationship between the D's and the MIC whose end has led to so many of the events of the last 3 years.
I think that Agenda 2030 has pretty much gone out the window, and its largely because of a stubborn, egotistical, stupid old man.
Whomever is installed; it shan't be quiet nor peaceful. Remain vigilant.
My personal view is that violence is inevitable. Elon posted research showing the growing polarisation of opinion in the USA; the middle is shrinking as people move to the extremes.
As Vox Day has pointed out: Diversity + Proximity = War.
You cannot have a nation with a population divided over basic values, fundamental truths, and mores and customs of civil behaviour. When you have half the population who believes that violence is physical attacks against people and property, while the other half believes that words they don't like are violence, and justify them attacking people and property but that is not violence but "social justice" - then you're well on your way to a civil war.
Stir in open borders, an invasion that has been going on longer than I have been alive (I'm nearly 60), and encompasses the single largest human migration in recorded human history; and civil war is not only unavoidable now, it is frankly the only route to survival of the America Posterity whose rights the Constitution was written to protect.
Trump is not going to be the man to pull this trigger. Easily the best US President in a century, he is still too much a centrist, too much a civic nationalist, too much a "legal immigration" proponent (he cannot possibly be expected to de-legitimise his own family), too much a deal-making compromiser, and too much an Israel-firster, to be relied upon to do what needs to be done.
Someone like Vance, who actually IS a heritage American with roots, but probably someone less political than Vance, is going to be needed, and the sooner the better. The more the separation is delayed, the more the balance moves in favour of your enemies.
Imo a Trump "victory" will kick the can down the road to 2028-2030 for sporty times.
How many invaders will cross the borders between now and 2030?
Quite a few "legal" immigrants if Donald has his way. I don't have faith that mass deportations will occur either. I wouldn't be surprised if there's well over 50 million aliens by 2028.
Yes. And that's the problem in a nutshell. Trump will say what needs to be said but for whatever reason he's not done what needs to be done and so it is doubtful he ever will.
As I like to remind people, the Spanish Reconquista took 600 years. It was long, bloody, and murderous. But it succeeded. Ironically, the EU is now reversing it all over again. They've done in less than 6 decades what took 6 centuries to achieve. Destroying is always easier than building.
I hope you're right.
I have no doubt that they will try to steal the election as the did four years ago the documentary below shows in great detail how this happened in PA. As correctly stated in the article, the right won't hit the streets to protest and I'm sure they are counting on this. Plus conservatives are very aware of the number "insurrectionists" are rotting in jail. However, Trump is way ahead, if polls are showing him up 1 or 2, he's probably up significantly more, and they know that. I think they will have a tough time making the numbers work, eligible voters vs votes.
The problem conservatives face is that they aren't just up against politicos, they are up against their propaganda department (all msm) which though in decline still reaches a lot of very uncritical thinkers. Conservatives also face the money interest which I find ironic since the uncritical thinkers associate money with republicans. While many wealthy conservatives will support Trump; who owns Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Goldman Sachs? While they might send Trump a shekel or two the majority of their spend will go to the marxist. The last hurdle they will face if Trump wins will be the judicial system that will pull out all the stops. This could be real ugly.
People should educate themselves on how the french, bolshevik, mexican and spanish revolutions came about and who was behind them. It's not different in our country.
For any Christian out there, who was it that persecuted the Christians in Acts? Well, will be same now because make no mistake, "white privilege" is actually code for Christian.
Not sure about the cities but in my light-blue smaller town, there seems to be resignation. Yesterday at the canine park I heard one say to the other "16 days". It took me a while (no coffee) to realize she was speaking about Election Day. Her friend slowly nodded.
I kept my mouth shut.
If by some miracle (I mean that seriously) Trump wins, the Dems have no one to blame but themselves, but will of course ignore the obvious. It almost appears as if the Dems want Trump to win, that they know they have engineered such a mess that cannot be fixed without numerous opportunities for the fixee to be blamed for inevitable errors and compromises.
Doing the impeachment thing won't work this time around. J.D. Vance is more dangerous than Trump.
Also, Israel is better off if Trump is at the helm if it comes to war with Iran. And with the woke going pro Palestine, certain powers are going to dial down the Trump is Hitler thingy.
there are some who doubt that DJT will do much to help -- I can share that at times, and digging into the immigration issue (reading Benzman's book Overrun, highly recommend if not required reading for anyone turning the corner into actual events unfolding around us) has revealed he has done real things that help real Americans -- a recent article here https://jensheycke.substack.com/p/immigration-roulette helps to make the point, on the immigration issue; sometimes executive orders and other Presidential actions have real consequences; and the battle will be fought in the foxholes with sometimes minor victories being all there is, but we need to take these W when we can. Thank you Dr. Briggs for pushing the discussion.
The Left is out of energy and very old. They have no credible replacements, a loser diversitoid isn’t a replacement. Harris after Biden or Hakeem Jefferies after Pelosi isn’t a replacement.
The Boomers made the mistake of not training replacements across the board.
This doesn’t mean normal times.
It means opportunities are pounding in the heads of opportunists. What is on offer holds no lines, mans no walls, cannot hold. Trump is a BRAND, he’s Brand Fuck You for all the forgotten ones as Michael Moore just explained. That’s not the same as what is needed to hold down the youth of yet another generation… holding back the young is a terrible mistake, evil, stupid , and… it’s over.
Vance ?
Vance is capable enough in the world he succeeded in, so determined to succeed…. That…
… he denounced his own mother in writing. Truly Vance has what it took- the Denunciation- in the world Vance succeeded in.
Yes. Elegy indeed, but that world Vanishes, Vance.
Vance will not Vanquish, what he chose Vanishes…
Ivy League Elegy…. ‘tis the funeral march to unmarked and unmourned Potters field, the crowd faded away.
Not even Alcibiades denounced his mother. Truly no replacement.
After the guillotine came Napoleon, and war! And glory!
Much of the problem in the comments and in the article is in thinking along traditional political lines. This is in no way a typical or normal election, nor will the response be normal. No one knows what will happen and there is a reason for that. I would suggest thinking in terms not of what is expected and normal in politics, but think very much outside the box.
Let’s pull a Girard and call ourselves victims of mimetic desire..😆
Newsom is definitely tacking to the wind, which shows unexpected cleverness on his part,,,I think a fair number of the ultra-rich have serious doubts about installing a drunken nitwit as President, despite their dislike of Trump, and may make only a half-hearted effort this time...