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"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

In hubris we created, in sin we empowered, and in blindness we set the monster loose. Government-corporate information oligarchy deformed and rendered us hideous, a freakish "people unable... even to search for the truth because (we) are satisfied with deception..."

Climate Change Crisis, indeed.

Totally blind, and not even a one-eyed king to rule us.

In America's normal state of existential crisis, we would save us from others. But that is now impossible, because, as Pogo knew, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

We are "Death, the destroyer of worlds." Our salvation is not to be found in us, not in our laws, politics, ingenuity, resoucefulness, courage, fortitude, decency or conscience.

We have corrupted ourselves.

Corruptio optimi pessima!

Only God can save us, now.

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