FBI Lied To Facebook, Twitter, Etc. & Created Official Truths For Them To Define As "Disinformation"

So the regime's secret police lied to Facebook, Twitter, and surely others (like Google), and said it would be in Facebook's and the others' best interest to censor a regime-harming story.
Which Facebook, Twitter, etc. did.
The FBI called the truth of Hunter's laptop "misinformation" or "disinformation", necessitating the regime calling a falsity an Official Truth.
You will also recall our side remarked on everything that was happening when it was happening. And we were labeled as dissidents passing on "disinformation". Accounts pointing up the Biden scandal were quashed, throttled down, and so on. As was also noted at the time. These claims of censorship, too, were called "disinformation".
Here's the point of today's brief post. As I have told us myriad times, never forget that "disinformation" necessarily requires there to be Official Truths. And if there are Official Truths, there must necessarily be some agency, or agencies, in charge of creating, maintaining, changing, and promulgating them.
Zuckerberg said they used "independent" "third party" Official Truth providers to aid him in his censorship. And that Facebook, and surely the other companies' employees, didn't provide all the definitions for censorship. Which means they provided some.
Those "independent" sources were likely drawing from the secret police, too. Sometimes likely as directly as with Facebook, with armed agents showing up at offices and requesting, oh so politely, to consider as Official Truths the information they were providing.
But surely, too, these "independent" sources created for themselves some of the Official Truths which they so happily, and for a small fee, provided Facebook et al.
Quoting myself, about the regime's attempts to set up a Disinformation Governance Board:
I’ve warned us numerous times: for there to be mis- or disinformation there must be a set of Official Truths, and an entity charged with deciding Official Truth. OTs will be propositions that will only be coincidentally true. The criterion of judgment for OTs will therefore not be Truth, but usefulness to the regime.
OT definitions and promulgation can be done in the MOT itself, and will be the more political and less “scientific” they are. Most of the work for science OTs will be farmed out to Experts. If you have no conscience and possess a “degree” from an Ivy League or equivalent, now is your chance to set up shop as an Disinformation Identifier.
And, recalling the regime's censorship of coronadoom information and the Surgeon General demanding Facebook and others hand over information on "disinformation" spreaders:
The OT list was likely provided by some “academic” or third party, as the report recommended. We also know these disinformation contractors exist, and must exist.
For one, if they didn’t, the government would be solely responsible for defining all OTs. Government agencies are too used to farming out this kind of work, and usually to academia and the like. It’s easier to outsource. And much more defensible. “We didn’t create this list. Experts with PhDs did. That’s why it isn’t political because academics are angels.”
For two, there is no way blue-haired pierced tattooed STD-carrying soy-infused perpetually “outraged” weepy censors at tech companies can create OTs, except by reflex. They must rely on outside agencies for the bulk of what counts as an OT, especially as propositions grow technical.
There is much more on the subject here, in other posts.
What's interesting about today's revelations, which are indeed not revelations at all to those on our side, is what will happen to them.
That is, this is all happening as I write. It remains to be seen what the regime media will say or do about Zuckerberg's comments. Perhaps deny them, and label those who speak of them "disinformation spreaders." More likely---and I'm just guessing---they will just dismiss and ignore them as "unimportant" and wait for them to be washed away in the next tide of propaganda.
I didn't have time to edit today's post, (and I know I'm risking a "hot take"), so it's likely my enemies slipped in more than their usual quota of typos.
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"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
In hubris we created, in sin we empowered, and in blindness we set the monster loose. Government-corporate information oligarchy deformed and rendered us hideous, a freakish "people unable... even to search for the truth because (we) are satisfied with deception..."
Climate Change Crisis, indeed.
Totally blind, and not even a one-eyed king to rule us.
In America's normal state of existential crisis, we would save us from others. But that is now impossible, because, as Pogo knew, "We have met the enemy and he is us."
We are "Death, the destroyer of worlds." Our salvation is not to be found in us, not in our laws, politics, ingenuity, resoucefulness, courage, fortitude, decency or conscience.
We have corrupted ourselves.
Corruptio optimi pessima!
Only God can save us, now.