Mika's mother, the late Emilie Benes, was the roommate of the late Ruth Avery at Wellesley, who is the mother of Heidi Avery, who was assistant to John Brennan. All in the family.

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Communism is the turd that will not flush. It does not seem to matter how smart some people are and the awful experiences of their direct relatives, still they fall for it. They will try it, ‘properly this time’ and the butcher’s bill will continue to mount.

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I seriously doubt Trump will be a savior of any type, as much as hope seems to be rampant (what else do we really have except hope).

As for crazy ole Joe, his Missile issue is insanity:


PS: I also made a video a while back called "Traitor Joe".

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Oddly our hope on the Biden's missile insanity, is not in Congress nor our military complex nor effective corporate media reporting. It's in the intelligence and wisdom of Putin.

They can call me a Russian agent, I don't care.

I'm already considered far right; All engineers are!

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I, too, am an engineer. However, I don’t think Putin a good guy.

When I see all the initiatives like digital money, id’s, etc happening in Russia and all the deaths on both sides of the neocon misadventure, somehow or another, he is “in” on it.

But I don’t really trust anyone who is featured in maintstream news which is basically all captured in one way or another. Mostly by tiny hats.

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There's no good guys in geopolitics.

There's only sanity versus insanity, intelligence versus low cunning.

Putin is intelligent, sane, and governs in the interests of Russians, as he was elected to do.

Biden (just as an obvious example, there are many others) is retarded, insane, and governs in the interests of the globalist Clown World cabal, the exact opposite of the oath he took and of what he was elected to do.

Which one is preferable is not the right question in such a case. The right question is:

What do we have to do to have one of those?

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Some think we just did elect one of them.

I do not agree.

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It's hard to believe, I'll grant you.

We'll know for sure very soon.

I don't look for salvation in politics. The best I hope for is they fight amongst themselves and leave us alone.

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In 2008 the decision was taken to destroy Russia and break it into 40+ parts, opening the way for the US corporations to loot the richest country in the world.

The USA Doctrine

“I will use the full power of the CIA and the U.S. military to steal the resources of any country who opposes the intrusion of Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and transnational corporations.”

(A 1992 internal government document entitled “Defense Planning Guidance,” authored by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney (CFR) and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz (CFR), which contemplated the use of military force against any nation the conspirators perceived to be hostile against their interests.)

Ukraine was chosen as the hammer with which to break the Russian anvil.

From April 2022 I have said that the Ukraine war is an existential war. There can only be one winner. If the USA-NATO forces prevail then Russia will be destroyed. If Russia prevails then the USA-NATO domination is over.

For ever.

Putin and the US-powers both realise this.

Trump will be informed of his duty.

He may think that he can bluster and bully Putin and he can certainly bully Zelenski, even perhaps Macron and Starmer, but he will be made to realise that there can be only one winner.

Putin knowing that 'Losing' will be the end of Russia is quite determined to use any and all weapons to ensure that he does not lose.

Are the Americans willing to go 'all the way'?

About 90% of Americans are within 100 miles of the East and West coasts, The North East and South West will take no more than a dozen major missiles, launched from Submarines with a 10-15 minute time to target.

Russia has all the Aces and only really stupid morons would want to challenge it.

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For those not fooled by the lies of the of the corporate media -do not be fooled by whispers of "enter into the golden age."

Focus only on getting our imperfect but striving America back, that will do.

I'd also like the "Pope to be Catholic again, and bears who sh...." Never mind we still have the bears. And Bishops with testicles are coming although still years away, but they're there. As soft times create soft (and effeminate) bishops, so hard spiritual times...

As we await, the Return of the King.

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Sage advice.

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Don't necessarily disagree... but Trump is interested in one thing, and that's his Legacy. And that, "should" turn out great for the Country.

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Thank you.

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By the definition of terms, a "pontification" is an assertion of fact without a reason for belief in it. The assertion that "Scienice Is Not The Answer," which is the title of this substack, is an example of one of them. By the definition of terms, a "progressive" is a person to makes such an assertion.

Amongst the pontifications that are currently being made by progressives is that mankind faces "Catastrophic Anthropogenic global warming unless man-made emissions of carbon dioxide into Earth's atmosphere are curbed. Amongst those progressives currently making this pontification are Pope Francis and The city counsel of Los Altos Hills, California, where I live.

I am Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

650-518-6636 ( mobile )

terry_Oldberg@yahoo.com (email)

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