Greetings Doomsters.
I am graciously grateful to Brother Briggs for allowing me this gesture to you and for you in this histrionically historical moment during Advent — quite possibly the advent of nuclear annihilation you’ve been predicting and expecting.
For God’s sake, let’s hope not. Be careful what you wishcast for.
The election of Trump may be too little too late, though. As Traitor Joe fades into the jungle, he left us all a parting shot. The ICBM missiles have launched. The DIE is cast. There’s no turning back now.
Or possibly there is. Stranger things have been averted. Let us pray.
Meanwhile here in the media morass the redolence of schadenfreude wafts. The wailing doomsters on the Left are in retreat, as podcast pundits jeer them on and out. More than most others, the ass-door interface awaits the coffee klatch hosts of MSNBC, to the glee of their abuse victims.
But mercy should not be reserved for the faithful. Apostates and heretics must be granted some, too. Consider, for instance, the unusual case of Mika Brzezinski, the vicious hostess of MSNBC’s Morning Joe Show (alongside her husband Joe Scarborough) which is now plunging in viewership and jumping the shark. No one on the Left has been more of a scare monger, hate monger, and war monger than the lovely Mika (well, Rachel Maddow is a challenger). She’s a woke princess.
Which is inexplicable. After all, her late father Zbig, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was national security advisor under Jimmy Carter. Ten-year-old Polish-born Catholic Zbig escaped Poland with his family in 1938. Raised thereafter in Montreal, he became a Ph.D. Harvard professor in 1953 and one of the fiercest anti-Communists in the Free World.
Eventually Dr. Brzezinski mellowed and became a proponent of detente with the USSR, but only after supporting the Vietnam War and other Cold War follies (including the CIA backed Shah of Iran). His brief tenure with the hapless Carter ended when Ronald Reagan trounced him in 1980.
Thereafter Zbig became a talking head on TV, presaging his daughter’s career. But Zbig was there when Karol Jozef Wojtyla became Pope John Paul II in 1978, the first ever Polish Pope. He was there when (now saint) John Paul II delivered his sermon in Warsawís Victory Square on June 2, 1979, while millions of Poles chanted “We want God”.
It was perhaps the most impactful sermon since the one on the Mount 2,000 years earlier, because it led to the fall of atheistic Communism in Eastern Europe — without firing a shot; St. John Paul’s only weapon was the Word.
So it is truly inexplicable that Catholic-born Mika became a leading Left-wing atheist voice. She should have been on CBN, or more appropriately lead anchor on EWTN, the Catholic News Agency.
It’s not too late for Mika. It’s never too late, not until after one’s dying breath. I am praying, not braying, for Mika. You should, too. It’s not too late for any of us. And if doom is upon us, then now is the time to repent.
Doomsters, heed my words. If you believe the End Times have arrived, or even if you don’t, get with God. It may very well be your last chance. Doom takes on many forms, not all of them global. We all face the inevitable.
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Mika's mother, the late Emilie Benes, was the roommate of the late Ruth Avery at Wellesley, who is the mother of Heidi Avery, who was assistant to John Brennan. All in the family.
Communism is the turd that will not flush. It does not seem to matter how smart some people are and the awful experiences of their direct relatives, still they fall for it. They will try it, ‘properly this time’ and the butcher’s bill will continue to mount.