Remember the Trusted News Initiative? Itt had the superficial appearance of being an organic effort by media outlets, lead I think by the BBC, to agree to censor and restrict disinformation given the exigent circumstances of pandemic. If I remember correctly, the big organizers were CNN, Facebook, Google, Rueters, and a few others. The stated mission of the group was to restrict any narrative that ran counter to the scientific consensus as established by authoritative sources, which conveniently happened to be government entities like the CDC.

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A prudent view might be a prophecy: THEY are tracking US, all of us, NOW, and SOON, THEY will round up ALL of us, millions of us, one by one, and roust us out, drive us from our homes, offices, and cars as they ransack them and shackle us at home or work or on the way, in airports at the boarding gates, in stores as we shop, in parks as we walk our dogs, from sleep at 3 AM, wherever and whenever they can publicize the maximum embarrassment and inflict the pain of public humiliation, because the UNDUE PROCESS of LAW is a political tactic of intimidation, an important method of ILLEGAL PUNISHMENT for outspoken opponents, like us, of UNLAWFUL RULE. UNDUE PROCESS of LAW is their primary weapon against defenders of the RULE of LAW.

The Gestapo used the weapon against the Jews, as did the Bolsheviks before and after them, against everybody in the wrong group and anybody who dared think the wrong thought or say the wrong word.

So, to be ready you must get ready. Have a peaceful terror arrest response in mind and run emotional rehearsals with your family. Children particularly must be emotionally toughened to withstand the terror if they are not to suffer PTSD.

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I posted the infamous Hunter Biden in his underwear picture on facebook two days ago and immediately received a suspension. There is no doubt in my mind that what is being said here is correct... all of it.

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It is evil, but it does not have to be intentional evil on the part of individual people. The machine knows only one big thing: centralization. The "clearing house" terminology reminded me of the introduction of Central Counterparties (CCPs) to the financial markets after the 2007/08 crisis.


"Central Counterparties (CCPs) interpose themselves between counterparties to contracts traded, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer."

Yes, you can still trade over-the-counter (OTC) but it is a lot more expensive in terms of capital requirements. Once the centralized institutions are there, they do not go away. If they cause problems, more centralized institutions will be heaped on top.

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What are we missing?

If we don't get it, is it worth getting?

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Sorry, if I am causing confusion. I just wanted to provide a totally different example of the same phenomenon. I also should have written Machine instead of machine. I am somehow influenced by Paul Kingsnorth's writings:


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