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You likely heard the news, unless all you follow is the media—whose job, as Iowahawk long ago told us, is to cover stories, with a pillow, until they stop moving.
The Department of Homeland Security has been caught, if that is the word we want, manipulating Big Tech and, in turn, Big Tech has been manipulating us.
A brilliant exposé in The Intercept lays it all out in the article “Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation“. The authors are Ken Klippenstein and Lee Fang. Fang has a long Twitter thread distilling the information.
Our side has been warning about the frighteningly named Department of Homeland Security since before its inception, and of course long after. Here’s one unheeded warning from 2011; another from the year before; I’d go back to the beginning, but my earlier site was hacked by global warming zealots in 2015, and most of the indexes from before then were lost.
It was impossible, as all sane predictions at the time had it, that an organization designed to root out bad foreigners on US soil would not eventually be turned against citizens. Such was predicted, and such is the case.
The DHS was created in the 9/11 panic, with little opposition, in the oppositely named Patriot Act. Which might have been the Act that specified all new government laws and rules be named by the spirit of George Orwell. Whether that little joke is true, the end result is the same. Government names now always lie.
Now we all recall the publicly abortive attempt to create a Disinformation Governance Board. That is, the public aspects of that agency, part of the DHS, were put on hold. The secretive ones were not. As we all predicted.
As I’ve said a hundred times, if there is Official Disinformation, there must necessarily exist Official Truths. And there must necessarily exist an agency, or agencies, charged with promulgating, disseminating, and creating and curating those Official Truths. This all must be so. There is no other way if there is any notion of Official Disinformation.
I can’t quote the whole article, which should be read. But here’s a couple of juicy bits.
There is also a formalized process for government officials to directly flag content on Facebook or Instagram and request that it be throttled or suppressed through a special Facebook portal that requires a government or law enforcement email to use. At the time of writing, the “content request system” at is still live. DHS and Meta, the parent company of Facebook, did not respond to a request for comment. The FBI declined to comment.
Did they indeed.
The stepped up counter-disinformation effort began in 2018 following high-profile hacking incidents of U.S. firms, when Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act, forming a new wing of DHS devoted to protecting critical national infrastructure…
From the outset, CISA boasted of an “evolved mission” to monitor social media discussions while “routing disinformation concerns” to private sector platforms.
Who signed it? Never mind.
Following up on the platforms angle, Fang tweeted “DHS official working on disinfo noted, during an internal strategy discussion, that the agency should use third party nonprofits as a ‘clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda.'” (There is a pic of the language used in the DHS document.)
This is another prediction of ours verified. I picked universities, and their offshoots, as the most likely third party Official Truth factories and blessing agencies. This looks more like fund-raising organizations like ADL and SPLC. I’m not sure of the mix.
But whoever these third parties are, because of the Expansion Team Effect, it’s always possible to find Experts willing to provide whatever Official Truth, or whatever The Science, you need. The government will always be able to say “It’s not us, it’s Experts.” And they’ll always forget to tell you it was they, the government, who picked the Experts.
Incidentally, the DHS has not stopped its efforts. They are working now to fortify the 2022 election, like how they quashed the Hunter Biden laptop story, among other things. This exposé has not stopped them, nor will it stop them.
What about Twitter?
You think Musk might be your Reality-based speech hero on Twitter? Well, you might be right. But I’m guessing you’re wrong. He’s already out praising Yoel Roth, who (with the DHS) fortified Twitter in the 2020 election, a man who spoke of “ACTUAL NAZIS IN THE WHITE HOUSE” (caps original). Actual Nazis in the White House. Sigh.
No, Musk is at Twitter to make money. He wants to charge suckers a hundred bucks a year to join the Blue Checka. He’s not going to make war against the entire government.
Late addition.

UPDATE As predicted, censorship to remain in place. Musk will not fight the regime.

Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
Remember the Trusted News Initiative? Itt had the superficial appearance of being an organic effort by media outlets, lead I think by the BBC, to agree to censor and restrict disinformation given the exigent circumstances of pandemic. If I remember correctly, the big organizers were CNN, Facebook, Google, Rueters, and a few others. The stated mission of the group was to restrict any narrative that ran counter to the scientific consensus as established by authoritative sources, which conveniently happened to be government entities like the CDC.
A prudent view might be a prophecy: THEY are tracking US, all of us, NOW, and SOON, THEY will round up ALL of us, millions of us, one by one, and roust us out, drive us from our homes, offices, and cars as they ransack them and shackle us at home or work or on the way, in airports at the boarding gates, in stores as we shop, in parks as we walk our dogs, from sleep at 3 AM, wherever and whenever they can publicize the maximum embarrassment and inflict the pain of public humiliation, because the UNDUE PROCESS of LAW is a political tactic of intimidation, an important method of ILLEGAL PUNISHMENT for outspoken opponents, like us, of UNLAWFUL RULE. UNDUE PROCESS of LAW is their primary weapon against defenders of the RULE of LAW.
The Gestapo used the weapon against the Jews, as did the Bolsheviks before and after them, against everybody in the wrong group and anybody who dared think the wrong thought or say the wrong word.
So, to be ready you must get ready. Have a peaceful terror arrest response in mind and run emotional rehearsals with your family. Children particularly must be emotionally toughened to withstand the terror if they are not to suffer PTSD.