“Live Free or Diaper”

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I can see it on their license plates in the near future. The new state motto.

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Live in THE TRUTH no matter how much THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN "diapers" ...

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Oh THAT'S good!!!! I love the cerebral wit on Substack! I need the laughs...

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PLEASE TELL ME THAT THIS IS SATIRE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Or else we need to consider "Their Coming To Take Me Away" as the new National Anthem.

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Satire can't keep up.

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I'm having the exact same response. This has got to be satire...right?!?!? Am I so unplugged that this could actually happen and I'm shocked?!?!?!

I read or heard somewhere about the number of Babylon Bee headlines that turned out to be predictive, not satirical...WTF to think?

I worked with a guy, not closely, but we were both full time officers in the Army National Guard. A couple of years after he retired, he's now a she. A very ugly she, for sure.

In 2004, one of my Soldiers sent me a letter to get out of an Iraq deployment, "...so, I'm a girl..."

We tossed HIS ass out. The moment he made that admission, he was non-deployable and I had to suspend his access to classified information. As an intelligence organization, you're pretty useless without access to classified material.

I don't know where the solid ground is anymore.


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" ... the number of Babylon Bee headlines that turned out to be predictive, ..."

EVERYONE who thinks thoughts and words don't matter is up for a rude "awakening" ...

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Well, at least you are aware of the fact that you don't know where the solid ground

is anymore.

Unfortunately, most people are not.

And this almost universal global unawareness is what causes the real problems everywhere in the world in today. And I mean about if not just all.

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A year ago I divorced Tobacco/nicotine after a 40 year relationship. It hurt. A lot. My BP skyrocketed. I was anxious for 3-4 months, could barely sleep, stunk. It was awful.

I learned how often and to what degree I masked anxiety/depressive thoughts with tobacco. Screw SSRIs--tobacco is the best.

Lately, I've been thinking about anxiety with more openness. Maybe there is good reason to be a little nervous all the time. Maybe we should have our heads on a swivel...

Maybe the history of mankind is filled with trauma induced anxiety and people just lived on anyway.

Maybe, by design, we are not carefree and happy all the time.

Like you noted above, maybe it is better to know the ground is unstable. Thinking it was stable was a lie, so my ease and comfort were also lies.


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Not all people suffer anxiety all the time, and or need serotonine generalising events /habits and whatever else addictions to fool them their lives are great

As far as I know, and I am still looking for the first person to proof me wrong, the anxiety was once actually quite real, as a matter of fact, it was when we were (very) young. Because our parents weren’t able to love us unconditionally. Because their parents couldn’t either. They weren’t able to create a save environment for us to develop.

Because a more or less hostile environment results in constant stress experiences, our bodys were getting used to being aroused all the time, and it became our ‘new’ basic state.

The fact that we are not capable of mentally sane behavoir to especially states of discomfort, is because of our parents were not interested in how we felt, and stimulated us to ignore our feelings and openly disliked us talking about feelings or showed us otherwise we had to get rid of ‘negative’ feelings as sadness, while as I matter of fact, we need those feelings to get rid of pain.

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I was just thinking how crazy it is that I had a moment of questioning whether or not this was satire. Unfortunately, I live in Crazy Town in Clown World and Satan rules. Yes, the new national anthem should be "They're Coming To Take Me Away". Because the subject is NOT satire, only Briggs delightful reporting of it.

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And you wonder why Tucker Carlson interview Putin sounds so .. SANE. Because this *hit don't fly anywhere but here where they are trying their hardest to destroy us as FAST as possible... no where else does this insanity exist. Can you imagine this headline from Russia? Singapore? Malaysia? Brazil? No too macho to admit to diapered males and the general mental illness.

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It is not satire but it isn't true either.

If your government is allowed to keep you away from everything that is your life, and from everyting you love, tell you not to travel and not to leave your house, force you to undergo medical treatments that damage your health for life and which they didn't investigate, or they did investigate and so they know it harms people for live, invents illnesses like bacteries and virsus as imaginary so non existing (no they DO NOT exist, for centuries people die of the offered 'TREATMENTS' by the same dudes who invented the illnesses and the 'spread' od diseases is invented to divide people litterally but also mentally- look at statistics and when more people start dying than in the years before that: after vaccinations people start consuming 'medical treatments' or die (almost) immedeatly. See covid vaccins, when the 'extra' dying starts is only after vaccinations were injected in lots of people)

Well for no reason at all, and if there was a reason for no measurable benefits your government can take everything away from you. Your breath for instance, by a face diper who proofed for ages not ever protected anyone from anything, and add this to all above totalitairian satanic criminal measures, everything is possible. We are no longer 'just us' but we are owner by our governments and they can do all they like to us.

Our government can force us to wear dipers. That is what this article is about.

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... and we can tell our government to suck eggs. Just, didn't for some reason. Would diapers be enough? Who knows.

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"To the funny farm, where life is beautiful everyday..."

Gosh, I 'm old, I remember that from long ago. Great, if scary, song.

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Dr. Colleen Ann Murphy, a board-certified physician and sexologist owns the joint. Trust the science.

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The Constitution does not protect your right to not wear a mask, but then again it does not grant “health officers” the power to force you to wear one. All such orders have been legally unenforceable despite claims to the contrary.

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Listen, if the President wears one then so should you.

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I am thinking this is satire run amok thru the digital grapevine.

However up here in Canuckistan ( Canada ) we just had one of our MP’s ( Member of Parliament) present a Bill to make promoting of fossil fuels not only illegal but punishable by fine and imprisonment. 🤪

It’s Bill C-372 … go have a look. So the Diaper legislation may not be so far fetched after all .

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You guys are truly off the rails!

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It's obviously an attempt at an escape from having to be adult but also being a human. Atkinson, New Hampshire is on border of Massachusetts near Haverhill. Enough said.

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It's more than an "attempt at an escape" - it's the very symptom of THE DISEASE plaguing those - including those still pretending to be in "charge" - that have been deceived/have deceived themselves/ are deceiving others about REALITY!

More ice-cream, PLEASE....!

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Agree irreality reigns when men can get pregnant.

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"Irreality" seems to "reign" but it is more of an prelude to something much BIGGER ... like a depression being the prelude - necessary "suffering" - to a much brighter future based on insight. The cross is the way!

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Live pee or die!?

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Normalizing a Fetish?


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Try pervert.

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And off we go down the rat hole of BDSM. The next new normal? Latex suits are hugely unattractive for most people, yet so perfect for distracting optics.

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Where do you find this crap? Still, I do find your reporting does stimulate all of (my) senses in an incredibly soft and soothing way!

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The level of stupidity with these wackos is astounding 🤦🏻‍♂️

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It’s pretty astounding that courts would come up with a ruling like that. People can murder tiny humans because it’s “their body, their choice” yet I can not refuse a mask for the same reason! Bodily autonomy is a BIG ISSUE and precedents like this one need to be SMASHED!! Rulings made when everyone was clearly insane must be SMASHED now that some sanity has returned. Very dangerous times!


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Drawing on my knowledge of classical Greek and Latin which were once taught in school, 'neurodivergent' Means a disorderly mind. As the geek motto GiGO says: garbage in, garbage out. FUBAR isn't far behind: F**ked up beyond all recognition!

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What was it Blaise Paschal said about a hole in our hearts?

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Arrrr, me maties, wait til peglegs, parrots and eyepatches become mandatory! Ye'll beg for diapers to come back, but too late, ye didn't appreciate them when ye had them! Arrrr!

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Absolutely classic Briggs. Fine piece of reporting.

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The only hope - actually it's a certainty - is, that the absurdity of the gospel and the actions upon it of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN are bringing THE HOUSE OF LIES down - EVENTUALLY! The only requirement is FAITH IN TRUTH AND THE PATIENCE to see THE TRUTH doing its job!

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The hard question...What is Truth?

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The pathway has been accessible for millennia ... THE CULT OF "EVE" has been "successfully" obscuring it by the "bells and whistles" of MATERIALISM ... and your very comment is testimony to this fact and to THE TRUTH .... and it is not THE BIG GATE (of the "superbowl") AND THE BROAD WAY (of "HOLLYWOOD/BROADWAY") but the narrow path (of fasting, praying and sacrifice) and the small gate (of humbleness, servitude and obedience to THE TRUTH) - FOR SURE!


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narrow and straight is the path to salvation or heaven for, Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”, yes, it IS like that. Eschew the easy road, listen to the heart and soul, not the temptations remain kind and act with kindness to all and you may find your way. Slip and fall to materialism the easy choices and 'comfort' and you will lose your way for sure.

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Actually, it doesn't matter. Or it is the most important thing in the world. Or something in between.

What does matter, is the fact that what is true is a personal matter.

So your question is wrong because you need an answer

The answer is that the idea that deciding what is true for other persons than yourself is impossible to start with.

The real problem is that some people think it is a good thing to force people dissagreeing on them, even to use violence (!!!) to make them act according to their ideas, because they know what is good for them, better than themselves.

It is not a coincidence that when things turm out not to be good for those others, the persons who forced the people BECAUSE they 'knew' better what was good to them, never admit that they never ever could have known that what they unreasonably forced others to do against their will, by them at the time well motivated restited, was actually 'good' to others.

I wonder why not all (covid) discussions about whathever failed forced treatments by whoever or whatever, only mentioning this huge problem on the side of the forcer -so apparent- abuser.

That is what it is: abuse.

Not knowing what you were forcing to others -who were knowing better than you or not- is not an excuse!

It is a loud and clear mark of utter insanity. At best.

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I'm of the belief that truth is something that is backed up by reality via facts. For instance, reality backs up the fact that man cannon fly without a device designed to allow him to do so. So if he jumps off a high rise building, the truth is that he is going to hit the ground going over 100 miles per hour. Truth is relative to facts. Sometimes you can back up belief with facts which results in a truth. Some people believe the earth is flat, but mathematics proves the earth is a sphere. So the truth is that the earth is a sphere. My hard question is based on the statement above my post. One Existence "believes" what he/she (I'm not sure) that what he/she is stating is truth. I see it as a belief and can't back it up with facts so I have to question if it is the truth or simply a belief. Am I confusing you yet? I really am not trying to.

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No you are absolutely not confusing me, because my brain works exactly the same as yours, thank you!

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What Is Truth?”

THE two men facing each other could scarcely have been more dissimilar. One was a politician who was cynical, ambitious, wealthy, ready to do anything to advance his own career. The other was a teacher who spurned wealth and prestige and was prepared to sacrifice his life to save the lives of others. Needless to say, these two men did not see eye to eye! On one matter in particular, they disagreed absolutely​—the matter of truth.

The men were Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ. Jesus was standing before Pilate as a condemned criminal. Why? Jesus explained that the reason for this​—indeed, the very reason that he had come to the earth and undertaken his ministry—​came down to one thing: truth. “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world,” he said, “that I should bear witness to the truth.”​—John 18:37.

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What Is Truth?”

THE two men facing each other could scarcely have been more dissimilar. One was a politician who was cynical, ambitious, wealthy, ready to do anything to advance his own career. The other was a teacher who spurned wealth and prestige and was prepared to sacrifice his life to save the lives of others. Needless to say, these two men did not see eye to eye! On one matter in particular, they disagreed absolutely​—the matter of truth.

The men were Pontius Pilate and Jesus Christ. Jesus was standing before Pilate as a condemned criminal. Why? Jesus explained that the reason for this​—indeed, the very reason that he had come to the earth and undertaken his ministry—​came down to one thing: truth. “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world,” he said, “that I should bear witness to the truth.”​—John 18:37.

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@ Jaqui Smith My point being, who decides? You? The person you are debating? Or the obvious in your face answer at that moment. You see "truth" in a different light than I do. So who is right? Are Muslims right? Of course you will say no. Are the Jews right? Of course you'll say no. Are the Christians right? Of course you'll say yes. But I ask then, which DENOMINATION of Christian is right? You'll say not the Catholics, not the Jehovah Witnesses, not the Latter Day Saints because you will claim they aren't Christian. You'll site the statement in Revelation about taking any of the word out of the book and ignore the fact that the Protestants took out about 12 books that the Catholics have kept. You'll claim that your denomination has the truth, which one that is I have no idea, but you'll claim the one down the street is wrong because...blah blah blah. See my point? Probably not...

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Thankyou for your reply Much appreciated I see your point perfectly! I felt the same way 60yrs ago I was atheist because of the false “Christianity” I saw everywhere Was there ANYONE following Christ’s teachings I asked? (I’d lived through WW2 here in England and saw all the denominations killing each other German “Christian” killing English “Christian” etc The Clergy of all the major religions blessing the tanks and weapons of war… and yet hadn’t Christ said “ you are all brothers “ and the famous words “I am giving you a NEW commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you, that you also love one another By THIS all will know that you are my disciples , if you have love among yourselves” - John 13:34,35 (capitals mine for emphasising my point…so sorry I’m not good with tech! No italics on here?) So I looked for such a body of people if they existed! The day one of Jehovahs Witnesses knocked on my door and I began to tear up her Bible in a rage telling her it was toilet paper, but she did not retaliate , just kindly , but firmly, asked me not to do it as it was the only Bible she had as she was poor, and if I needed toilet paper she would bring me some, then I knew these people were different. So I apologised, calmed down and began to study and find evidence for the things I was learning in our chats ( I was trained as a Lawyer Everything must be evidence based for me! ) Like yourself I asked “what is truth?” and I found it (..test it out on jw.org Type in any question and consider the evidence ) There is false religion everywhere as you rightly point out . Soon it will all be done away with by the Creator himself…its fruitage is a stench to Him as it would be to ourselves if someone was misrepresenting us .

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@Jaqui Smith You may find some solace here: http://deism.com

I did. The story is a bit lengthy as to why I ended up here. Take a look...

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Thankyou I will certainly look there as, indeed, I hope you will look on jw.org with an open mind ? I’m glad that you, too, found solace and would love to hear your ‘story ‘ sometime no matter how lengthy! Unfortunately, I’m no good with tech and wouldn’t have a clue how to get in touch with anyone on Substack privately Still, It was lovely having a civilised little exchange of thoughts! Thanks for your time Courageous Lion I send Agape love from England

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