Yes, you read the headline right. Here’s how it came about.
Earlier this year a “Diaper Spa” opened its doors in Atkinson, New Hampshire. (Click the link if you think I’m joking.) The owner Colleen Murphy bills herself as “neurodivergent” and says that she “diligently approaches the design of the Diaper Spa to stimulate all of the senses in an incredibly soft and soothing way.”
As a taste of services offered:
Imagine a safe and judgment-free session where you can openly express yourself and partake of your favorite activities, meals, snacks, and nurturing. Activities range from playtime, story time, nap time, cuddle time, changing time, coloring, nursery rhymes, and sing-a-longs.
More luxurious services include Stretching, Guided Meditation, Makeovers, and even piggy paint!
Changing time.
It’s $300 an hour for live services like “piggy paint”. If you want to go all out, you can stay at their Diaper B&B for $1,500.
Hey, if a man can pretend to be a woman, and everybody has to pretend with him or suffer, why can’t a man pretend to be an infant, and demand everybody has to pretend with him—or suffer?
What’s your answer?
It might be that there is no money to be made. No surgeries to tout or drugs to sell, as in “gender” “transitions”. All you can sell the age “transitioner” is a box of diapers. Not a lot of margin there. So our elite, rulers, and Experts wouldn’t seem to have the incentive to push this.
But you’d be wrong. Because once word got out about that grown men were out slobbering and running around in diapers and begging to be changed, the jokes started rolling. And that created stigma. See the end of this Law Enforcement Today report on the matter for stigma links.
The woke hate stigma, because it reminds them that what they are doing is bat guano insane.
So somebody, I know not who, must have contacted the CDC, which is brimming with Experts. Some Expert must have been asked how this diaper stigma could be ended. And the “solution” the CDC came up with is to mandate adults in New Hampshire wear adult diapers so that the men pretending to be infants would not feel out of place.
I haven’t seen news reports of this yet, my information coming from informed sources. Basically, all those over 18 must wear adult diapers when they go out in public. Companies with greater than 15 employees are supposed to put in place a policy for diaper checks, where employees will have to demonstrate they are wearing one. If not, both the company and employee will have to pay some fine. I don’t know what amount.
Several large chain stores already have signs demanding “Diaper Required”. One of them (I’m not supposed to say which) is going to install those airport-like monitors which will “x-ray” the nether regions of shoppers to ensure diaper rules are being followed.
I also gather the Governor will ask the legislature to make going outdoors without a diaper a misdemeanor, which if someone is convicted can land them in jail for a up to 12 months.
Look. I know what you’re thinking. But if the CDC can insist people wear masks, there is no logical or medical reasons they cannot insist people wear diapers. And didn’t people (deniers) call masks “face diapers”?
The precedent is there.
And, lately, the CDC’s power has been ensconced in court.
Here’s the headline of a relevant article: “Refusing to Wear a Mask Isn’t Protected by US Constitution: Federal Court“.
Refusing to wear masks is not conduct protected by the U.S. Constitution, a U.S. appeals court has ruled.
“A question shadowing suits such as these is whether there is a First Amendment right to refuse to wear a protective mask as required by valid health and safety orders put in place during a recognized public health emergency. Like all courts to address this issue, we conclude there is not,” U.S. Circuit Judge Thomas Ambro said in a Feb. 5 ruling.
“Skeptics are free to—and did—voice their opposition through multiple means, but disobeying a masking requirement is not one of them,“ Judge Ambro added.
If rulers have the power to make you wear a face mask to protect “public health”, then they surely have the power to make you wear a diaper to protect “mental health of the public”, because “mental health” is now a medical area. And Experts in medicine know better than you what behavior is best.
The “mental health” of men who pretend to be infants must be protected, just as the “mental health” of men pretending to be women is. By and in law, and in forcing your compliance.
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“Live Free or Diaper”
PLEASE TELL ME THAT THIS IS SATIRE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Or else we need to consider "Their Coming To Take Me Away" as the new National Anthem.