There is nothing, nothing at all, that the government won’t seek to regulate if it provides a modicum of power over its subjects. I’m old enough to remember toilets that really flushed. 3 gallons of water and a sparkling toilet bowl. Now we get 1.28 gallons and you better have a toilet brush handy….

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Reminds of a conversation I had yesterday with a coworker regarding the ridiculous topic of climate change. He said to kiddingly; We must take away your plastic straws wrapped in paper… and force you to use paper straws wrapped in plastic…

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I really miss cooking with a gas stove. My current domicile has electric. I've learned to get used to it - mostly. Some things still boil over on me every time I cook them because I can't see that lovely blue flame and adjust it just right. I've even learned how to replace the pesky electric coil on the darn thing. Of course my electric stove could powered by a coal burning power plant Oh Dear! The next thing will be "We need to shut down all power plants that aren't solar or wind or water" in which case we'll all be driven back to the ice age and burning wood, which is even worse for the environment. Most of those city folk will be huddled in their inner-city parks over a bon fire to warm their collective food (if they can get it) and their bodies. I only hope some regulators get some sense into their heads before we are truly headed for catastrophe. It may be too late already.

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I'm fortunate enough that the house we moved into last year came with a gas stove. I'd only ever used electric before and I must admit to being quite intimidated by using has to begin with (I had visions of myself blowing the house sky-high a la Hot Fuzz) but after my first time using it, I was hooked. I'll never go back to electric now. The blue flame is too mesmerising.

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*gas, not has

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Cooking on an electric stovetop yields at best poor results. As you say, you cannot fine tune the temperature enough to perfectly cook anything! They are awful.

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It's a matter of practice on regular electric and almost I see no difference between gas and induction.

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Gas is better—instantly adjustable.

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Induction is instantly adjustable also.

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Having shut down their last three nuclear power plants the year before, Germany had to remove a wind farm because they needed to expand a coal mine (mind?). Makes one’s eyes go out of focus!

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You are priceless Briggs! "... they discovered that burning gas indoors emitted combustion products". If we had a directed energy weapon firing beams of ridicule, you could build an empire manufacturing ammunition.

*exits giggling*

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The food being cooked on the stove is probably 100x worse for you than the stove. Seed oils, glysophate loaded grains, pestiside coated veggies, MSG, omega 6s.....

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Should we start talking about the water used to cook with as well? Or the cookware. 😅 A little CO2, or a long painful death from a food industry that lies, makes thier crap addictive. I can wither, get dementia and die from bad food on a infared cooktop, gas stove, microwave ovens ( don't reheat carbs in a microwave. Causes AGEs) and inductive stove (these are Bomb!). 80% of Americans are not dieing from gas stoves. But 80% have metabolic syndrome.

"Look at the scrape on that man's knee. Ignore the rest of the bodily injuries from being crushed by the car that hit him. It's the knee man. SAVE THE KNEE!"

For those who are interested. You will learn alot from these two books.

Eat to Beat Disease by Dr. Li

Eat to Beat Your Diet. Dr. Li.

Cod liver oil daily. Good Probiotcs daily. Fiber daily. EPA and HDA are required for mitochondrial function. Your gut biomeis 80% of your health and 90% of items you can buy in the store kill it --as does antibiotics. All restaurant breads and doughs contain glysophate.

Fructose (HFCS) destroys your liver and destroys the satiety feedback hormonal loop. Food companies know this. It makes you eat more of the crap they sell because you neve feel full.

Stepping down from my soap box. 😁

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Must be a miracle that we survived cooking by burning wood in caves, followed much later by burning coal in condensed urban city flats…

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...from my cold dead pans.

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"Bacon was not mentioned" Please have mercy ... my ribs are bruised from 🤣 🤣 🤣

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This Satya S Patra fellow looks quite jolly — and sure is a busy beaver, leaving no air particle unturned: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BBKuZasAAAAJ&hl=en If you look at the number of times his Sniffing Studies papers have been cited, prior to 2020 it looks like he racked up 1 citation. But then when worldwide interest in airborne stuff really soared, for reasons we all remember well — citations of Mr. Patra’s papers soared too. Only to plummet after every non-cretin on the planet had found out about the pandemic that never was. My personal favorite is his paper “Siloxane emissions and exposures during the use of hair care products in buildings”. Given the scope of this research, it must have required considerable funding. Here’s an excerpt: “… realistic hair care experiments were conducted in a residential building. Siloxane-based HCPs were tested using common hair styling techniques, including straightening, curling, waving, and oiling.” So looks like all you bald guys out there will be unscathed by the ban on indoor hair grooming that’s surely in the regulatory pipeline. All you gals, though … bundle up in winter when you have to do your beauty ritual in the backyard.

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Of all the things he could have chosen to do with his life, he chose this. How fucking GAY.

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Induction stoves are actually great (that is part of the problem), but they're not for everyone -certainly not if you have pacemaker; and there is certainly nothing wrong with cooking on a gas stove.

Adding to the value added induction stove problem here is: 1-totalitarian instinct of those in charge, 2-opportunity to "do something" about "climate change", 3-opportunity to "virtue signal", 4-opportunity to "promote safety-ism".

It's a perfect storm. They will be coming for your gas stove. The AP has a climate desk for their "journalism". Politicians must be seen "do something" to get reelected.. It's inevitable.

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But just imagine how much all those Africans are gonna enjoy the millions of outlawed gas stoves that western countries will donate to them ... I mean the Africans in Africa.

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My advice is to always have a Campchef Explorer propane stove on hand for outside use in case you loose electricity.

(Don’t own their stock, it’s just a great campstove.)

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More racism against the white stove burners!

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This irks me to no end. I LOVE my gas stove. We also have two gas water heaters, a gas clothes dryer, and a gas fireplace. I suppose they’ll want to eliminate these as well?

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It's just a matter of time Samantha. As you well know, enough is never enough for them. Even after they have you living in a dirt hole and eating bugs, they will demand equity for the bugs - which they forced on you in the first place - and then demand you make reparations to the bugs for your racist genocide. If you're lucky, they'll let you stay in the dirt hole...for now.

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Yep, you’re correct (and have connected the dots with precision 😉)

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F the gubermint!

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Yes you are totally correct. I have been calling this out on LinkedIn for at least five years. The gas stove thing is TOTAL propaganda and the health issue (non existent really) is simply a pretext to ban them because of the 'climate crisis'. Good article.

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In my state of Victoria in Australia they've banned gas appliances in new dwellings from this year. Not coincidentally, we hear that this winter there may be gas outages, as the gas platforms in Bass Strait are running dry.

Meanwhile over 70% of Australia's natural gas production is exported, mainly to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China. Presumably natural gas is not poisonous if burned on a stove in Korea, and does not cause climate change if burned in a turbine in Japan. Chemistry works differently in foreign countries.

Alternately, it may be because domestic gas supplies have their prices regulated by government, but exported gas has no limits on price.

So I think really in most Western countries this is about conserving natural gas so it can be exported at high prices, and used in gas turbines to cover gaps in renewables.

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It would be great to see this experiment replicated with the fuel used by Africans who are denied an improved electric grid in their countries because of "carbon pollution."

What do they cook with, and heat their homes with? Dung, manure, shit.

Imagine the "nano-sized molecular clusters" dung exhausts into African huts?

If these "scientists" and others like them have their way, we'll all be cooking with dung.

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Absolutely mind numbing William!

And for your enjoyment of high powered Epidemological Research may I present that latest rubbish:

"8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death". Or intermittent fasting will kill you!

Here's what little I could find about this "study".


Lots of wee-p's William. HAHAHA.

Oh, it appears the club of "escaped academia" is growing! There's at least three of us now.

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I have an article on it in the queue.


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Great. I look forward to your take on it. Do you have a link to the actual paper? I cannot find it.


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Nobody can. It doesn't exist. That poster is it.

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