She and the oaks were rescued - "In California, rainstorms started in December and lasted until May. Reservoirs were refilled, and many oaks were saved. The hills glowed with yellow and orange wildflowers, and leaves exploded from branches in rapid growth, a benefit of the winter of moisture. For just this one year, the blossoming hills gave me a breath of relief amid the ongoing struggle, and I rededicated myself to continuing to fight for everything we can still save," - without any help from The Science.

I guess her tears invoked the rain.

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Or fell like it.

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The tears of Our Lady Climate Scientist spared us from the drought and from human sacrifice (essential procedure to invoke rain) this year.

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Saw this breakdown recently on twitter:

1. That won't happen, you're wrong and just a conspiracy theorist

2. It's happening but it's not a big deal

3. It's happening and it's actually a good thing

4. The people complaining about it happening are the real problem.

So William, I declare you the problem here.

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I thought “von Munchhausen by proxy” required a sick child?! Guess “sick Gaia” will do for these loons. “Look at me! I’m so sensitive! I work so hard and care so much, I’m making myself sick!”

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I'm stealing this one. With an attribution.

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A: Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Liberal White Women

Q: Who are "Destroyers of civilizations," Alex.

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They need to be driven from science with pitchforks and torches. It's a travesty that they've infiltrated...nay, been ushered in on paths strewn with petals by the leftists bent on destroying humanity...the social sciences, but it's a tragedy they've invaded the hard sciences. Men! Make it stop.

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Misogynistic much? Liberal of either sex. You're all gay.

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Nope. The notion of ejaculating into a man's rectum holds zero appeal for me.

True, effiminate men are to blame, too, but liberal white women are the beating heart of the noxious Woke movement.

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They are famously more gullible than men. They rank higher in agreeableness would be the psychological phenomenon we measure, all thoroughly established to the point of absurdity. We hear plenty of discussion about some of the negative aspects of male nature, which men readily accept, aggression, disagreeableness etc. Rather less on female nature and how it can affect whole nations.

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true dat

we all know it

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Extending the franchise to women was among the most grievous errors we have ever made, civilizationally speaking.

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An emerging phenomenon that will become increasingly hard to hide is work by endocrinologists on the effects of cortisol (the stress hormone) on women. It isn't looking good. Premature aging and lowered fertility are just two. Men by comparison have some benefits from cortisol, although the results vary.

Who knew? In this egalitarian world where all are equal who would have thought men and women might handle stressful environments differently? More to the point, how many women want to age prematurely? Is this the key to taking down the Matriarchy? You're turning them into old shrews who can't have kids? The Tik Tok videos will be entertaining no doubt.

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Something tells me that most, if not all, of the climate cultists in Miss Miner's social circle got themselves clotshot at every opportunity. If this is the case, then the sad and sorry symptoms they display have, in all likelihood, more to do with vaccine injury than fear of a Thunbergian apocalypse.

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"They are all affected by overwork, exhaustion and extreme stress. The only other thing they all have in common is that they study climate change."

Well, one other thing in common. Apparently friendship with Kimmy is associated with overwork, exhaustion and extreme stress.

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You know, enneagrams are kind of like science. Maybe she should try that instead.

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Sep 7, 2023
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It would solve an immediate problem, but then our sons will end up having to post their astrological signs on LinkedIn to find work in ten years.

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Usually the ones who always talk about their exhausting, heavy, stressful jobs are the ones who do F all.

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I suggest that she , if that is what she is, water the parched earth with her tears, taking solace that every little bit helps.

I also look to pharma to create a vaccine against climate grief, as that with certainly lead to more tears.

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Can we please just employ only those best qualified for positions instead of all this other political garbage? Even if it might be a woman. When do people start learning???

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The collapse will fix most of it. She will need a man to help her avoid the roving cannibal gangs, which will have the useful side effect of taking her mind off the Climate Trauma.

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I only hope she can find one.

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How about if these boss-girl-scientists get together and script out a prayer to St. Greta of Thunberg.

Then when they descend monthly into their hormonal depression, after they pop their Climate Prozac pill, they can sit and cry and silently chant homage to the glorious St. Greta.

Yea, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of carbon,

We will fear no warming.

For St Greta is with us.

Now and forever,

Praise Gaia.

Womany sciency touchy feely.



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Male and female brains are measurably different. Richard Haier, who thus far has not been canceled, has measurement data on point that include MRIs of people that are actively problem solving. There are other issues besides male female, that may not be mentioned. Sadly Mr Haier wishes for a future fantasy "IQ pill" because there is no magic dirt to rub on it to make it better. Not at the university, not at head start and not by forcing association and admittance of lesser endowed people into contact with disciplines and appropriately endowed people. There are also no real neuroboost /hack supplements - at least none that will move you beyond your born capabilities. These are his observations based on decades of research.

The scientific woman has always been on the extreme tail of the distribution. If you force more, for the illusion of equity, you move into an area of the IQ distribution that is structurally different from what you need, and you get mediocre mush along with a lack of discernment.

The right answer is still strict screening based on IQ proxies for the skillset and: look to your left, look to your right. 50% of you will flunk out.

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Equity is the theory of fungibility of IQ. It should be refutable on its face. Haier is also fond of saying that people understand you can not put an average person on a professional foot ball team and expect that person to grow to rise to the average in performance, yet people think IQ works that way. I would add that you could send me to Juilliard in the name of DEI and I would learn music theory, to the extent of my limitations, but I'd still be tone deaf. My degree would be worthless, and I'd have taken a worthy person's spot.

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I anticipate Climate Science saints and martyrs in coming years.

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