It sounds like they're only a few stages away from climate acceptance.

Weather happens, and there's nothing they can do about it, even if it's super upsetting and stressful. But they can find the inner strength to stop being so narcissistic about their role in it.

Oh Gaia, give them the serenity to accept the things they cannot change, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know one from the other.


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Lol acceptance I love it

Seems like they skipped bargaining and went right to depression

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Bargaining was the Prius phase

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Hahaha—I love this too

I just remembered “carbon credits”—are they still doing those

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Sep 12Edited

Just like in that old song, Frank's Wild Years, a testament to humility, and grace, and acceptance that forest fires are all the result of climate change.

Ain't nothing we can do but be, "Watching it burn, all Halloween Orange and chimney red".

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Is "climate change" the new street name for Fentanyl?

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Ha, that’s what I was thinking. 👍🏼

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Without fail, pick at random any of the safetyist concerns of the chronically deranged, and the wildly disproportionate presence of women is maybe the first thing you notice -- present company of non-disturbed ladies excluded, needless to say.

Reminds me of an inspired quip long ago by a colleague about the unfunny topic of driving under the influence. At the time, the organization MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) was a new thing. Good on those gals. And my coworker, who was known to enjoy a dram (but never before hitting the road), vowed to found a grass roots counter-movement called DAMM (Drunks Against Mad Mothers).

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I have a feeling that if any of these women had offspring and extended family, and brains unbefogged by a toxic artificial hormone/corn syrup combo, they wouldn’t have time for this anxiety allegedly brought on by various post-post-modern “problems”

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"artificial hormone/corn syrup combo" -- pure brilliance. This certainly is one major cause, but I think to some degree there's also cynicism/careerism at work. That is, many women probably also see all of these state-supported, state-driven hysteria movements as red hot sources of career opportunities. Civil service "forever" jobs, grants and funding galore etc. But I agree the primary underlying truth is that many women drank the victimhood kool aid and wished for all the fruits that radical feminism promised. As the old saying goes "Be careful what you wish for"

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Commies don't call it rent-seeking when they be teachin' it in skulz.

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My landscape has been distressed recently. Playing a recording of Peter, Paul and Mary's "Kumbayah, my Lord" has really reduced its anxiety.

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In pre-20th century Anglo-Saxon civilization, we had asylums and "rest cures" for hysterical women (and broken men). Women have mental breakdowns relatively frequently. Back then, this was recognized. Society provided protective retreats for these pitiful wretches. Society also ignored their hysterical wailing.

Then came the 19th Amendment, along with the destruction of Normal America by insertion of what became politically-correct Progressive beliefs ("America is rabidly sexist, and must be changed.") The results of these two events, working simultaneously, slowly led us to the degraded, deranged state that Prof. Briggs describes in this article.

Hysterical women, primed with the latest PC-Prog payload of panic, will continue to panic and act-out. Now they do it in public, with minimal space in the asylums. Now their hysterical panic is encouraged and valued and foisted on our decaying society.

Repeal the 19th!

Bring back the asylums!

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I keep trying to figure out why men from a time when people were clued in about women would have ratified the 19th—and all I can come up with is “to make my wife stop nagging and buy more time with my mistress.” If anyone has another idea, I’d love to hear it.

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You've got it!

That was exactly why the movement received support from men.

Same reason men today support PC-Prog issues.

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Fragile people don’t stand a chance in the real world, so they are always looking for an escape to utopia.

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As I regularly say to my wife ; "The whole world is mad 'ceptin thee and me, and thee's a bit weird at times."

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I recently moved to central Iowa. Last winter there was almost no snow, and the temperature barely got below zero.

So far I'm a huge fan of global warming. It's making my life much easier

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Sounds like hersteria to me. Absolute madness. But it keeps your mind off of actual problems like the debt, the illegals, the wars, baby killing, trans insanity, etc etc ad infernum.

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You could start your T-shirt store with excellent phrases like this: Saint Floyd died of metastatic ‘climate change’!

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He could capitalize on both the ironic and the unironic crowds, too

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Sounds like a job for Xanax, Ms Collins.

Might as well get a tippy top script and enjoy your decline.

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Telling them to «just breathe normally» is a great way to bring about some breathing problems, too.

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is they is or is they ain't in the DSM?

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In a different world: "Medical Schools Are Updating Their Curricula as Propaganda Becomes Impossible to Ignore".

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Up here in the frozen North we've been getting record rain (and snow in the winter) for several years now. Every time I talk to my family who live in warmer areas, they speak as though the whole world is hot and dry and suffering from wildfires. It's remarkable to me because they literally MOVED TO THE DESERT and yet speak as though the heat and dry air is new. Also they know someone personally who is getting totally opposite weather.

Climate change is happening. It happened in the past. It will happen in the future. As much as it might bother some people, there's literally nothing we can do to change it. All we can do is adapt, just like humans have been doing for 60,000 years.

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The regime has been trying to scare people to death about our climate changing for the worse, and their studies show people are dying of fear.

Regarding that SCA group meeting in a conference room at the library, I think too many white women are no longer in a IRL relationship with a man who can calm their fears. I think too many white men find it simpler to defer to experts in government, federal/state/local, who are telling white women to be very afraid. Mark McDonald wrote a book on it with respect to Covid, United States of Fear.

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And Michael Crichton saw what was happening 20 years ago, with his book: State of Fear.


Constant fear-mongering exacerbates natural hysterics.

Open more asylums!

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Maybe I should start up a Book Group to meet in a local library conference room, to read Crichton and discuss.

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McMurphy: I'm a goddamn marvel of modern science.

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