
To gain publicity for this post, I quoted Mussolini on women. It triggered some women, and the mass reported it (presumably) sending me to Twitter jail. Again.

See notes for the tweet. I don't think you can put images in comments here.

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“To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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If it triggers them… they aren’t thinking. The truth hurts sometimes ladies.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

I am thankful I don’t have sons attending college. I would fear for their well being, given the attention seeking so many embrace these days. Heaven forbid you cross a woman looking to add “victim” to their progressive dance card. What a horrible people we have become.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

Perhaps I am showing my age, but I remember when going to college was aspirational for a young man. Now it is a sign of feeblemindedness and avarice. It seems that the demand for harassment far exceeds the supply.

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4 years of dealing with liberal professors just for a chance to work in a soulcrushing office job doing meaningless, unfulfilling work while surrounded by gossipy women and girl bosses who don't seem to understand how trivial and meaningless their work is.

My wife and I are instilling a great love of reading and asking questions in our two sons, but we're not going to pressure either of them into going to college. It seems pretty clear, as of right now, that setting them up to be highly-competent technicians in some kind of in-demand industry will lead to happier results for them.

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But you don’t understand. Every one of those college girls thinks SHE isn’t the one who will end up a pathetic office drone in a backstabbing, petty cubicle farm. She’s the one who will rise above, kick ass, and not have to claw her way to the low-middle like those OTHER college fools. Ha!

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See my comment. There are sound reasons why The buck must stop with men. It was so for thousands of years. I see it every day in retail when couples shop as bossy women force their miserable husbands And sons to wear things they don't like and don't look good on them.

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Case in point. I know no guys who have ever bought a shirt with TWO chest pockets. One, yes. Two? Never. Yet 1/4-1/3 of shirts have two chest pockets.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

"I can't get no -satisfaction" certainly applies to unmarried women. I don't mean sex (necessarily); Women want to be Mothers.

In the absence of having children, all kinds of pathologies erupt.

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"I don't need kids, me and my beta male partner have two dogs!"

Sure Kailey, that's totally the same.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

Yes true and frightening - our societies view on victimhood as something to elevate, protect and promote.

And I’m not talking genuine victims I’m talking about the mental state.

Very attractive and an easy trap to walk into for (weak) females and weak beta males.

Linking away to Big Pharma and the medical profession, again a whole industry based on you being a helpless victim not having to take any personal responsibility.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

Biting. And brilliant. The madness is going exponential.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

The Left it seems never knows when to say "enough". It's always the latest thing, the current hysteria.

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That AI image is hilariously awful.

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These Marxcissist women do desire to be victims, and given the number of unvetted military-age males their open-borders ideology has allowed into the country, and given the number of retarded psychopaths their ideology has freed from prisons, they are likelier than ever to get their demented wishes fulfilled. Of course, it will be interesting to see whose "victimhood" wins out when these AWFL whores get victimized by the sacred diverse criminals. So far it has been the sacred diverse criminals. An AWFL can be victimized only by a straight white "cis" male. All those rapes and assaults by their black and brown pets don't count. This truly is clownworld.

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Apr 24Liked by William M Briggs

"...eschew federal monies, thus giving Title IX no force, but greed prevents this."

I observed in 2009 that Obama was going to spend us into oblivion.

The plan was simple: stop worrying about the deficit. Politicians cannot resist spending money.

It is also why they will avoid a government shutdown at all costs as it shows that we're all better off without them.

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Well said. But let´s start being properly objective about it, and start calling it by its proper phenomenal and logical name, and that would be DECADENCE.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Is it a coincidence that just as our Country is in a nose dive the chickification of America reaches epic proportions? And so when women rule men is not the end just ahead? History says yes!

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What we need is religion!

Now you understand why Saint Paul said “I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence”?

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Exactly right sir. It's not that women are inferior, just that men and women ARE different. They're meant to complement each other. God Himself ordained this in Genesis after Eve proved herself unworthy of the primary role through her disobedience. Woman is to be a partner to man who must lead in all things.

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I can’t feel heads exploding in every blue location on earth! Love it!

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Something Is seriously out of balance…


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Thanks for the link. It was fascinating reading and a bull's-eye on what plagues us.

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Apr 27Liked by William M Briggs

That explains why women overwhelmingly want immigrants from third-world countries with Muslim majorities. For the points received from being raped by men that treat them like shit.

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Listen everything in this country is completely out of control but saying most women want to be victims is stupid and untrue. Pick on the institutions, fair; not the people! Also, if you’ve been a woman and gone to college in the past 50 years, you have at LEAST been made very uncomfortable by male sexual advances, if not outright assaulted or raped on or near campus. Maybe it’s actually better now but when I went to school in Texas in the mid-90s, girls were treated like prey. There was very little respect for women academically or otherwise, and a very real physical danger. In my high school and college career I had no less than 5 teachers and professors make extremely overt passes at me (let’s call it), and I am not bragging about that. I expect it happened a lot—they felt they could ‘take their pick,’ right, so they took a shot whenever they had a chance. I get your point, but the pendulum swings wide.

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Tell me you're a Democrat without telling me you're a Democrat.

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Nope, not a Democrat. Also unvaxxed, and hell, I subscribe to this substack, so. Jeez, ‘no opinions allowed!’

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I don't believe you. Either you're delusional, or you wear "attack me" like a flashing neon sign. Probably even more likely you need to toughen up and be an adult, princess.

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Whatever. I’m sure you know best.

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" past 50 years, you have at LEAST been made very uncomfortable by male sexual advances, if not outright assaulted or raped on or near campus... my high school and college career I had no less than 5 teachers and professors make extremely overt passes at me"

Wow, I would not dream of calling BS on you but really!"

Assuming that you are female, how many of those 'passes' were from other females?

Were you living in the " 'hood" or a trailer park, travelling on the NY subway at midnight?

Oh that's right, you wanted to be a 'party girl' cause that what high school and college are for.

No male in our high school or after would dream of 'hitting on' a girl to the extent of making her 'very uncomfortable', the other males would not have allowed, at least not twice.

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Huh? So interesting how everyone knows so much about me in this thread. So far I’m a Democrat, a liar, a princess, and now a party girl, ha (and I see what you are driving at with that one—call me a slut without calling me a slut). Teachers, I was specifically talking about teachers making passes and no, I never took any of them up on it. No one crossed a physical boundary with me, either, but it was still humiliating, and I mentioned it specifically because it paints a picture of how women were treated at the school in general. I am just wondering with this article, why are we hating on young girls here? I have a daughter and two sons, I sympathize with them all very, very much. I am not sure why we need to worry so much about the boys but drag on the girls, which is the only reason I spoke up (which I regret now because this is a huge waste of time).

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The question is what’s or who is pushing the pendulum so far out.

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Ooooh, five distinct passes! In the 90s.! You must have been quite the hottie! I went to grad school in the 70s and didn’t experience that or know anybody who did. But as we all know, women love to make themselves the center of attention and if they can’t achieve it through legitimate accomplishments they will do it by complaining. The other women will sympathize and some men will white knight, so what’s not to like?

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In that uncanny-valley AI-generated image, the woman in the blue blazer has at least seven fingers on the hand covering her face, and the woman on the far left with the Jen Psaki hair has a hand where her ear should be. What is it with AI image generators and bizarre hand-related artifacts?

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Excellent post.

It is the Equity State. Their Stassi is comprised of each and every regime designated victim, becloaked in intersectionality and prenticed labels.

Another commenter pulled your last sentence:

"Oh: the way out is to eschew federal monies, thus giving Title IX no force, but greed prevents this."

I chuckled, because as you pointed out, it's a non solution.

It would be like telling a dog with bad breath, to stop licking it's own ass - not going to happen.

These radical disrupters and opportunists - the ones serving the cool aid and raking in money/power - see victory, where we see disgust and destruction.

We've seen in the last several months, that the victim industry is not just populated by women and their new and embraced sisters with penises - we now have non-muslim- muslim activists (anarco terrorists) who are being protected and bolstered by institutional faculties and administrations.

The women and penis sisters rightly understand, that their victim viability and relevance lies in joining with the new and dominant oppressed group.

Now I will say this, there are some women (and maybe more than many of us men know) - like the commenter Robin - that have experienced issues for years, that rise to real victimhood. That has to be allowed for and acknowledge, as well as the lack of severe consequences for those who perpetrated the abuse. I think all fathers who have daughters in high school or even J.R. Highs would gut any man who made a pass at or was inappropriate with their girls. So many of us understand the want and need for severe ramification, to be attached and meted out for unacceptable infractions.

Where the problem comes in is when the radicals are allowed to enter the process, in the absence of fair and committed arbitration, legislation and punishment in these institutions. In that vacuum, the radicals thrive and scoop up wholesale, the real victims and then the bystanders, who see the power and currency in the new radical model. From there is spreads like a cancer.

In truth, they damage the credibility of true victims, in their ridiculous overreach ("The seriousness of the charges are now sufficient proof") and continual grabs for power and control (enough is never enough).

Radicals are insatiable scorched earth destroyers - which is to say, any ground that's not the ideological patch they're standing on, is targeted as needed. It baffles me that this needs to be pointed out, but all these "special/protected" groups would do well to understand this reality.

Women especially should get this - as they have seen the radfems (other women) side with the new penis sisters to mount a verbal and ideological attack, against real girls and women. You also have seen this when mothers have been persecuted for complaining about a pervert in the women's locker room parading around with an erection in front of very young girls - all while saying he is a woman. And yes, the new penis sister ended up being awarded the victim cloak, by the authorities and radicals.

Sorry a bit off track- I think the way out of this particular issue - College/University equity overreach - is private and alum donors pulling their money and children out of the institutions. It has to be en mass and swift. If it is a slow dribble, then the regime will find ways to funnel more money (our taxes) to them, "because these brave institutions are leading the fight in equity and leveling the playing fields".

Either lay total siege (which is different than scorched earth) to these woke bastions or resign yourself to being victims, of the regime designated victims.

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I don't even want to look at the AI generated images. Something very very wrong with them to my brain.

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All driven by greedy attorney's!! This is what happens when the insane run the nut house!

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