The Right wants the idiots on the left to be quiet and go away, they are just a nuisance.

The Left wants the people on the right dead! They cannot bear to see how childish and stupid they are in the mirror that those on the right hold up.

"Presenting the patient with truth and facts is a threat to their identity eliciting anger and resentment" -- Sigmund Freud

The Left is very silly to keep on prodding.

It will not end well.

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of 'Men who wanted to be left alone'.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it

They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over

The moment the "Men who wanted to be left alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy...but it will fall upon deaf ears."

~ Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper

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Brilliant quote. Apt for the topic.

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That’s a nice story PJ.

It just never happened.

It never happens.

Certainly this isn’t for example the story of Ireland, maybe you heard about that place?

Most of the revolutionaries then and now are Left wing.

Even Collins was inspired by Anarchists.

The so called men who want to be left alone never fought, never fight. They just run and hide and die, alone.

Our DNA 🧬 shows quite clearly that for example about 2300 BC the Indo-European Left met the Eloi European Farmer Right and the male DNA of the EEF ended and the female EEF and Indo-European male DNA continues ...

The EEFs just wanted to be left alone. For a more recent example on Oct 7 of this year the males who wanted to be left alone died cringing under cars, in the bushes, or in shelters.

The FEMALES on the other hand for the most part survived, except for the German girl. Guess they thought she was a Nazi or something...

The Indo-Europeans didn’t leave people alone and that’s our male ancestors.

The EEF males gone 5000 years.

The Early European Farmers women are kind of like the Thots with Hots for HAMAS we see on our Campuses, they want real men at any price.

I could put this nicer, as Marx said the peasant is a potato. Only concerned with his plot.

I’m as familiar as any with Colonel Cooper, attended GUNSITE school (he founded it, he has passed). At GUNSITE they often said Welcome to the Free State of Arizona. That’s before the election of course. Now their governor is a moronic Karen and their State a migrant hostel and transit hotel. It might as well be Greece for all the migrants.

IF LTC Cooper said that, and I don’t think he did, he must have been drinking at the time...

.... He certainly wouldn’t have said that sober.

It’s 💩.

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Nice response.

What 'story' never happened?

You are entitled to your opinion (The so called men who want to be left alone never fought, never fight. They just run and hide and die, alone.) you may want to test that some time.

Unlike those 'Wannabe' gunslingers who attend academies to learn how to shoot,many of us learned in the military. We also learned that killing things harmed the shooter as much (nearly) as the person being shot.

It is very easy to be a 'keyboard' hero it is rather different in real life.

The MAGA warriors are an example of the kind of people who think that shouting "USA USA USA' somehow makes them patriots and brave, however the men who want to be left alone do not attend such nonsense.

I have compiled some 2,000 quotes,

( “Some men’s words I remember so well that I must often use them to express my thought. Yes, because I perceive that we have heard the same truth, but they have heard it better.”

--Ralph Waldo Emerson)

I do not record the sources and I accept the source as true. I am sure that Cooper will be happy to confirm or deny whether it is an accurate statement when you meet up with him.

As for the rest of your comment, it and the tone do not merit a response.

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Pardon me fellow Veteran, the myth of the spontaneous rising of the leave me alone types must be refuted as lethal nonsense. It's a fantasy more dangerous than pacifism, for others believe others will get it...and it never happens. Ever.

Here is our situation: The people didn't rise and can't without the warriors leading.

The warriors do not rise as they have no orders.

All expect others to magically spring from the ether breathing fire....

...and the most dangerous part of our situation is everyone is coping that someone else will get it....no one does.

I too was in the military and combat, and not in a wannabe academy.

Yes I went to war. It may have bought time, it may have given us a body of men that *could* do something. BUT THEY DON'T.

Yes the deeds affect us, nothing new. That's our problem, right?

I don't recall attending any MAGA rallies, or having the gear.

I did vote, and I'm pretty sure since the vote was called Dem in my state with less than 1% tallied that I wasted my time.

Now, to the point: there's nothing in the way of those that oppress us.

Nothing, nothing is organized, no one dare organize and they aren't completely wrong that the witless intelligence and security agencies and police are deep in what did exist [in America, nothing exists but wishes and talk].

2000 quotes aren't in the way of anything.

I went to GUNSITE, the school he founded and I don't recall that quote from Col Cooper. A man I would have respected in life, but he's passed for decades.

The school by the way is attended by more than wannabes, it's often attended by military units - in closed sessions of course. The firearms instruction is excellent.

The free state of Arizona business fell apart at the first tests.

They can have and do all the guns they want, the Dems still stole 2 elections in a row.

Whether or not Col Cooper ever made the 'men who want to be left alone are the most dangerous force in history' etc quote... I find no evidence of this in life or history. if he said it - I NEVER find this happening in history. NEVER.

I've seen plenty of people, most in fact who want to be left alone.

They aren't a factor in life, as Marx said 'the peasant is a potato.'

This apparently includes the armed potatoes of Arizona.

Indeed the entire united states can be said to be armed potatoes, including those of us who know better.

Revolts CAN happen spontaneously in warrior societies like the Arabs, or the Irish or Scots of centuries ago, but they NEVER rose up from these men who want to be left alone. It rose up because these were societies used to combat and at some level always organized for combat local or otherwise.

It's unlikely they took along, at least willingly, the leave me alone types.

That the 'peaceful, placid peasant will rise and overthrow the mighty' is a dangerous, indeed civilization threatening fantasy and cope more dangerous than pacifism or universalism. Pacifism is refuted at first contact. Either it's victim is dead or accepts the truth. Universalism is quite willing to slaughter or genocide all who won't or can't comply.... and we are its current targets.

The people will not rise unless the Warriors rise, the Warriors do not rise as there are no orders nor cry from the people.... this is our situation.

Which is why we pass from the earth without a struggle...and pass we do.

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Um, PJ about that test - we're in it now.

Regrettably we're failing it.

"(The so called men who want to be left alone never fought, never fight. They just run and hide and die, alone.) you may want to test that some time.

We're watching it happen now.

Do you know how many Americans migrate to another state so their guns will be legal ? I don't have figures but it's more than a few.

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No what you are referring to are the wannabe warriors.

Those that need a 'gun' to be brave, that need a group to feel 'safe'.

The really dangerous are those that not only want to left alone but also act alone.

My son attended a 'Prepper' meeting. Did he get any advice or on what or how to conserve supplies for decades? No but he got 50 names and addresses of people who had a ton of stuff if he needed it.

Try to understand the concept of "Alone".

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I understand alone doesn’t work in war.

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So you are saying that because "Men who want to be left alone" do not form up into groups and militias and armies, because they do not issue or receive or act on "orders" therefore they do not 'fight back'?

What part of ' alone' do you not understand?

What you are describing are the sheep, the wannabe heroes, the 'Patriot Mumpties' who are waiting for some leader, a Trump, a Hitler, a Churchill to tell them what to do. This is why the government fears Trump so much. He could ignite the mob tomorrow and the government knows this.

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."-- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago


No awareness ...!

So everyone of the of the masses waits for someone else to give the signal, pretending that they will then rise up and stand. Yeah right, like that is going to happen.

The one who wants to be left alone, generally is. He is the one who people don't rile, they step aside not because he is a bully but because they recognise, often subconsciously, that this person is not to be messed with.

“The fact is that the average man’s love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honour. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty – and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies.”

— H.L. Mencken

He does not fight the government or city hall, but if his family is harmed then he will respond to the individual that harmed them. He doesn't 'go to war', he doesn't want to save the world or even a little part of it, his sole motivations are protection and revenge.

The Arab culture understands this.

“Muruwah is ... it is everything. It is the very heart and soul of all the Arab people.

A person who has ‘Muruwah’ is loyal, is forgiving, is generous, and doesn't commit crimes. Muruwah is persistence, it is kindness, loyalty, bravery, it is integrity. Muruwah is being faithful to one’s family, to one’s tribe, it is the ethos.

Muruwah is patience when you are suffering, courage when in battle, and always vengeance to protect the tribe. To always repay an insult. To always avenge harm to oneself or family. Always, always vengeance.

Muruwah is an unwavering, absolute determination to avenge any wrong done to the family and tribe, to protect the weak members, and defy all enemies.”

Which is why the USA and Israel will never, and can never, defeat the Arab.

Of course the US and West are too arrogant and stupid to realise this.

They neither know or understand Muruwah or any concept like it, 'like knowledge, courage and honour'.

“Fortunate is a nation which in the moments of trials and tribulations doesn’t stand round waiting for someone else to tell her what to do, but instead with simplicity and ease picks up a nearest wooden club and starts nailing her abusers, until in her soul the sense of injustice and fury is replaced by contempt and pity.”

Lev Tolstoy

This applies to individuals too.

You don't understand the words, the concept or the meaning of the quotation of men who want to left alone.

That is fine, it is not aimed at the 'followers' it only resounds to those who actually do want to be left alone.

The whiners, those who quibble, those who pledge allegiance to a rag, those who are defined not by ideas but by which party they voted for, who have no no courage (unless in a gang), no honour and no knowledge beyond what the 'influencers' feed them, the quotes are not for them.

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This is deliberately atomization.

As for the quoted -

Neither Mencken nor Solzhenitsyn DID anything, they wrote. Did Solzhenitsyn find the bastards in SMERSH who took decades of his life away?

Alone; ? relax, everyone is alone.

And nothing will happen until a group of men do something, and it’s not happening. It could.

Trump doesn’t lead, he incites and runs. Trump is “lets you and them fight.” 1/6.

As for the Arabs, I’ve met them.

They don’t do anything alone, they have way too much experience lol.

As for words I understand the most important part- they’re just words.

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"This is deliberately atomization." care to explain in English?

You are a moron. Solz has done more to change Russia (and much of the west) than any General or Commissar. He was a major factor in the change (fall) of the USSR. Solz is required reading in all Russian schools.

SMERSH? You have been watching too many crappy movies.

No, everybody is not 'alone'. Most people cannot operate unless the have a controller, someone to tell them what to do. It seems that you fall into that category.

Trump is in fact a leader. Just not leading where you weekend warriors want to go. You are fools, idiots, Jan 6 is where your nonsense ends.

You have met the "Arabs"?

You have no idea what you are talking about. When concerted action is required they act together, but they are much more 'solitary' than any other population. Islam is all about personal actions and responsibility.

Words are the humans greatest accomplishment. Without words one cannot think further than food,sleep,shit.

Everything starts with 'words' in an individual's mind.

Without words one is reduced to the kind of behaviours of Chimpanzees, who incidentally move in groups, are incredibly vicious, fight in groups and are cannibals, probably because they cannot think further than food,sleep,shit.

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Women can’t stand to see a peaceful man resting. Because women want the things and life they see internet influencers living. Women believe the fake news fake media fake HGTV dream houses fake travel shows romance stories and demand that their men provide those lives to them or else.

I love women for their beauty and romance, but I have seen where that leads.

Women equals left. Men equals right. In your post. To my view. Left men are really pathetic.

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Many, too many, women are exactly as you describe, and have no place in a healthy government or business. They do have a place, however, in marriage and family, subservient to the husband and supreme over the household in as far as children and household care is concerned. One of the most miserable married men I know told me that "a man does what his wife wants or has hell to pay". His marriage is miserable because he never took his role as husband and leader seriously. He deserves the marriage he has. Women need and want to be controlled, firmly and lovingly (not abused) by a strong man.

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Yes, there’s been a remarkable over correction in past decades.

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Excellent essay. True. Horribly true. To summarize: the Left will remove their iron fist from their lover's rectum and start pounding us with it soon enough.

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I hope they wash it first.

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I wouldn't count on it...

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Years ago when the War on Terror was the thing, I had a conversation with a Millennial. He said he couldn't understand how the jihadists and Islamic fundamentalists could ever succeed against western civilization, technology, all the pleasures and comforts of modern life.

I asked him, "Well, do you believe passionately in western civilization, would you die for it?"

He laughed. "That's ridiculous. Of course not. I'm not going to die for 'western civilization'."

"Well, that's why we will lose those battles, ones which are slowly percolating throughout Europe, disguised as immigration. They won't be on slow percolate forever, though."

Today, while the slow percolation continues, the same question, slightly altered, occurs to me in this discussion of Left and Right, Woke and Conservative:

To the Right: are you willing to do anything for your beliefs (or go back to grilling and the playoffs)?

Because, if not, you have to realize the Left is willing to do anything--and I mean anything, sacrifice children, destroy cities--to accomplish their goals. It's all "for a good cause."

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“Problem is, once those of a conservative nature do score a few points, they are too apt to return to grilling and sports.” <- You are absolutely correct, Mr. Briggs. I’ve said similar things in certain polite conversations.

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Better get yourself a pew pew just in case.

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Lines in the sand are an endangered species.

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The Right are amateur cowards and Professional Sellouts.

And every one an LLC.

Got a “stake” at “risk.”


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Love it

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Thanks Matt for another excellent and entertaining piece. You nailed it. Four years ago, in the midst of Covid nonsense and the election, I noticed the Left went on a full court press and it hasn't stopped. I expect that from the Left, they have no moral compass. But what angers me the most, is the non-left and regular apolitical folks that accept it; ignorant to the loss of their freedom and the Constitution getting trampled. Some "return to grilling and sports" . Most, as I see it, never left.

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It took Pearl Harbor to draw us into WWII. Americans burn slow. I believe that is what William is getting at in the piece. At some point we boil over and the backlash is horrific.

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I need an opinion from PROFESSOR BRIGGS. Isn´t there a fundamental difference between a VACCINE, and the application of that vaccine in mass, or in other words, a VACCINATION? Can a vaccine "work", but a vaccination "not work", depending on circumstances?

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In English, vaccination simply means the act of administering a vaccine.

"Did you get your vaccine? and "Did you get your vaccination?" are interchangeable.

There is no sense in "vaccination" that it happens en masse. It could be a child's vaccination, the vaccination schedule at a clinic, or some sort of data: vaccination by cohort.

For a vaccine to "work" it needs to provide immunity to the recipient (in the form of antibodies) so that the recipient cannot be infected by the virus. In theory vaccines/vaccination will speed up the process of sterilizing a population against a virus and achieve "herd immunity," so the virus meets nothing but dead ends, statistically speaking.

Probably very very few vaccines actually work.

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We test vaccine on a small scale, under the assumption that if they work on a small scale, they´ll work on a large scale. That´s what I mean by VACCINE vs. VACCINATION. Substitute VACCINE with the word DIET: My DIET made me lose weight, so DIETING will make everybody lose weight.

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Oh, okay. In that case, I think you still have to include the descriptive "large scale" or "small scale" for it to be clear.

Btw, same thing with diet and dieting. It's just a gerund (nominal formed out of the progressive form-- "ing").

Btw, if a vaccine or any medicine is actually (rare) fairly tested on scale, it should scale up and work across the general population. Problem is, that's a tough hurdle, so the Pharmafia games the system and cooks the data. And pays off / buys off academia, government and media.

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Anyway, I brought the whole thing up because here in Brasil we´re getting closer and closer to the point where it will be considered a crime to question "safe and effective". So I´d ask, safe and effective what, vaccine or vaccination? Just to annoy the authorities.

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To the trenches.

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The Left wants to get to hell as fast as possible but often goes so fast that they upset the apple cart. The Right says, 'whoa slow down or we might not get there at all.', like a governor on a kamikaze plane that keeps it from tearing itself to pieces before it hits the target.

The two combined are very nearly a perfect, self-correcting machine to bring about hell on earth. Gj guys.

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