What do I know? I have no experience and no special knowledge in school board politics. But, the "What do I know?"/Alfred E. Newman limitation is no longer operative in America. Anyone who knows nothing is endowed by "their" Creator with the right and charged with the duty to voice an opinion on everything.

Thus, I will offer my opinion on the matter, which is that school boards, like other modern political bodies in America, are from top to bottom governed by ideology and run by ideologues. Politics does not control ideology. Ideology controls politics. Ideologues in politics are not primarily motivated by political considerations; they are primarily motivated by ideology. The politics of democracy, for ideologues, is mere inconvenient means to superseding ideological ends. To paraphrase a famous aphorism of tort law, "The end to be perceived defines the duty to be obeyed." The ideological ends justify any means, even flouting the majority will, for the school board in Dearborn today, as much as it did for the Soviet Politburo in Moscow under Stalin.

I know of no exception to that phenomenon in modern ideological politics except the Supreme Court, after originalists gained control of it recently. (Originalism is not a political ideology but a tenet of legal interpretation.) All other politically-based institutions of governance in America are like the Politburo, they are controlled by ideology and run by ideologues in accordance with ideological rules of dogma in order to advance ideological goals of ideological theory, including postmodernism, woke-communism, critical race theory, trans and queer gender theory, victimology and the tactics and strategy of intersectionality and social justice. This is true of city halls, state legislatures, governorships, Congress, the presidency and state and federal bureaucracies, from the DMV to the Defense Department.

Government is thoroughly ideologized, completely infiltrated and wholly staffed by ideologues, top to bottom, across the fruited plain. What we have is not the rule of law, but the rule of ideology. We have government of ideologues, by ideologues, for ideology.

That is why the school board members of Dearborn do not give a rats ass what their Muslim constituents want. Peer pressure does not drive them to such imperious heights; they do not seek warm approval of or fear cold reprisal from their their fellow bureaucrats in the class of educational experts to which they belong. They seek only to implement the tactical and strategic diktats of their ideology in order to achieve the ideological goals of their ideology.

The school board members to a person are true believers.

DemocRats did that to "our democracy." Thank your friends, neighbors and relatives who voted for Biden and his ilk, if you like school boards and governance like that in Dearborn, Michigan.

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I am interested if anyone can point me to any political history or biography or any evidence or even the accusation that flattery or peer pressure, as opposed to careerism, bribery and coruption, had an impact on government decision-making. Sars-covid 2 vaccines would seem an obvious place to look, but I have seen no reports or allegations of it there. Fauci's bureaucratic meddling is another, but again, where's the evidence or even the accusation?

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Thanks, but I saw only a VERY LONG THREAD about the evils of peer review in science publications, which is not what I am disputing. In deference to the brevity of life, I did not read the thread to its end (it does have an end, I assume,) but I did not see any evidence in the thread supporting the assertion that peer pressure affects government decision-making, which is the proposition which I dispute.

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“The coin of the realm is flattery, not money.” Excellent point. I’m in a battle with local ‘experts’ over a proposed zoning change that literally nobody (other than the applicant) supports. I’ve been puzzled about why they seem immune to the entire public’s desires. I’ve been thinking bribery. But this explains it perfectly. They know what their overlords and peers expect of them (more development), and that’s enough to power them.

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Exactly. ... Power, money, pleasure, STATUS! ... Great post!

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