It was ordered by whomever is the equivalent of Stalin's Beria or Hitlers' Himmler, by that person or cabal in this Ichabod Crane of an Administration who controls USA's NKVD, our Gestapo. We do not know "their" identity or whether they're cis-gendered, homo, gay, trans, pan or go with the flow.…
It was ordered by whomever is the equivalent of Stalin's Beria or Hitlers' Himmler, by that person or cabal in this Ichabod Crane of an Administration who controls USA's NKVD, our Gestapo. We do not know "their" identity or whether they're cis-gendered, homo, gay, trans, pan or go with the flow. We don't know their pronouns. And we are unlikely ever to know who actually ordered the hit. The arcives will be destroyed on "their" orders or will remain permanently, impenatrably classified, as we know our NKVD/Gestapo is wont to do. But we know "their" political objective. Their goal is elitist rule following close upon cultural revolution, enervating and hollowing of the middle class, entitling yet controllling the black lumpen proletariat, destruction of law, censure of language, and distortion of reality. Power through the control of language, law, economics, race and reality.
USA has been in a steadily-escalating condition of police state violence since Obama won the 2008 election as the "Great White Liberal Hope." Our first half-black President then proceeded to form the new "Revolutionary Racialist DemocRat Party," ("RRDP") while he thoroughly racialized and enervated our criminal justice defense systems (top to bottom,) weaponized the IRS, the nation's largest police authority (which, not coincidentally, is the only federal agency with direct control over every adult and direct access to all records,) and assigned the Attorney General the most important and powerful role in government, that of personal consigliere to the President. On behalf of the "RRDP," Obama empowered his consigliere to use the vast complexity, reach and might of federal law to investigate, threaten, intimidate, silence and crush any opposition. Obama "progressed" to deploy the FBI and CIA to spy on the Trump election campaign and the Trump transition, and then to lay the necessary legal and media foundations for crippling the Trump Administration, while exonerating the Clinton Criminal Cartel of its pay for play, national security and election interference crimes.
The Russia Gate investigation hoax, the Red China Virus, two illicit impeachments and the Summer of Violent Love greatly accelerated the neutering of law as national defense, the impairment of the nation's criminal justice immune sysytem and the nation's race toward rendezvous with its Police State destiny. January 6 saw the Revolutionary Racialist DemocRat Party impose a military occupation on Washington DC, followed by their NKVD-like roundup, Gulag imprisonment and corrupt, over-reaching criminal prosecutions of thousands of their political opponents for what was essentially trespassing, while targeting the leader of the oppostion party for terminally-punitive measures.
Biden took the RRDP juggernaut into high gear 1) by putting on steroids Obama's "Pen and Phone" governance, 2) by gaining Congressional approval of $60 billion to fund 87,000 IRS agents as USA Stasi to investigate opponents of Police State rule, 3) by deploying a) DOJ to pursue parents opposed to the abusive maleducation, mental warping and sexual abuse of the innocents made victim of predatory Democrat school boards and public school teachers and b) Homeland Security, Health and Human Services and the White House Press Office as mis, dis, and malinformation czars, empowered to ally with Big Tech and monitor/ censure public speech, and 4) by assigning his consigliere to "Job One," the task of "Get Trump."
Last night's spectacle at Mar A Lago made that all apparent for the nation, tens of millions perhaps for the first time. But only 1/2 of the nation cares, and they lack power. It will only get worse, much worse.
Briggs asks, "Who ordered the FBI to raid?"
It was ordered by whomever is the equivalent of Stalin's Beria or Hitlers' Himmler, by that person or cabal in this Ichabod Crane of an Administration who controls USA's NKVD, our Gestapo. We do not know "their" identity or whether they're cis-gendered, homo, gay, trans, pan or go with the flow. We don't know their pronouns. And we are unlikely ever to know who actually ordered the hit. The arcives will be destroyed on "their" orders or will remain permanently, impenatrably classified, as we know our NKVD/Gestapo is wont to do. But we know "their" political objective. Their goal is elitist rule following close upon cultural revolution, enervating and hollowing of the middle class, entitling yet controllling the black lumpen proletariat, destruction of law, censure of language, and distortion of reality. Power through the control of language, law, economics, race and reality.
USA has been in a steadily-escalating condition of police state violence since Obama won the 2008 election as the "Great White Liberal Hope." Our first half-black President then proceeded to form the new "Revolutionary Racialist DemocRat Party," ("RRDP") while he thoroughly racialized and enervated our criminal justice defense systems (top to bottom,) weaponized the IRS, the nation's largest police authority (which, not coincidentally, is the only federal agency with direct control over every adult and direct access to all records,) and assigned the Attorney General the most important and powerful role in government, that of personal consigliere to the President. On behalf of the "RRDP," Obama empowered his consigliere to use the vast complexity, reach and might of federal law to investigate, threaten, intimidate, silence and crush any opposition. Obama "progressed" to deploy the FBI and CIA to spy on the Trump election campaign and the Trump transition, and then to lay the necessary legal and media foundations for crippling the Trump Administration, while exonerating the Clinton Criminal Cartel of its pay for play, national security and election interference crimes.
The Russia Gate investigation hoax, the Red China Virus, two illicit impeachments and the Summer of Violent Love greatly accelerated the neutering of law as national defense, the impairment of the nation's criminal justice immune sysytem and the nation's race toward rendezvous with its Police State destiny. January 6 saw the Revolutionary Racialist DemocRat Party impose a military occupation on Washington DC, followed by their NKVD-like roundup, Gulag imprisonment and corrupt, over-reaching criminal prosecutions of thousands of their political opponents for what was essentially trespassing, while targeting the leader of the oppostion party for terminally-punitive measures.
Biden took the RRDP juggernaut into high gear 1) by putting on steroids Obama's "Pen and Phone" governance, 2) by gaining Congressional approval of $60 billion to fund 87,000 IRS agents as USA Stasi to investigate opponents of Police State rule, 3) by deploying a) DOJ to pursue parents opposed to the abusive maleducation, mental warping and sexual abuse of the innocents made victim of predatory Democrat school boards and public school teachers and b) Homeland Security, Health and Human Services and the White House Press Office as mis, dis, and malinformation czars, empowered to ally with Big Tech and monitor/ censure public speech, and 4) by assigning his consigliere to "Job One," the task of "Get Trump."
Last night's spectacle at Mar A Lago made that all apparent for the nation, tens of millions perhaps for the first time. But only 1/2 of the nation cares, and they lack power. It will only get worse, much worse.