May 23Liked by William M Briggs

I think this chap has an overblown concept of the power the President wields.

He's a figurehead for a system and that system has ruled for centuries. It will not go gently into that goodnight. It will JFK him before that ever happens.

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Which would be better than him doing nothing

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Indeed. It's not my intention to blackpill but nor is it to Pollyanna.

Trump's a talker, and a good one. I don't think he is willing to become a martyr but I do think he's going to win this election. If I'm right about that then we don't have long to wait and find out what he's capable of now he knows the forces arrayed against his voters

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May 23Liked by William M Briggs

I think this is great hope text, but from what I have seen of the Trump phenomena, it is silly to think that Trump would care anything whatsoever to do these things, unless his controllers tell him so.

Trump is the man to bring about the changes to our Constitution by overcoming the feigned media attacks, soon to turn and embrace Trump. Mark my words.

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May 23Liked by William M Briggs

Trump is as establishment as the left. They serve the same powers but from different fake sides.

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May 23Liked by William M Briggs

Thank you. I've been preaching this since I predicted his first win in 2015 and made this video (which explains exactly who owns him):


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May 23Liked by William M Briggs

Interesting thoughts. I judge Trump by his actions, not by his words, which should be the case for all politicians. He did make advances in states rights, individual rights, and populism in general. Also, however, he is still taking victory dances around warp speed -too bad.

Pulling back 3 letter agency tyranny can only be done with the proper DOJ and HHS choices but he is unlikely to be wise enough to do that.

Foreign relations is more hopeful no question he did a good job overall. NATO, Ukraine, Israel, Support, North Korea, Abraham Accord the border what’s not to like about that. he is likely to continue those policies.

As for what the Dems will do with Biden or how they will defeat Trump or get rid of him your guess is as good as mine, but you can be sure they will stop at nothing because I don’t buy the idea that they will allow him to be president to faiil. That is not even plausible.

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"Pulling back 3 letter agency tyranny can only be done with the proper DOJ and HHS choices but he is unlikely to be wise enough to do that."

The thing that gives me an inkling of optimism is Project 2025. Unlike 2016 there appears to be an actual Rightist agenda in place should Trump both win in November and be inaugurated in January 2025.

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Wisdom requires enough humility to learn from others and take their advice, and enough Chutzpa to make the right things happen. Lack of either is a huge flaw amongst most politicians , including Trump. He obviously has learned nothing from the vaccine disaster or has other motivations for ignoring that evidence.

Having said, Trump is the best of a binary choice if this country is to survive.

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The USA is already not the same as it was 20 years ago.

In 20 years it will be a patchwork of mutually hostile cultural enclaves armed against each other.

Unless history has suddenly taken a sharp beneficent turn the fate of multicultural empires is to divide into monocultural nations.

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The only remedy is leadership at the top, not just in the WH but also in academia, education, and clergy to seek acceptance of others without weaponization. Woke and DEI is not the real problem. The problem is the promotion of cultural divisiveness by leadership. The media will always follow never lead.

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The media obeys those who they most fear.

They have relentlessly demonized Trump in the WH and out of it. They didn't fear president Trump because they know the rest of the machine also opposed him.

But Trump is irrelevant in historic terms. His empty rhetoric is just the first sign of the turning tide. What comes after him is "le deluge". The next president who is honestly right wing will hang traitors in public.

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I think we will see conservatives being hung in public before traitors are. It takes a Jacobin or Bolshevik reign of terror to bring out the appropriate response, unfortunately.

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Theoretically, he could completely upset the apple cart with a single Executive Order. A single order rescinding all previous orders.

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The only executive order that is needed it to take away the money printing permission from the Feds, and to cancel any debts to them.

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Seems to good to be true. Maybe because for so long "good" has seemed like the desperately sought little spring to fill the canteen of an 1840s U.S. cavalry trooper and lone survivor of a Comanche raid. Tell you what, though ... it sure did my heart good. Long live Ianto Watt!

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Absolutely love this post. Spot on in every respect. Revival. Live local. State’s rights. Starve the beast (mostly DOJ/FBI, the IC, and the MIC). What can’t be starved, burn to the ground. It’s the only way.

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I agree with the strategy and the goal of the preeminence of the States, but it all relies too heavily on the gigantic presumption that Trump is on Team America and that he is decidedly not on or sympathetic to Team Empire.

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You got this right. Anyone who goes to a perayah state like Israel, which constantly stealing lands, and gives them the Golan Heights is definitely not on the right side.

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Truth bombs galore. This needs to happen, but while Trump is perpetually underestimated, I don’t believe he’s up to the task. If he’s allowed to win, it’s only because the collapse of the nation is already in place so that Donald can look the patsy for being at the helm during the shitstorm.

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I don't understand why a President cannot simply shut down any agency he wants. Per the Constitution, they all work for him. Just about every one of these agencies (DOE, EPA, Education, etc.) were stood up by various Presidents so why can't a President simply shut them down?

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Here I have a suggestion. Ramaswamy has the savvy and corporate life experience to prune out the bad wood in the administrative state. Trump should put him in charge of whatever agency needs the most work and give him the power and authority to do what it takes.

He is also very loyal and committed to Trump from all evidence I’ve seen I accept his impassioned disclaimers about WEF/WHO. Many career politicians that Trump could utilize are already compromised or have been designated “young world leaders”, or WTH that means.

Ramasawmy has never held public office and understands how to evaluate and fire incompetents.

Read ‘Woke Inc’

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Administrative procedure act

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This an extensive list of POS, except for E Michael Jones.

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Loved your great essay. However, any attempt to reform our cray banana republic without looking at reforming the Feds and their money printing is simply a waist of time.

Think about it this way: say by some magic, I took away the Feds money printing preveligues, and gave it to another evil organization? It would be easy to see that such organization will be the richest entity on earth because they printed 100 trillions by clicking on mouse?

Again, if an evil organization has 100 trillions, there is an election for President? One candidate loves America and was able to raise $100 million, and the other is SATAN himself who hates America, and hates all the Christians? Satan has 100 trillions behinds him? THERE WILL BE NO CONTEST!

We must take away the money weapon. If we did so, how George Soros, or any POS like Zuckerberg is going to buy their way to destroy America?

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I generally believe that vice robs us of our gifts.

That acting immorally ruins the talents we have. Our rulers are so burdened by vice that I imagine things are much worse than we can even see.

We need to use that

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When you have a million things to do, even taking a pee can be a waste of precious time.

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A bullseye of a plan except for the fact we have disclosed it to the imperialists. The supremacy of the federal government has outlived its original intent. So let's get on with it with one caveat: the Roman Senate tried several times after the demise of horrible emperors to restore the republic and failed. History is against us.

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The biggest problem facing a President-Elect Trump would be the hordes of managerial positions in the federal bureaucracy occupied by internationalist (Marxist) "citizens of the world" who hold no loyalty, love, or real connection to the United States of America. You cut that Gordian knot, and half our problems go away over night.

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I am so much into politics, but never heard of Biden Secretary of State? Hence, Trump's insistence on appointing career experts in the fields is FOOLISH. I would appoint an uneducated person who supports my agenda to run any highly technical task.

Almost all the career experts are contaminated with libtard ideologies.

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If we replaced all the 'experts' in the federal government with tradesmen with GEDs and working class community college graduates, we'd see a massive improvement in the quality of government.

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Professor Briggs, what are the probabilities of "having Congress electing a President because the Electoral college cannot elect a candidate"?

On the possible people who could be elected by Congress, I've come up with this list, without any order:

1. Killery

2. Big Mike

3. Joe Rogan

4. Tucker Carlson

5. RFK the younger

6. Whoopi Goldsteinberger

7. Richard Gage

8. Sergei Brin

9. The mother of Larry Fink

A. Tulsi Gabbard

B. The E. Michael Jones

C. Ivanka Trump

D. Nancy Pelosi

E. Mitt Romany and Gretchen Whitmair as co-emperors

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