FWIW, the Harvard "data sciences" student happens to be the guy who started the 2+2=5 meme. Always wanted to ask him to work out 2-2. Perhaps resolves to 1=0 which is equivalent to man=women.

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Kinda surprised you didn't mention Scot Adams' solution.

On the other hand, Abe Lincoln's solution is likely the best:

He, like many others during his time, advocated the Return-to-Africa solution. Anti-slavery activists bought and set-up Liberia as the destination. Many freed slaves emigrated to Liberia (for extra credit, dip into Liberia's recent history to see how that worked out!).

Here's Lincoln addressing blacks in 1862:

"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated."


Repatriation--Stand with Lincoln!

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there is no solution to this conflict.

not a peaceful one, anyways.

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It starts with whites ceasing to lie to ourselves. It continues with whites ceasing to lie in public. It continues further with whites ceasing to lie with our policies, as regards for example immigration, policing, university admissions, and hiring.

The problem is that we live in the Empire of Lies and the liars who rule us, of whom there are a great many, know very well what happens to their rule should their lack of clothing be acknowledged.

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🗨 Yes, you ought to know what it is you actually oppose if you’re going to make a big deal of opposing it.


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Disgusting displays of moral cowardice well below the call of duty.

And this anti-white, racist, moral corruption abounds; it's everywhere, and it's been going on intensely for decades, at least since the DemocRats' Fake Great Society, Fake War on Racism, and Fake War on Poverty, all of which were Democrat Party smokescreens to shift the blame for and divert public attention from the DemocRats' real War on Vietnam, which was the most destructive, divisive, disastrous political mistake of American history (since the DemocRats fired on Fort Sumter and started the Civil War) until the DemocRats elected Clinton, Obama and Biden.

I'm a retired white lawyer who lives in a wealthy, mostly white suburb in the DC Metro area. Here are my three local experiences with anti-white racism:

1) The "Washington Snipers" were two adult black males, a black teenager (age 17) and an older black, who terrorized the DC Metro area for weeks, murdering and maiming whites with a high-powered rifle. The morning after the two black sniper-terrorists were finally arrested (after being identified by a white truck driver, not the police) I heard a white woman in my local Starbucks filled with wealthy whites say loudly, "I just feel so sorry for the boy." Others in line loudly voiced agreement with that sentiment, which I took as an expression that because he was black the teenager was not responsible for his muderous behavior.

2) On the way to his car (a Mercedes) in a Safeway parking lot, a white friend (professor at John Hopkins University) was robbed by a black man who took his car keys and his wallet. After being robbed, the white victim struck the black robber in the head with a six-pack of aluminun-canned soft drinks in a plastic bag. The criminal was stunned and fled the scene on foot. (Quite a forceful blow. Good job, striking back violently against violent scum. I wish my friend had used a gun.) My friend immediately called the Montgomery County Police Dept. which arrived at the crime scene 35 minutes later in the form of two white officers who interviewed my friend. He reported to them the facts as I have just stated in this comment. After receiving that crime report, the 1st questions the white police officers had of my white friend was, "Do you have any racist animosity toward black people? Why did you hit that black man?"

3) After Obama was re-elected in 2012, I was in my Starbucks coffee group with several friends from my neighborhood. I commented to the effect that I saw Obama as not a unifier but rather as racially divisive ( by that time we had a 4 year track record that that was absolutely so) and that because Obama seemed unintelligent, I suspected Obama had received a free ride academically, in admissions to a prestigious university and law school and in his graduations with honors from each. A participant in that coffee group (a prominent white partner in a major DC law firm and a friend of Chief Justice John Roberts) was offended by my remarks and said to my friends (not his friends) in the coffee group (my group, not his) that I talked like a racist. I was flabbergasted into silence for the 1st time in my life.

The anti-white racist rot is very deep into our culture.

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Steve Sailer again ↓↓

🗨 There are no longer any acceptable explanations for racial disparities other than white badness and bad whiteness.

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And that is what they are teaching in the public schools, to all races. Very toxic, and very dangerous.

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"Stop Lying". Brilliant article! Courageous, too, in this time when speaking truth is hated.

I fear we have a psychopath overclass that has learned to weaponize lying.

minor typos?:

>we realize all of the “solutions” occurred in the background of

against the background?

>they will not be punished if they seal

if they steal

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Just last week I almost got caught up in a black on black kerfuffle at the mall of America. Luckily for everyone the two guys fighting didn’t escalate it into gunfire.

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Lucky for you. You could very well have been tossed over the balcony railing, as happened to a 5 year old white boy:


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By the way, Kenn Gividen does a monthly column chronicling this issue. He has a website, but his monthly report is on Unz.com.

Last report:

ABOUT 31 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES (SOME BY BLACK WOMEN!): March 2023—Another Month In the Death of White America


Now that Colin Flaherty has passed away ("White Girl Bleed a Lot" is still on Amazon), Gividen is doing yeoman's work keeping the stats.

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Surprised they haven't taken that down at Amazon.

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