Love of theory is a dangerous game (for those who don't love the theory).

I'm also upset that the psychic wiki is not called the En-psi-clopedia. Real missed opportunity.

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Well, we know from watching the documentary, "Ghostbusters," that adding electroshock therapy to the ESP experiment doesn't work either. The solution to this problem seems self-evident to me, we must identify all the goats and systematically eliminate them from existence. There should be no forced solutions too great when trying to prove that a popular theory is indeed, correct.

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Well, you seem to be discounting the impact of goats in the hereafter.

Goats can be stubborn. The dead ones especially so.

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For your consideration: "Later in the 19th century, the name of Baphomet became further associated with the occult. Éliphas Lévi published Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie ("Dogma and Rituals of High Magic") as two volumes (Dogme 1854, Rituel 1856), in which he included an image he had drawn himself, which he described as Baphomet and "The Sabbatic Goat", showing a winged humanoid goat with a pair of breasts and a torch on its head between its horns."

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But it's not enough to eliminate all the "goats' on Earth, there might be goats somewhere else in the universe!

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DIE me... "systematic racism", DIE you more...

If I were to say at work:

- that some cultures think it more important to "make the team" than get an "A" in algebra... some even think it disgraceful to get an "A" in algebra... I'd be fired.

- that some cultures deem it important to get married, have children in wedlock and stay married.... and others don't thereby setting offspring back... .I'd be fired.....

It is "systematic" the way this oppression works, not so much on my not having the ability to speak the truth... but on those cultures that need correction and won't get it.

(I still make comments to those in need of course, but only in private.)

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The failure of parapsych is incredibly disappointing. How much more interesting would the world be if psi was real?

Which is opposite of the failure of equality to ever be demonstrable. How boring would the world be if we really were all equal?

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And how much more interesting the lottery jackpot would be!

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I mean, I do wonder what would happen if you bred for luck and casino high rollers for long enough. But I've probably read too much Heinlein.

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Somehow I imagine the short-term gains would be greatly offset by a very dark long-term end game. :)

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You see, YOU are the problem!

Your white, masculine negativity is what is causing aspiring black females not to be hugely successful.

If you would just change and admit your prejudices, remove them from your psyche then all the black females would become positively enormous successes and the world could be run, politically, commercially and economically by wonders such as Kamala, Whoopy, Jesse Waters, Oprah and the lady at McDs who flips the buns.

All our problems would be solved.

All Hail the Sheep.

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Sounds like the "Communism has always been sabotaged so it's never really been done right" crowd.

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I could fly like Superman if it weren't for that damned negative energy field emanating from the earth!

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Perhaps related to the OP, perhaps not: but using failed 'scientific' experiments to disprove the multiple thousands of instances of people's related tales of psychic phenomena- from a group of people who regularly dismiss most 'scientific experiments' as failures in and of themselves seems - off? Some book written by some disbeliever in psychic phenomena convinces you they were faked?

Is there no one in this community who has no experience with, or a loved one they trust, who has not had some experience of totally unexplainable psychic phenomena? You may wish to invoke your holy statistics, or brush them away as coincidences, or just refuse to believe in it at all- another instance of the faith you decry for anything ouside the chalkboard or some laboratory?

I will still go with the 'there is more in heaven and earth than meets the eye'.

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Don't overlook the climate change story.

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I could see the goat/sheep thing working in another context: Everyone has psychic powers that are shaping the world but most use their powers to keep the world somewhat uniformly running while a few are detached renegades who work contrary to the conformists. So in this scenario the goats are running the world while the sheep are the bad anti-conformists. Very much an analogy to most people keeping the tax law running by conformity while a few renegades have the power to have an extra $100 in their pocket by ignoring it.

The experimental direction would then be to see if you could force goats into becoming renegade sheep.

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Thanks for an enjoyable read! I had a good chuckle and love the way you came round to slaughter a sacred cow. 🫎

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I blacked out briefly in the middle of this ... because it seemed we were talking about a psychic war of attrition between the minds of sheep and goats to attain supremacy ... in cheating at the cosmic blackjack table, in the sheep and goats casino on the astral plane. Gonna read it again though. But anyway, I thought by now everyone knew that ALL such psychic this and paranormal that, in all its permutations, is nothing more than the great mockery of non-Catholic humans that is so perennially enjoyed by Satan's demonic hosts.

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The world is of course essentially an open ended indefinable psycho-physical realm in which everyone and everything is in one way or another inter-connected.

Everyone transmits their emotional state in all directions Everyone's emotional state and actions in one way or another affect everyone else.

No one of course is in charge but the collective summation (force) of everyone's moment-to-moment

emotion and altogether psychic transmission is what controls and patterns the world-process, which is of course completely indifferent and even hostile towards the well being of all biological life forms both human, and non-human which outnumber the humans many times over.

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But of course!

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