I like the new word!



scidol·​a·​try | \ scī-ˈdä-lə-trē \

plural scidol​a​tries


1: the worship of science as a god

2: immoderate attachment or devotion to science

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A splendid addition to the lexicon!

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Nov 7Edited

Having lived through a serious medical condition and a long recovery exacerbated by doctors' over-treatments, my motto is now: Patient heal thyself. Only after I unilaterally stopped the medications, did I finally recover. I now enjoy a normal blood profile and good health. Friends, do all things in moderation with a positive, even-tempered outlook on life and avoid the terminally-panicked.

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During the height of the pandemic , i worked at a construction site with 1900 employees. We were tested every two werks , in 5 months of testing only 15 cases of covid were identified , no one ( a few ) wore masks , even inside . Lunch rooms were 10 'x60' trailers with plastic dividers on tables to protect us from oneaother . Outsde no social distancing, common sense among we non scientists prevailed , the absurdty of what took place worldwide was amazing . Thank you for putting all this in perspective , how disappointing that our rulers did what they did .

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Science did indeed take a hit.. for now Engineering is holding, but HR with their DEI madness is at the gate, and the offshore Wind whale killers for temporary power are there too. But always.. always... there remains the stark reality that if madness is pushed too far, the lights might go out. Blessed are we.

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I’m glad that you are calling out the lies and deception…and that “trusting the science” is highly inadvisable. But, it would be best to recognize the real truth.

The whole thing was a Plandemic…and everything about it was malevolent. Treatments, banning treatments, and “preventative measures” were all meant to harm us and steal the election.

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Great speech, thanks. As you mentioned the Hong Kong Flu I was reminded of my experience with that. I caught it in the Winter of 1969, as a young man. I was never so sick before or since. The "scientists" who did Covid 19 no doubt tried their best, but but didn't get close to creating anything as bad as the H3N2 virus. Were they shooting for a mild disease, or were they just incapable of doing the job up right?

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“This was the speech I delivered on Saturday, 2 November 2025, at the True Grit Summit, held in Fort Smith, Arkansas.”

I’m assuming the chap in the illustration is the future you, posing with your Time Machine.

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"In every age the men who want us under their thumb, if they have any sense, will put forward the particular pretension which the hopes and fears of that age render most potent. They ‘cash in.’ It has been magic, it has been Christianity. Now it will certainly be science”

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Also, due to cross-reactivity, you could have antibodies from substance X, Y, or Z that actually also bind to substances A, B, and C. Thus you could have "immunity" to X, Y, or Z based on exposure to A, B, or C, and vice versa. Cross-reactivity isn't some esoteric concept, antibodies are *so* cross-reactive, that some antibodies that bind to fatty acids, polysaccharides, or polypeptides, could also bind to, for example, metal ions or metal-chelate complexes. Thus the idea that you simply *must* have exposure to X or a "vaccine form of X" to have "immunity" to it, is just dumb.

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I agree with you that the masks were the worst psychologically (while the vaxx continues to be the worse long-term). Forced masking was a way of depersonalizing others and to ready the population into pushing non-complying individuals into unemployment or monitoring facilities. I had a similar experience to yours with a young woman yelling at me on a sidewalk for not having my mask while I passed. My anger was so strong that I yelled right back, which is completely uncharacteristic of me. The public humiliation and lunacy of it all was just too much. I see how people can do terrible things to each other under these circumstances. I believe masks were chosen for a reason to identify those who would comply and those would not. I hope Trump and RFK Jr can unearth more behind of these plots against us.

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Science now starts with a theory and ends with a conspiracy. And the great thing about communism is that you only have to vote for it once.

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Science took a hit. I have lost my trust completely in science but also totally in politics. I saw in multiple countries that scientists were against the nonsense until politicians ordered them to follow the narrative therefore the ultimate evil are the politicians. This happened regardless of sides. I have seen liberal and also conservative governments coercing their population into taking the quakcine.

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Anyone working as or in concert with an industrial hygienist had to know that masking was bogus for what was proposed. The science on that started more than 100 years ago and advanced steadily to a point where we routinely mask or demask in manufacturing settings based on risk. Chemical and radioactive inhalation hazard protection, as well as advanced biolab protection methods, compared to surgical masks became a danged meme, for crying out loud.

Telling people who ask if the surgical mask they wear is safe that the mask has a saturation time of about an hour, then they are breathing unfiltered material off the surface of the mask, is both amusing and saddening at the same time. But, it doesn't stop many of them. The security blanket is too dear to them, even when it is riddled with moth-eaten holes.

The other twist, is that throwing away a mask in the trash should have been hammered to States as people throwing infectious medical waste into the normal trash. Medical waste is at least 10X the cost of normal waste to dispose, must be handled separately and disposed in separate landfills or incinerated, and would make for a good freak-out item to slip into conversations as to how State regulators aren't "protecting people" nearly enough. Spooking the herd who rely on the experts is not that difficult.

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This article gave me flashbacks and made me very angry all over again. I lived in one of the Zero Covid nanny-state insane asylums for almost 3 years (!) Most everyone now wants to forget it ever happened. Me, I'm always going to remember what they did and what they wanted to do to me.

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Note the totally fraudulent reporting about the events of 9/11/2001

There were no planes, the whole "planes used as weapons" fiasco Damaged AMERICA

one must deny fundamental applied physics in order to have events happen as was alleged by the media. Major damage was done 23 years ago.

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One of your best, Sir!

Even if it did require a time machine to deliver.

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