Science is a mode of inquiry, not an authority.

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I love the direct simplicity of this comment! Excellent. When people say “the science” they are referring to someone else or a group of geeks that looked into something that they themselves have no time to look into, think CEOs and other business people, politicians, salespeople, journalists, etc.

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“Science is an ongoing search for truth & such truth has little to do with consensus. Every major scientific advance involves challenges to a consensus. Those who defend scientific consensus rather than specific experimental findings are not defending science but partisanship.”

Aaron Kheriaty, Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center

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Excellent essay. As Christianity and its moral system fade in the West, child mutilation (transgender surgeries), child sacrifice (abortion), and disrespect for human life (euthanasia) spreads. No surprise.

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You may not appreciate the scientific rigor of the vaccine enthusiasts' arguments, Dr. Briggs?

1) Once a high-quality double-blind clinical trial has been done with a saline placebo, forever after the now proven-to- be-safe adjuvants may be used in the control group in all future trials.

2) It is impossible to conduct a high-quality double-blind clinical trial with a saline placebo, because if they just used saline, the lack of obvious side effects like redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site would unblind the study. Thus the previously-mentioned rigorously-proven-to-be-safe adjuvants must be used on the control group, too.

3) Since vaccines are already known beyond any reasonable doubt to be safe and effective, the only ethical way to conduct an experimental trial is to compare a new vaccine against an old vaccine. Unless an old vaccine is used as the control, the control group is left completely without the benefit of vaccination which would be irresponsible.


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It's vaccines all the way down.

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Even within double-blinded experiments there are variables that cannot be calculated or properly taken into account.

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I have four children who have gone through the entire recommended vaccine schedule & what I now know is that my children survived a game of Russian roulette because I believed in the all knowing medical industry. I counted my youngest’s inoculations (now 19yo), he had 72 “vaccines” put into his body from 1 week old to 17 yo. All I can say is WTF! Somehow my 7 siblings & I survived/thrived without all these “life saving” injections. The covid scam opened my eyes & without a PhD I somehow managed “do my own research”. My family now avoids doctors as much as possible and all the BS screenings for mammograms, colonoscopies, prostrate cancers, skin cancers etc. Similar to the absurd recommendation to wear masks during covid, there needs to be proof of benefit before doing an intervention & these tests have not been proven to show benefit….same for vaccines.

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I too got my kids all the vaccines because my parents trusted doctors and I trusted my parents. But then my mom got sick and doctors couldn’t help. For years she would visit different doctors and they offered no explanation for her symptoms, only medications to manage them. Unfortunately she had such averse reactions that should couldn’t take most of them. This went on for a good 20 years. She would have seasons of health problems that would eventually resolve to the point where she could get on with her life. Then in 2017 she got sick again, and this was the worst. Doctors were baffled because her blood work was perfect. If they couldn’t diagnose her in a 20 minute visit, they just shrugged their shoulders and threw more drugs at her. At one point a doctor told her point blank that it was all in her head. She passed away in 2018 at the age of 62 and we had no idea why. Until people started suffering problems from the COVID vaxx, and the symptoms they reported were eerily similar to my moms symptoms. Then it hit me: she had received a whooping cough vaccine a week before the 2017 symptoms started. I am convinced today that her final health episode and previous episodes over the years were likely caused by vaxx injuries I am 100% anti vaxx now. Honestly, I am pretty much anti allopathic medicine as well.

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Careful.. awareness is good. I know of women that beat breast cancer because of early detection. Men colon cancer by early detection. I myself had a stage 0 skin cancer removed with early detection and also a bicuspid aortic valve replacement due to early detection. (most hearts become enlarged when not detected early, I'm fine.)

I agree on the vaccines. My scientific question would be:

What is the revenue stream into a pediatricians office on the number of vaccine sales?

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Thoughtful essay.

Science is a mode of enquiry as Gwyneth says and can produce many results. These results of course are cherry picked by those in charge and presented as " the science". But it can produce knowledge, time dependant admittedly but pollies want instant results.

So separate the true investigative nature of scientific enquiry from political/administrative manipulation.

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"RFK, Jr. has been tasked to make America Healthy Again. He will fail where he encourages women to kill the lives inside them, because killing (in case you’ve forgotten) is the opposite of health."

This is the Briggsian equivalent of Reggie Jackson's all-star game home run in 1971 (in Detroit fittingly). For all you youngsters in the audience, that ball would have splashed down in Lake Huron if it hadn't struck the stadium roof.

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I love the smell of "non-specific" vaccine effects in the morning.

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"No question of moral, ethical, religious, theological, societal, or legal importance can be answered by Science


So why, why, do we continue to use Science as the default excuse for so many, so very many, serious moral, ethical, religious, theological, and societal crimes?

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because the sheep are eating it with full mouth.

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I'm not sure that science is even a properly defined - and agreed as such - thing. The word "science" is used to con people into believing that something must be true because it has been endorsed by "science".

Every bit of "science" that I read these days contains the words "believe", "perhaps", "maybe", "suggests", "possibly" and so on.

We don't really know anything much for sure.

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Yes 🙌 exactly 👍.

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Biological Science tells you that nothing should be injected into a human, and particularly a human child, without rigorous longitudinal testing for safety and efficacy,,,Because very few substances are either safe or effective for the purpose proclaimed...Since childrens' immune and neural systems, amongst others, are still not fully developed, they.are even more sensitive..and should be treated with the greatest care...

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The scientific method of investigation is summarized by the motto of the Royal Society. In English translation it is "Take nobody's word."

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But what if you are too lazy and just want someone else to tell you what they concluded? Especially if they have a degree and a lab coat. 🥼

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It's too bad there isn't a vaccine for psychosis.

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Freedom to choose for your self, For YOUR body

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All government is force or the threat of force.

Trump (and I hope all his supporters) says "I am against abortion at any stage from conception and I will use any argument to convince women not to have an abortion." He did not add 'Except the use of force or punishment', he should have.

Law, force or punishment is, or should be, an anathema to all rational people.

You do not get to tell me, a rational human, what is right or wrong.

You do not get to tell me what I must or must not do.

A government's only legitimate purpose is too protect people and their property from harm. Everything else is excrement and should be discarded.

The Anarchists of this world must get together and form a world government to implement their philosophy.

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“To protect people and their property from harm” …but not unborn people?

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By your own admission, they are people, merely 'not yet born'.

But you obviously can't read or you would know my stance on coercion and use of force and punishment.

I actually don't care if you go around 'harming' people (born or unborn). As long as it is not me or mine, it is not my problem.

If it is me or mine, then you have a problem.

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no quakcine should be mandatory is a very very low target for rfk jr...

no quakcine should be legal is a more appropriate target...

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As far as “killing babies” is a medical procedure when it comes to ectopic pregnancies and D&C is a medical procedure. To force women to give birth to knowing of the woman’s extreme medical pregnancies and will keep them from alive. I don’t understand their reasoning behind this

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