“I had devoted my research life to [climate science] and it had not made a damn bit of difference,” she said. “I started feeling [like], well, I love singing, maybe I’ll become a nightclub singer.”

This is one of the funniest quotes I've heard all year. If it was unsourced, I would've guessed it was a joke from a Christopher Guest film.

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She wants large bread…so that she can fold it, you know?

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Thank you for reminding me it's time to watch This is Spinal Tap again. 🤣

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You can’t really dust for vomit

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any one who references Lord Baron-Guest's satire and parody is a friend of mine. Some of the best and funniest stuff ever written, and his portrayal of Lionel Tufnel is hysterically funny. I suppose he's a raging wokie since he's married to Jamie Lee Curtis, but I hope I'm wrong about that.

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One of the biggest lessons I learned in my time in the USAF is that whenever someone quoted a Regulation in support of their position, I would go read the Reg to see what it actually said. The majority of the time, I'd find that the person quoting the Reg was wrong.

In her statement, Ms. Cerezo-Mota says: “Last summer, we had around 47C maximum. The worst part is that, even at night, it’s 38C...". These temps sounded a little high to me, so I got on the google and did some "fact checking".

Not being a sciencey guy, the first thing I did was translate C to F. According to the google, 47 Celsius is a little above 116 Fahrenheit and 38 Celsius is a little above 100 Fahrenheit which is, indeed, a little warmish.

Next, I went to https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/mexico/merida/historic?month=4&year=2023 and checked last year's weather data for the city of Merida in the Yucatan. The hot months in the Yucatan are pretty much mid-April thru mid-July. In a brief survey of the weather in Merida during these months, the highest daytime temp recorded is 104F (40C for you weather nerds) and the highest overnight temp I noticed was 81F (27C). These temps are quite a bit lower than what Ms. Cerezo-Mota reports which forces me to conclude that as typical of the Cult of Climate Harpies, to support her feelings of doom, Ms. Cerezo-Mota simply made shit up.

The only statement in any of the quotes I found to be valid is in that of the scientist from South Africa (who chose not to be named) where he states, “The world’s response to date is reprehensible – we live in an age of fools”.

Yep. In this, he is correct.

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Yes, but you aren’t using the corrected temperatures.

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Ha you reminded me of the show Red Dwarf where an annoying crew member keeps on erroneously quoting Space Core directives only to be corrected by the android

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*Does the equator block “climate change”?*

This is a major clue as to the nature of the scam. We get the same clue from the reparations scam, which is never aimed at the "global south" slavers who are still indulging in that trade, but only at the rich "northern" nations who outlawed it long ago.

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I'm demanding reparations from the Arabs who enslaved my white European ancestors.

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So considering that it only (rather conveniently) affects the ‘global south’, and hits an inexplicable (but obviously very very racist) force-field around the equator… and is therefore by their own logic not really a global phenomenon, is it half-a-global warming then or what!?

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I don't know, but personally I favour two warm hemispheres ...

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It's my belief that the field of climastrology is dominated by people who joined it in order to "save the world". Now if you believe that you are capable of saving the world and you've dedicated your life to doing so in that field, I don't think a few pesky things like facts, logic and evidence are going to sway you from the cause.

It's impossible for these people to look at the subject objectively and they will never stop spouting bullshit so it's our duty, as people who have taken the blinders off (most of us likely believed this nonsense in the beginning), to mock them relentlessly until the rest of the public sees through it and our politicians will distance themselves from them when the concept of CAGW is viewed as toxic and ridiculous.

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It's been my dating experience that women with hyphenated last names are generally truly unbearable.

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I've asked this in other places, with no response. What happens when we get generations of hyphenated last names? "Hi, I'm Kelly Smith-Clark-Dreyfus-Johnson-Reyes-Freedmen-Martinez-Laghasse-Clinton-Jackson-McGillicuddy-Stott-Schilte-Schneider-Robertson-Peckham-Cleary-Bewsdorff-Lundsteadt-Craig-Gregory-Yorimoto-Stanley-King"

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We won't. Someone who keeps the hyphen is extremely unlikely to have kids

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I agree there. But I do know a few kids whose parents have hyphenated last names. Was just wondering if there is a convention there, besides making myself laugh. To myself.

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Interestingly, my bigoted stereotypes initially identified her as a member of university administrative staff.

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Greater love hath no man than this, that a man read the Guardian for his friends.

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I blithely ignore any and all blubbering about climate change. I simply DGAF. Yes, yes, horrible future, death, starvation, destruction. Woe is us. Time to fill up my van!

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At this point I'm pro-Death ... hedging my bets.

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'“It is the biggest threat humanity has faced, with the potential to wreck our social fabric and way of life. It has the potential to kill millions, if not billions, through starvation, war over resources, displacement,” said James Renwick, at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “None of us will be unaffected by the devastation.”'

Worst case scenario: Climate change will be as deadly and destructive as 20 years of communism in a midsized country.

Solution: Global Communism Forevs!

The rock bottom truth of Genesis 3, the Fall of Man, is this: Most of our problems begin their lives as solutions. Knowing then that today's solutions are tomorrow's problems, let's be a lot more careful about which solutions we embrace.

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Oddly Covid should have crystallized that notion in everyone’s minds. Modelling - garbage in/garbage out, myopic focus on only one problem - Covid, myopic focus on only one solution - vaccines. The relentless focus on the worst case scenario of climate change with net zero being the only solution, will kill far more people than it helps, further destroying trust in institutions whilst enriching a few choice individuals.

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"Worst case scenario: Climate change will be as deadly and destructive as 20 years of communism in a midsized country."


Can't make a Net Zero omelette without breaking a few eggs!

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You left out the part about CORRUPTION. What really causes fear is the threat of being EXPOSED. Just look at the Brazilian Supreme Court lately: Total panic mode over "disinformation", which translates to, "SHIT! THEY`RE GONNA FIND OUT ABOUT MY OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS!!"

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Romans 1:22 'Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools...' Declaring events that have existed for over 4,000 years such as famines, migrations and conflicts, as life-terminating, is the realm of fools and idol-worshippers. Soul sickness is often revealed in the physical appearance of these pitiful amazonian and feminized 'experts.'

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I really hope they are true believers, at least long enough to get past the age of procreation, like so many of the other doomsayers who have vowed to never have children. Problem solved.

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So the Yucatan, which is in the tropics, gets really hot in the summer. Who'd a thunk it? Maybe that's why people vacation there in the winter.

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I feel like the lockdowns spawned a whole army of these creatures. I remember seeing a few of the fat dangerhairs pre-Covid but, whoa, after it was everywhere. The post Covid era is littered with this aesthetic - I don’t know if it’s possible to be more physically unappealing. They seem to prefer same sex pairings and eschew procreation so their ability to increase their numbers is constrained. Thank god.

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dangerhairs, mentalpausal, purple-haired gerbils, performative fear blubberers. Oh my gosh! Am I going to be decorating my conversation with these brilliant barbs!!😂

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It’s cathartic.

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I get Medpage Today. There was an article about how medical school curriculum should be changed to include climate change. All of the comments are supposed to be by medical professionals, and in them it was good to see that the pushback was 8/10 - doctors and nurses who said that their jobs are to care for their patients and not be distracted by the cause du jure - climate change, racism, environmental injustice etc.

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The most absurd thing is that the models don't even predict anything like this! Even under RCP 8.5, which even the IPCC isn't pretending is plausible anymore, there is no predicted increase in almost any natural disasters above baseline variability by 2100 - not cyclones, droughts, landslides, or most types of floods. This is straight out of the IPCC (Table 12.12, for anyone who's interested). Predicted reductions in crop yields are in the single digits when accounting for adaptation. We should plan for increasing temperatures and reductions in snowpack (in some areas), but this hysteria is pure fantasy.

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