Your last line is refreshing, seizing power and a willingness to use it. I feel most conservatives are lost in some kind of fantasyland with self imposed rules everyone else just laughs at. Meanwhile the people wrecking the western world just do whatever it takes.

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This is it.

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Yep. Political theory of the near past worked on separation of powers. The new work to be done is how to keep narcissists and psychopaths disenfranchised and off the levers of power while encouraging good people, who tend to be reluctant to wield power, to do so.

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The problem I see with all of this is who benefits from these "crisis" responses?

None of the COVID-19 response raises to the level of helping “everyone,” or “the greater good.” The COVID-19 response was specifically designed to cause economic damage.

This is illustrated by the fact that very early on, the CDC death statistics/infection fatality ratios revealed that the virus was only a risk to a minimum number of people. There was never a need for lockdowns, masks, or forced vaccinations.

The intentional misrepresentation of the entire situation was deliberate. As a result the response just so happened to benefit the same people pushing the world towards a global currency and global government.

Furthermore, the WHO used the situation to grant itself new powers, by manipulating existing pandemic agreements in multiple countries.

Why now? Why, under the guise of a global pandemic, based on a minimally harmful virus, would a reshaping of the world’s economic system (through the centralizing of power) be the answer to future pandemics?

Why would reshaping the world's economic system (through the centralizing of power) be the answer to “Climate Change?”

The answer to every proposed global problem is the centralizing of power.

Which leads me to my final point. The same group of people declaring these global problems — are the very same group of people proposing the solution. And the solution is always to grant themselves more power, while simultaneously removing the God given rights of others.

You don't need complicated science to see what's happening. It's right in front of everyone, one only has to look objectively at the situation.

“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) circa 1960s

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Zelensky, Gates, Thunberg etc all scientists of impeccable integrity and expertise. Who in their right mind gives credit to anything these creeps say?

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That is not their role. They read the script and the media reports on them, thereby keeping the narrative alive. While people focus on the character like Gates the message is being reinforced.

Most people are averse to thinking remember.

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This reminds me of a passage I read in Peter Kreeft’s Back to Virtue. He knew a teacher who, at the time, taught a course on the problem of nuclear war. At the end, most students had come to the conclusion that there would be no nuclear war. You’d think they’d be happy and joyful! Nope. Instead, they had an empty look on their faces, as if asking themselves, “what do we do now?”

These people thrive off this stuff, and if no climate change, what would they be outraged at? It fills them with dread!

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It fills them with meaning. They win plaudits from their contemporaries. And of course they are doing God's work so they will go to heaven.

But best of all they can abuse others, including whole nations, with a clear conscience. That is a very powerful incentive for the weak minded. Cruelty plus salvation.

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"Cruelty plus salvation"! Brilliant summary of what evidently motivates them.

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“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

― C. S. Lewis

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Huxley also wrote this:

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."

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It was Huxley's quote I was thinking of! Good find.

People are people. By which I mean not deep thinkers, lol.

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Therrrfore, give me morrr tanks, which do not only kill but need as much gas as 100 carrrs.

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I know it’s risky to apply heuristics to arguments, but when one realizes that essentially all of the hyperbole in the media the last few decades has been consistently and profoundly wrong, it’s hard to be concerned about climate change.

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No one in power is concerned about climate change. they are concerned with power. If climate change doesn't work it will be some other thing.

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Hyperbole? How about propaganda?

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"I repeat: that there is no joy in results which show the world is not going to end because of “climate change”, and there is only hate instead,"

You describe the very defining characteristic of "The Left".

Their hatred.

They ooze negativity. Without an enemy, they seem lost, dazed and inclined to destructive self practices.

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Well, that's all fine and good, etc., but it STILL doesn't explain how my giving the government lots of money will affect anything other than the thickness of my wallet. I mean, I have to pay a more than 50 cents per gallon of gas "Carbon Tax" to the state of Washington but there has never been an explanation proffered as to where that money is going or how it's going to affect the "climate".

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Milley is resigning because of the utter failure of the Nazis in Ukraine to continue to murder their fellow citizens. Africa is splitting in half and mountains in Yosemite National Park are cracking apart with the sound of ice forming underwater in winter. The media must keep us angry and stupid.


The Temptations - Ball of Confusion - YouTube

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Zelenskyy is demanding that Russia be removed from the United Nations. Has the Beast of Revelations exposed himself or is it really Joe Biden? The world waits for June, 2024 and wonders.

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The UN needs to be removed. Period.

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Zelenskyy is DEMANDING that Russia be removed. It is so stressful and anxiety-provoking that I expect Hunter Biden to do a performance as Tony Montana while unloading a machine gun and burying his nose in a mountain of cocaine. At least, then, the UN would be entertaining.

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F Zelensky he got his pay off he don't make the rules. Fortunately, Hunter's already had too much nose candy and has bit the dust, so it seems, we're only seeing his actor double now. I wonder if he serves time for Hunter? I would like to have seen his swan song off the landing filled w lead tho.

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In the 90s Gorbachev moved to America (with a number of very senior generals and advisors) and was paid huge amount to plan how to bring about a global government.

To do this it was necessary to recognise (invent) a threat to all nations such that they must all implement a global rule. Aliens were too esoteric, pandemics (remember AIDS) were not scary enough, so he created the "Green Movement". They laid out plans from UN, national, international agreements, down to school indoctrination. It was and is hugely successful. After spending billions of dollars fully 1/3 of humanity believe that the climate is changing because of mankind and that we are in fact all doomed.

There is unlimited money for idiots like "Stop Oil", Extinction Rebellion, Greta, Gore, Kerry and inbred morons like Charles and William.

It gives people a sense of purpose and importance. The incompetent fools become warriors and leaders without any risk. If they admit the truth, they go back to being mere inconsequential cogs in an uncaring machine.

The simple truth is that they benefit from being insane :

"Presenting the patient with truth and facts is a threat to their identity, eliciting anger and resentment" -- Sigmund Freud

"What should be evident from the studies on the backfire effect is you can never win an argument online. When you start to pull out facts and figures, hyperlinks and quotes, you are actually making the opponent feel as though they are even more sure of their position than before you started the debate. As they match your fervour, the same thing happens in your skull. The backfire effect pushes both of you deeper into your original beliefs."

Global Research

What you forget is that if you treat them seriously, you lose as they will bring 10,000 (paid) 'scientist' stooges to refute anything you say. The media, government and commerce elites are on the side of the Fauci's.

By now there is sufficient ammunition to treat them as silly children living in a fantasy world. None of their predictions have proven true and that is all you need to point out. Ridicule and humour are the weapons against these people, not arguments and reality.

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I just listened to your interview and it is kind of interesting ... but "THEY" is an ever changing "group" of HUMAN MINDS that feel threatened by something and by not being ABSOLUTELY HONEST with themselves - and how could THE HUMAN MIND be honest with itself not believing in a CREATOR as it means it has to do it all on its own, which is IMPOSSIBLE - and therefore clinging on to the next strawman available BIG and small.

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How could I have missed that one!? Oh I know now ... "they" flooded - successfully - the "zone" (of my attention/perception) ... I suppose!

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