Is there a computer temperature in Celsius or in Fahrenheit at which the Censor's AlGoreRhythym once set loose and unleashed against the mind of man and the word of God can be said to inflict its genocidal death of THE LOGOS, THE WORD, of human thought and human ideas? If "yes," then some budding young Ray Bradbury or some holy young SAINT POPE John Paul who is NOT YET so jaded from their terminal depression caused by Biden's fake reality into deploying that slow, inexorable, SSRI-assisted or the swift CDC-assisted suicide (Fauci's beagle stuff in your veins, anyone?) should CAPTURE and PRESERVE EITHER in a LATIN MASS, Savagnorola Biden's AlGoreRhythym for the secular rite of massmachete massmurdering of ideas and those who speak OR WRITE THEM and SHOULD WRITE OUT OUT AS DRAMATIC SHORT FICTION, the secular Biden Aztec, Hotel Rawanda Hut Tu-Tutsi ritual of massive genocidal, machete, AlGoreRhythymachete Hotel Rawanda HUT-Tu-Tutsi biblio-homicide IN a SCI FI NOVELLA of that name, using THAT conflagration digit as its title, as in "Fahrenheit 151 or "Celsius 38.33333333333333."
As with everything the Left does nowadays, it is helpful to remember this operative sentence they use to console their gnawing consciences (assuming they possess consciences): "(Fill-in-the-blank) is bad except when I do it!" Fortifying elections, discrimination based on race, lawlessness, starting works for everything you can imagine.
Is there a computer temperature in Celsius or in Fahrenheit at which the Censor's AlGoreRhythym once set loose and unleashed against the mind of man and the word of God can be said to inflict its genocidal death of THE LOGOS, THE WORD, of human thought and human ideas? If "yes," then some budding young Ray Bradbury or some holy young SAINT POPE John Paul who is NOT YET so jaded from their terminal depression caused by Biden's fake reality into deploying that slow, inexorable, SSRI-assisted or the swift CDC-assisted suicide (Fauci's beagle stuff in your veins, anyone?) should CAPTURE and PRESERVE EITHER in a LATIN MASS, Savagnorola Biden's AlGoreRhythym for the secular rite of massmachete massmurdering of ideas and those who speak OR WRITE THEM and SHOULD WRITE OUT OUT AS DRAMATIC SHORT FICTION, the secular Biden Aztec, Hotel Rawanda Hut Tu-Tutsi ritual of massive genocidal, machete, AlGoreRhythymachete Hotel Rawanda HUT-Tu-Tutsi biblio-homicide IN a SCI FI NOVELLA of that name, using THAT conflagration digit as its title, as in "Fahrenheit 151 or "Celsius 38.33333333333333."
As with everything the Left does nowadays, it is helpful to remember this operative sentence they use to console their gnawing consciences (assuming they possess consciences): "(Fill-in-the-blank) is bad except when I do it!" Fortifying elections, discrimination based on race, lawlessness, starting works for everything you can imagine.
Fill-in-the -blanK: Using race as a criterion in government authorization of spending and decision-making.
If they activated the pilot mode, Youtube would anihilate the Who, Google, Alphabet, Twitter and the White House in a picosecond.
Too bad that AI is not autopilot.