Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

I am grateful everyday that the Son of God is not an accident of birth. God raises up and tears down kingdoms; equality is not part of the creation. Free will and our choices make equality an impossibility; only a disturbed liberal mind would entertain such a notion. Satan tempted Eve with the notion of equality with God and look where that got us!

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Would not the problem really be that we are ruled, and every day more so it seems, by people with a sparrow's depth of intellect but without the sparrow's humility?

As for Mr.Hyphenated, I believe Himself will be cancelled soon. What he has just blurted out contradicts the very notion of Zionism, a pet-ideology of the shabby remnants of the British Empire.

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Brilliant insight! Wish I'd thought of it.

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Man ... that report on Haitian education and health care from X. Hard to feel sorry for them in the role of state-subsidized invaders, but just pity for people who live like that. Though I guess nothing ever seems really horrific if one has no basis for comparison.

But I thought the Clintons long ago drummed up loads of funding to help the Haitian people. Or was that a Netflix movie and not the news ... I get them mixed up sometimes.

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Of course, the egalitarian logic is unassailable. Prince William only landed Kate Middleton due to his accident if birth. This is unfair. Just because I was born a commoner shouldn't mean I get left out in the cold when it comes to luck with the ladies. Justice, science, and common decency demands that I should have at least one night with her. It will not be easy for me, but I am willing to make this sacrifice to further the noble cause of equity. I will, of course, take her out to dinner first. I hear there is a nice little open air Haitian restaurant in Springfield where the duck is amazing.

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Case in point is Sylacauga, AL. The black woman in charge (aka loud mouth) can't see any danger, only color. Yet the citizens are getting outraged, while the city watches and wants Mo Money.


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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Charles Windsor's status as King of England is purely an accident of birth. How is it just that he has a greater claim to the British Throne than you or I?

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Well, it’s all well and good to insist that there are no borders and allow the invasion. But I can foresee a generation that eventually gets fed-up with the chaos and decides it will no longer tolerate savages in its midst, no matter where they happen to have been born. It will do what it thinks it must to be rid of them. Things may get unpleasant. The fools now in charge, by their open borders, are guaranteeing that the eventual reckoning will be even more awful than it might otherwise be.

There’s already some evidence that this very thing can happen and is happening. See Bukele.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

If it comes down to being either the barbecuer or the barbecuee, the choice will be an easy one to make. :) As may soon be the case.

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Love the Great Wall image. Reminds us that in days of yore those Chinamen -- is that word hate speech? -- they also sure recognized the dangers posed by accidents.

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"Nation" 🤔- etymology :- a people with common ancestry, culture and language

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By second chamber I think he means the WC. Therefore I think he is proposing the House of Lords remain an institution - but withdraw its lawmaking function and pass out party hats to the PMs who are there by the hereditary principle.

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Sep 11Liked by William M Briggs

Sounds like Bloody King Charlie and the assorted Windsors maybe should consider getting pit bulls and doorbell cameras.

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Sep 15Liked by William M Briggs

the problem is not open borders. the problem is that current open borders are a broken system. it is the same when people blame capitalism how anti human it is. The same issue. Capitalism is broken by regulations and corrupt politicians. Open border is a good idea when it is really open in any direction.

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Being alive is an accident of birth.

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Good article, but I am all for getting rid of the House of Lords precisely because it is largely composed of foreigners who are not from the traditional nations of 'Britain'. They are a major part of the sell-out of that country, and profiteers from all the sordid activities of an Empire that made the average person poorer while benefiting an oligarchy.

If you want to know who occupies the House of Lords today, simply take a look at who bought peerages during the age of colonialism. These were not aristocrats of old who had noblesse oblige and who signed the Magna Carta. These were merchants running the slave ships, the sugar plantations, the diamond mines, the opium trade into China, etc. They were not western, Anglo-Saxon, European, or however you want to call it. They were a foreign people that should not have been granted access to the aristocracy at all.

There's a good book (hard to find these days) by Pine, called "Tales of the Aristocracy".

Get rid of the House of Lords and things will improve for the average native Briton. Yes, the legions of immigrants will be able to secure seats in Parliament, but a major problem will be eliminated. Next they can take out the City of London too.

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