Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by William M Briggs

I was under the impression that mosquitos were actually a major food source for a variety of birds. Perhaps none of the species of concern is native to Maui, but it seems like anything ingesting these infected mosquitos could be potentially infected. My own belief is that the biosphere is so complex that this kind of meddling has the potential for a whole range of unexpected side effects.

Not that long ago (one BBC article on the subject is dated 2020), a mass release of genetically modified mosquitos was done in Florida with a similar aim--reducing the mosquito population. No mention I can find in the press reports on the effectiveness of this experiment. It's possible that not enough time has passed for its impact to be felt throughout the local ecology, but I'd bet it's more likely that if the news is bad, we'll never see that report in the media.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by William M Briggs

There's two basic types of scam:

Type A focuses only on the benefits of doing what the scammer proposes, and never mentions the costs.

Type B focuses only on the costs of doing what you're already doing (and/or what the scammer doesn't want you to do) and never mentions the benefits.

Every student should be taught to recognise these scams, and that every honest argument includes (A) the explicit admission that every choice is a trade-off of possible cost/benefit ratios, (B) the costs of both the recommended action AND the alternatives (including the null proposition), and (C) the benefits of same as well.

In the medical profession this used to be called "Informed Consent" and no medical action was considered legitimate without it.

Anyone trying to get their mark to practise ignorant consent is a scammer.

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Jun 18Liked by William M Briggs

Continuing the work of Nazi bioweaponeer Erich Traub, who began to infect mosquitoes and ticks back in the 1940s. This is a bioweapons Op, plain and simple. This program can only cause harm to life, and is part of the death cult that has seemingly infected our public health institutions as well.

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Jun 18Liked by William M Briggs

And why can't we just use DDT? Do we have to use creepy bioweapons that most likely will backfire?

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Wait, Grasshopper. It will be rediscovered, a safety molecule added and renamed like great new regular flavor toothpaste.

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I´m fascinated by those videos of DNA molecules being zipped apart and then reassembled, not so much by the process in itself, but by the CERTAINTY behind it. Protein synthesis becomes this machine that scientists ENGINEERED AND BUILT themselves, and are now proudly showing me through videos on YouTube, how their fantastic machine works.

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I found an old biochemistry book from my brainwashing days. It had pictures of tiny scissors to illustrate how SNP works. Of course, science has progressed to zippers instead of glue, but the absolute certainty is still there. I remember the instructor being irritated that some students really envisioned scissors

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On the other hand, when I finally had the misfortune to meet some crab lice, it actually did look like a crab!

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Jun 18Liked by William M Briggs

Electric Utilities everywhere are now blaming power outages caused by storm tree branches on “climate change”.

Strangely municipal owned electric system towns are generally less affected.

(Hint: these towns often have aggressive tree trimming programs, plus it helps to be the town, they don’t necessarily need permission to trim.)

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As if they don't KNOW that mosquitos ALSO infect HUMANS. What a shit cover story for their VILE attacks on humanity.

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What happens to humans who are bitten by the infected mosquitoes ? If there are adverse effects can they or their families sue for compensation in civil courts or if there are human deaths can the perpetrators be prosecuted in criminal courts ?

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I did my postdoc in a lab that tracked the effect of wolbachia on fruit flies, from a genomic perspective (whatever we can actually believe from that 🤷). Presence of wolbachia in fruit flies hasn't led to extinction of any populations as far as I know. California, in particular, had a few populations of certain species, but I haven't seen the media wringing their hands over the loss of any insects lately.

For giggles, a quick "who has cited what" search took me to this paper:


So fruit flies can lose the nuclear components that permit wolbachia to induce the sterility. (the drive to reproduce will find a way...)

Want to bet that they will find the same thing in mosquitoes in a decade or 2?

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I'm sure you are right! And, won't take a decade. Interesting article!

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Mahalo for raising awareness about the mosquito experiments in Hawai‘i. These projects are being pushed by state and federal agencies and their non-governmental partners. The plan on Maui is to release up to 775,992,000 (over 3/4 of a billion) Wolbachia-bacteria-infected mosquitoes every week. EPA guidelines allow for the weekly release on Maui of up to 3,103 lab-infected females that bite, breed, and spread disease. Pathogen screenings are unknown, and that information is being withheld. Peer-reviewed studies show that Wolbachia can cause mosquitoes to become more capable of transmitting diseases. Studies of serious risks have not been done by the agencies involved. We’ve taken state agencies to court to stop the mosquito releases and demand an environmental impact statement. Find out more and donate to support the work we’re doing at HawaiiUnites.org.

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Jul 2Liked by William M Briggs

On top of what Tina is saying there are no biosecurity protocols, lab bred males can infect wild females thru mating and shared feeding sources, and one of the largest donors to Wolbachia and GMO mosquito research was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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What kind of psychopaths are directing this activity? Yikes! And is the population there aware? They should tromp over, en masse, to gov headquarters to demand a stop

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