Remember how the woke and super-concerned and awfully caring and, most of all, ignorant (I use this word in its technical sense) censors at YouTube, Twitter and all the rest quashed accounts that said myocarditis was likely a prominent side effect of the mRNA viruses? Which, as we'll see below, it surely was?
Censoring the unwashed is their natural inclination, yet that happy duty was strengthened by Experts in the bureaucracy whose policy was the Noble Lie. Yes---the "L" word. For do you also remember when CDC Director Rachel Walensky, a physician, announced in her most serious voice, "Vaccinated people don’t carry the virus, don’t get sick."
Update 2 11AM

There are only two explanations. Either she is incompetent, which in our crumbling culture is a live possibility, or she was lying, which I believe. The Noble Lie. Get your vex or starve, peasant! No vex no job! No questions: You will be safe!
One reason for the vociferousness of the lies was because of the hatred the elite have for us. They saw the reluctance on our part, which they took for disobedience. They cannot bear disobedience. So they insisted on the lie, long past the point where the lie was plausible.
They still insist, or rather they still do here in the once United States. The CDC is still requiring foreigners be "fully" vexxed before they allow them in the country. Unless, the CDC excepts, those who wish to come here illegally. They don't have to be vexxed. In The Science for this policy, the CDC still do not recognize naturally acquired immunity: prior infection counts for nothing. Another lie.
Back to myocarditis and pericarditis. Enter the peer-reviewed Nature Communications paper "Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines" by Le Vu and others.
They "analysed all 1612 cases of myocarditis and 1613 cases of pericarditis that occurred in France in the period from May 12, 2021 to October 31, 2021." Can't do that here in the States, mostly because the data isn't available except in spots. And, if it was available, it wouldn't be available. If you understand me.
Summer and into fall of 2021 wasn't only the start of the vex mania period for the non-elderly, which lasted well into this year. Keep in mind that this is only five months of data, then, with the bulk still to come.
They looked at doses of Pfizer (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) vexes, who got them by age and sex, and case-matched these to people who did not get the vex. And then looked at myocarditis and pericarditis.
I added some minor corrections here (8:40 AM) to emphasize that this is conditional on the number of shots; that the percents below are conditional and relative chances. I was sloppy in trying to explain the increase in ORs without having the use the logistic regressions the authors did. See MikeW's comment at my site.
They found "adjusted odds ratios of myocarditis of 8.1 (95% confidence interval [CI], 6.7 to 9.9) for [Pfizer] and 30 (95% CI, 21 to 43) for [Moderna] vaccine" to develop either of these known side effects.
"The largest associations are observed for myocarditis following mRNA-1273 [Moderna] vaccination in persons aged 18 to 24 years."
Just exactly as we non-elite have been warning.
Let's look at the results more closely and see what weaknesses there are. The most important results are in Table 2 "Association between myocarditis and pericarditis and exposure to mRNA vaccines within 1 to 7 days and 8 to 21 days."
First weakness, which they acknowledge, is that about 5% (or fewer) of people who had myocarditis also had pericarditis, so there's some double counting.
The second is matching for case-controls, which is never a perfect process. But it's the only process they have. We needn't believe the logistic regressions to "control" for these matchings (and which boosts the risk from the raw numbers), and can look right at the data, which they helpfully provide in that Table 2.
I'll walk through one myocarditis one-week-after-first-dose example; you can look up the rest.
They had 1,078 cases of myocarditis, which they matched to 13,342 people without, none of whom were vexed. That's 1078/(1078+13342) = 7.5% or so. That's a good rough estimate of no-vex "baseline" risk to use as a prediction (for past October 2021 or other localities for populations who causally look like that in France), (correction) conditional on the number of shots given out .
Then they saw in the first week after the first dose of Moderna, 9 cases of myocarditis and 48 matched cases who were fine. That's 9/(9+48) = 15.8%, again conditional on the number of shots. It was lower for the time after the second dose.
So Modern boosts the chance of myocarditis (assuming all is well with this data and no other hidden causes) from 7.5% to 15.8%, or 2.1 times in the first week. Double. It's similar for Pfizer. Of course, the numbers are not large here, so there's some plus or minus to this when using these numbers as predictions. There is no plus or minus in what happened.
Then for the first week after the second dose of Moderna they had 106 cases of myocarditis and 51 matched case who were fine. That's 106/(106+51) = 67.5%.
So the second dose of Moderna boosts the chance of myocarditis from 7.5% (same "controls") 67.5%, or 9 times in the first week.
That "in the first week" is important, because the numbers dropped pretty quick by the second week. Well, they would, too, since so many got it the first week.
They also found the obvious: those with a history of myocarditis or pericarditis were even more likely to get it again after the vex. Of those with a history, there were 126 cases and 9 who were fine, or 126/(126+9) = 93.3%. That's 12.5 times higher.
Even more hilarious---if you have a black sense of humor---are the folks who had already been infected with the doom. I should say were known to have been infected by the doom, because Experts charged headlong into the storm ignoring naturally acquired immunity, a medical first. Add to that that not everybody who was infected, especially the young, knew they are infected, and we have noisy data.
Even still, of those who were known to have had infections, 64 got either myocarditis or pericarditis and 107 didn't, or 64/(64+107) = 37.4%, which is still higher than that 7.5%, again all conditional on the number of shots. And which is likely too low: some of those 107 should be in the 64 group, if you understand me, because prior infection wasn't always measured.
What about age and sex? This:
Men more than women, young more than old. Again, just exactly as dissidents have been saying.
I'll give the authors the last word:
There are several factors that support the hypothesis of a causal relationship between exposure to mRNA vaccines and the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. First, the associations remained strong, even after adjusting for a history of these conditions or recent SARS-CoV-2 infection, and in a period during which most common respiratory viruses were not widely circulating.
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
This has all the hallmarks of a plan to eliminate millions of people and thereby eliminate a country or a culture, which makes sense if you have millions more from other countries and cultures lined up and ready to replace them.
I am neither a physician nor a statistician, and I never heard of myocarditis until the current plague. This article seems to assert that in a group of normal unvaccinated people 7.5% will develop myocarditis in a randomly chosen week. If this is true, the real miracle here is that I have never heard of the ailment, because if this goes on week after week sooner or later, mostly sooner, everyone including me will have contracted it. Can this possibly be correct? Wouldn’t we all have noticed this?