I'm a Professional Civil Engineer, top of my class, international experience, IQ 140+. I've quit and Gone Galt. Civil Engineering is a female-run government make-work industry and a complete joke. When we start building hydroelectric dams again instead of tearing them down for touchy-feely feelgood reasons I might think about coming back.

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

30+ years working in engineering have provided these observations:

1. Women in engineering is a good thing; It tempers men's egos.

2. Men (not all not all) tend to work longer extra hours on "their baby". (It is because they can't have an actual baby?)

3. Most women (not all not all) prefer to work with people -not things, that above all IS the cause for few women in engineering. Not! discrimination.

4. A usual situation has developed in many companies. Whereas only ~10% of the engineers are women, often ~40%+ of the engineering managers -are women. Two reasons are: women prefer to work with people (and not slug it out in an engineering career working with things); Companies want to promote women working in engineering and thus promote women to management.

5. This may sting a little to both sexes (yes there are two!). There are bad male engineers but not many bad women engineers; there are top tier male engineers but not many top tier women engineers. The bell curve for women in narrow, for men it is wide-

May have more, but that's enough for now. Viva la difference!

Oh one more thing, why is it that no one "complains" about there be so so few male dental hygienists? It really is astounding how few male dental hygienists there are.

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

The playground politics in use today revolve around Equity, not Equality. Equality was never intended to be a statement of leveling physicality among people the way Equity is supposed to do. In the Declaration of Independence, the second sentence starts with: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

This is a reference to the fact that our Creator made us all equal in the sense that we have all been given an immortal soul, and that accompanying our soul are certain rights. It is the universal equality found in the soul and these rights given by God that make each person equal to every other person. With this statement, Jefferson is drawing a line between what comes from God, and what comes from Government. He is delineating exactly what is given to us by God and therefore CANNOT be given (or taken) by any government. Essentially, this is a pure statement of the value of each individual human in the eyes of God. This is the Equality he is referring to. In no way was he referring to equality of physical ability, or intelligence, or how many fingers or legs you have or how tall you are or what color your hair is or how many genders you think you are.

So, along comes the aggrieved people who apply the term "Equity" to their effort to mandate that everybody is equal in some wholly physical/mental sense. Well, the only way to do this is to assign everyone into groupings based on some arbitrary (and ever changing) physical or mental characteristic, and then decree that by having done so, all these various groupings have achieved Equity while bullying any who disagree. The problem is, that once you start defining people by what "group" they belong to, you are dismissing each person as a discrete individual. In this, Equity is very demeaning as it totally ignores/dismisses everything about me, and you, as an individual human being. Equity totally ignores the fact that there is not, never has been, and never will be another human exactly like me. Or you. Or any other person....ever. As an individual human being, with a God-given soul and it's accompanying rights, I belong to a group of one. Any further group I choose to identify with is MY choice, not some other persons choice.

The use of Equity to define me by some physical characteristic as a means for others to forcefully placing me in one group or another, without consulting me and without my explicit permission, ignores my individuality and is dehumanizing, which is pretty much the whole point of the DIE ideology. It's classic gradeschool playground bullying in dividing people into groups, and setting them against each other. At root, DIE is an evil ideology built by bullies and cowards thru the use of divisiveness, hate, force, and threat of force. It is proselytized by people who lack any internal moral/ethical structure and who can only find meaning in their lives by trying to force everybody else to be the same way. This is precisely why those individuals who try to live moral and ethical lives recognize the DIE ideology for the evil that it is. This is why those individuals who were given a strong internal structure by their parents and who believe in themselves, don't need to belong to some aggrieved group to find meaning in their life. These are the people who resist this evil nonsense.

In the end, as all systems of evil eventually do, the DIE ideology will destroy itself. The problem lies in the amount of damage it does on the way to it's eventual destruction.

In the meantime, remain strong as an individual and look inside yourself for direction on how to live your life. The only way to accomplish this is to surround yourself with worthy friends and educate yourself by reading and listening to people you trust and respect.

Ok. Well... Thus endeth the rant.....sorry.

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

“So we have Scientific American whining about manly astronomy writing, with its collisions and blowing up of mighty galactic objects.”

It looks like a mediocre researcher at a mediocre institution who knows he won’t ever make a real contribution to astronomy but wants to draw some attention to himself in a desperate and somewhat pathetic attempt to salvage his wasted investment in all those years of education. I’m not sure, but I would think that, were he capable of producing a consequential result, that’s what he would be spending his time doing instead of writing ludicrous and risible nonsense.

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

We have too many women period. Definitely too many in positions of authority. History is full of failures when women have been in charge.

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Juan P. Madrid feels like what Gad Saad would call a sneaky fucker. With his kind, but surely phony, embrace of a loving and nice universe, he, I hope, hopes to score some.

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

I’m sooo tired of justification-by-minority status. It is ruinous in arguably all its phases. And it’s boring as hell. Must Everything be looked at through the lens of sex, color, feelings, etc, instead of just reality and facts? This chant has worn so thin as to be irrelevant, meaningless, and bypass-worthy. Zzzzzzz.....

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

Equality is another of those fig leaf words so dear to totalitarians. Equality actually means uniformity and its achievement requires a dictator. The word achieved popularity during the ludicrously named enlightenment and is emblematic of the silliness typical of intellectuals. St Just for example wanted to demolish unequally high church steeples.

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Jan 10Liked by William M Briggs

E-quality = EVE'S -"quality" = BRAINWASHING AND INDOCTRINATION by LIES out of desperation and confusion!


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Mandating more women in Science, is as foolish as mandating more men teaching grades K-3.

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It was by mandating too many women in philosophy that my department went the way of Nottingham Forest.

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You're mistaking aggression and territorialism for failures. Without those 'failures' mankind would still be lurking around for roots and berries. Since men have been in charge far more than women, many more failures are to be expected. Explains why Rome was so successful and is the foundation of our civilization - because it never permitted a female ruler. Female leadership failures are legion: Cleopatra, Zenobia, etc... not to mention many U.S. mayors of our worst-run cities.

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deletedJan 10Liked by William M Briggs
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