Very interesting and valuable, your understanding of the "woke right". Reminds me of the strategy used by someone I am unfortunately compelled to think about almost daily, namely Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, the boss in the Vatican. He will make his latest outrageous pro-sodomy, anti-Catholic statement and then follow it with a couple of days with a strongly contrasting conservative take. Seems like a very obvious method of keeping the nominally Catholic normies confused yet placated. It's probably effective, though.
Having been born and raised in The Netherworlds I happen to know that this country has always been a champion of euthanasia. In the mid-eighties I watched a Dutch documentary on the subject (new to me) while spending Christmas in Canada. I remember it vividly. At the time only the terminally ill were relieved of their suffering, at their own request and after much deliberation. I remember it was presented as utterly humane at the time. I always wish them "goede reis" (have a good trip), one doctor said, with a professional smile. Totally convinced of doing the right thing. The procedure was unthinkable in Canada 40 years ago. I suppose that's why they aired a documentary from a tiny blob of clay in Europe. Strange how things have changed meanwhile. If I am not mistaken Canada is in the forefront now with The Low Countries at its heels. Doctors and even nurses are being trained to kill.
I wonder if it is the noble-sounding word euthanasia that enables them to do it.
I remember in the 90s we had discussions about the euthanasia law in Netherlands. I argued that it is a slippery slope and sooner or later anyone can get it. Of course the normies treated me insane. But finally here we go. I guess now the normies would say: "it's normal and it's their decision"
The government is very concerned about those who wish to self eliminate without filling out the proper paperwork. Exceptions include prisoners with information on powerful people who choose to hang themselves with paper bedsheets while the jails cameras experience technical difficulties and the guards fall asleep on duty. Many more exceptions are made for those who choose to self eliminate by overdosing on chemical concoctions assembled in Mexico with raw materials from China, smuggled across a porous border by trafficked women and children.
You may not be suicidal, but rest assured that if an anonymous tip is phoned into your local 911 call center claiming you are going to shoot yourself, a SWAT team will be dispatched to your house and all their firearms will be pointed at you to ensure you don't harm yourself. Your safety is paramount so even if you are not eliminated when answering your front door sans a weapon, all your firearms will be confiscated until a fair minded judge, who contributes to The Party, can determine wether or not it is safe for you to own them.
While waiting the 1-8 months to see if you can get the firearms (you obtained legally) back from Big Brother, you can tune into the show trial of a politician's crackhead son to see wether or not he is guilty of knowingly illegally obtaining the firearm his sister in law/lover dumped in a trash can. Did he lie on the form about drug use? Yep. Should he be held accountable? Well, should we really be punishing people with addictions when they belong to The Party? His daddy is proud of him, so probably should just let it slide.
Unfortunately, one of the background checks that was ran through the federal database on that pistol you purchased fifteen years ago was lost by the government. Normally, the firearms dealer you purchased from would have a duplicate but the government confiscated all his records last year when they were forced to raid his gun shop when he retweeted a picture of Trump next to an American flag, with the white supremacist dog whistle coded message: MAGA. They lost those records as well, which made it easier to shut his shop down, as he was supposed to keep those records. You are now innelagable to have your firearms returned and have been red flagged in the system
You, along with the gun shop owner, may be suicidal now. Good thing neither one of you has access to firearms. Please stay away from tall buildings, bridges, razor blades, and fast moving automobiles until the government can process your request to end your own life. If you are desperate there are new tents cities popping up in every major city where citizens can easily obtain substances to end ones own life. By selling their bodies, exchanging government issues debit cards, or knifing someone who may or may not have consumed all the substance they had in their possession citizens can self end free of government interference. Be alert for visits by foreign dignitaries and high ranking members of The Party as these will often lead to dismantling of the tent city in your area which will delay your plans for self annihilation.
In a world growingly dependent on affirmation (including from strangers on social media), it's not a shock that she received support online. A sad tale of our times.
It seems that the nature of "right wing" politics is to become a carbon copy of whatever the left was thirty years ago.
A ludicrous example extracted from my futurist almanac: in the year 2084, the left defended the right of people who identify as a washing machine to legally marry their sofa and have an legally recognized affair with the trash can who used to be a real woman soldier and member of the marines in the Seventh green international brigades that fought at the 2072 4th Liberation War to remove Ivanka Trump from the Imperial throne of Newfounland. The left also demanded a special category of taxtation for self-aware domestic appliances.
But in that same year the right wing complained that the country was moving away from traditional values like only allowing trans-specism within the same clade (if you are a mammalian you cannot identify as an eagle, if you are a baobab tree you cannot (legally or morally) identify as an asparagus,) as well as the obvious conservative truth that identifying as an electronic product should remain forbidden, as ScrAIpture always taught, but they will agree on special taxation for crazy people.
It's not surprising to me that they would agree to murder the mentally ill, and make a business out of it. These fraudservatives are the same leftist cannibals from the 1970s.
The CIA created neocons, via National Review, to provide a competing Company brand label. Both "sides" are lipstick Trotskyites that grant us such stunning humanitarian generosities as the War Powers Resolution.
Don't forget the FISA court, an investigation into executive criminality that the congress turned into a special court to baptise executive criminality in the sweet waters of national security.
There's a reason why the polite term for a good hard fucking is "an act of congress" ...
>the glamour of having a doctor kill you is portrayed, and how that affects weak minds. Minds susceptible to propaganda... Imagine all the “likes” on social media you can get for being so stunning and brave<
Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point considers suicide from the social epidemic point of view. Here are couple of quotes:
"Here we have a contagious epidemic of self-destruction, engaged in by youth in the spirit of experimentation, imitation, and rebellion. Here we have a mindless action that somehow, among teens, has become an important form of self-expression."
"The central observation of those who study suicide is that, in some places and under some circumstances, the act of one person taking their own life can be contagious. Suicides lead to suicides."
" immediately after stories about suicides appeared, suicides in the area served by the newspapers jumped. In the case of national stories, the rate jumped nationally"
"The individual within the ‘attempted suicide subculture’ can perform an act which carries a preformed meaning: all he’s required to do is invoke it. The process is essentially similar to that whereby a person uses a word in spoken language."
" If suicide in the West is a kind of crude language, in Micronesia it has become an incredibly expressive form of communication, rich with meaning and nuance, and expressed by the most persuasive of permission-givers."
"To look closely at complex behaviors like smoking or suicide or crime is to appreciate how suggestible we are in the face of what we see and hear, and how acutely sensitive we are to even the smallest details of everyday life. That’s why social change is so volatile and so often inexplicable, because it’s in the nature of all of us to be volatile and inexplicable."
To continue the metaphor of social epidemic, it is probably not far off the mark to conclude that the euthanasia virus is being deliberately spread.
‘The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways — I to die and you to live. Which is the better, only God knows.’
Socrates trial.
‘To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death of one's own free choice, death at the proper time, with a clear head and with joyfulness, consummated in the midst of children and witnesses: so that an actual leave-taking is possible while he who is leaving is still there.’
Twilight of the Idols.
The problem is that the "Nanny State" (all of them) have made it almost impossible to obtain the necessary materials (preferably in pill or powder form) to painlessly and definitely take one's life when one feels it optimum.
They require you to take one's life in a painful and dangerous manner with pain and suffering the most likely path. The 'good old days' when one could wander into a drug store and buy any amount of morphine or opium have been outlawed.
The state steals your earnings with promises of social care in your old age and then condemns you to a life of penury and misery by stealing your property through taxes and charging extortionate amounts for medical and health care.
Edward Mandell House, had this to say in a private meeting with President Woodrow Wilson:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Edward Mandell House
Make Fentanyl available OTC at any chemist in any amount and watch how fast this society decides the game is not worth the candle.
When you pointed out the seeming confusion over how a killing can be 'safe', I think that you were near to the heart of the issue. What the lady, and Hanania and all of the other modernists, mean by 'safe' in this context is that, 'no one dies who is not supposed to die'. So, to talk of killing being 'safe' in this sense is really to beg the question of who has the right to decide who lives and dies.
Of course, the most conspicuous real sense in which this killing can be called safe is that the killer is in no jeopardy for his/her homicide. And so the tragedy of this untimely death is compounded by the prevention of justice.
Zoraya ter Beek held on for 3 years till the powers that be lavished official approval on her "wish" to die. Her main goal wasn't to end it all. Her main goal was to get attention.
BREAKING--Moderna Receives U.S. FDA Approval for mRNA RSV Vaccine mRESVIA(R). I read the clinical trial data. Rubbish. Self-selecting sample as always. Lots of comorbidities. Wrong end point used. Trial period 3.7 months!!! NO LONG TERM SAFETY STUDY AT ALL. And they claim not one single SAE in the 17572 that received the Vax. Frankly, I don’t know why they bother listing the comorbidities of the vax and placebo groups because when they calculate efficacy they use everyone regardless. There are no controls of any kind. So the FDA does not give a damn about safety. Nothing has changed since the covid vaccine fiasco.
I often question the motives for my own comments. I'm in Canada.
I'll post the following, even so...
"Parliament in Belgium has passed a bill allowing euthanasia for terminally ill children without any age limit, by 86 votes to 44, with 12 abstentions."
I have heard of one Dr. assisted death. A friends father in-law, who was at the end of liver cancer or something like that. I didn't inquire too much. He said it allowed the family to prepare, and have suitable last visitations.
In Canada, one of the most covered euthanasia stories, is the Robert Latimer case. He has been out of jail for a while now. Here are a couple of updates, if you aren't familiar or not up to date like me.
Excellent commentary. This is no joke. As a Canadian, its not an exaggeration to say that certain cohorts in this country are in the thrall of a death cult. When you 'celebrate' abortion, aggressively promote doctor supplied euthanasia, and advocate for legal (and even free of charge government supplied) opiates on the streets and open use anywhere, what else can you call it? This is beyond deranged, and fully anti-human.
Soylent Green is Mental Healthcare!
Abortion is Reproductive Healthcare!
Deathjabs are Viral Healthcare!
We Had To Kill Those People To Save them.
Very interesting and valuable, your understanding of the "woke right". Reminds me of the strategy used by someone I am unfortunately compelled to think about almost daily, namely Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, the boss in the Vatican. He will make his latest outrageous pro-sodomy, anti-Catholic statement and then follow it with a couple of days with a strongly contrasting conservative take. Seems like a very obvious method of keeping the nominally Catholic normies confused yet placated. It's probably effective, though.
Having been born and raised in The Netherworlds I happen to know that this country has always been a champion of euthanasia. In the mid-eighties I watched a Dutch documentary on the subject (new to me) while spending Christmas in Canada. I remember it vividly. At the time only the terminally ill were relieved of their suffering, at their own request and after much deliberation. I remember it was presented as utterly humane at the time. I always wish them "goede reis" (have a good trip), one doctor said, with a professional smile. Totally convinced of doing the right thing. The procedure was unthinkable in Canada 40 years ago. I suppose that's why they aired a documentary from a tiny blob of clay in Europe. Strange how things have changed meanwhile. If I am not mistaken Canada is in the forefront now with The Low Countries at its heels. Doctors and even nurses are being trained to kill.
I wonder if it is the noble-sounding word euthanasia that enables them to do it.
I remember in the 90s we had discussions about the euthanasia law in Netherlands. I argued that it is a slippery slope and sooner or later anyone can get it. Of course the normies treated me insane. But finally here we go. I guess now the normies would say: "it's normal and it's their decision"
You were plain right back in the 90s. Some slopes are better avoided.
Now they expect you to be compliant and even want to get it.
The government is very concerned about those who wish to self eliminate without filling out the proper paperwork. Exceptions include prisoners with information on powerful people who choose to hang themselves with paper bedsheets while the jails cameras experience technical difficulties and the guards fall asleep on duty. Many more exceptions are made for those who choose to self eliminate by overdosing on chemical concoctions assembled in Mexico with raw materials from China, smuggled across a porous border by trafficked women and children.
You may not be suicidal, but rest assured that if an anonymous tip is phoned into your local 911 call center claiming you are going to shoot yourself, a SWAT team will be dispatched to your house and all their firearms will be pointed at you to ensure you don't harm yourself. Your safety is paramount so even if you are not eliminated when answering your front door sans a weapon, all your firearms will be confiscated until a fair minded judge, who contributes to The Party, can determine wether or not it is safe for you to own them.
While waiting the 1-8 months to see if you can get the firearms (you obtained legally) back from Big Brother, you can tune into the show trial of a politician's crackhead son to see wether or not he is guilty of knowingly illegally obtaining the firearm his sister in law/lover dumped in a trash can. Did he lie on the form about drug use? Yep. Should he be held accountable? Well, should we really be punishing people with addictions when they belong to The Party? His daddy is proud of him, so probably should just let it slide.
Unfortunately, one of the background checks that was ran through the federal database on that pistol you purchased fifteen years ago was lost by the government. Normally, the firearms dealer you purchased from would have a duplicate but the government confiscated all his records last year when they were forced to raid his gun shop when he retweeted a picture of Trump next to an American flag, with the white supremacist dog whistle coded message: MAGA. They lost those records as well, which made it easier to shut his shop down, as he was supposed to keep those records. You are now innelagable to have your firearms returned and have been red flagged in the system
You, along with the gun shop owner, may be suicidal now. Good thing neither one of you has access to firearms. Please stay away from tall buildings, bridges, razor blades, and fast moving automobiles until the government can process your request to end your own life. If you are desperate there are new tents cities popping up in every major city where citizens can easily obtain substances to end ones own life. By selling their bodies, exchanging government issues debit cards, or knifing someone who may or may not have consumed all the substance they had in their possession citizens can self end free of government interference. Be alert for visits by foreign dignitaries and high ranking members of The Party as these will often lead to dismantling of the tent city in your area which will delay your plans for self annihilation.
In a world growingly dependent on affirmation (including from strangers on social media), it's not a shock that she received support online. A sad tale of our times.
It seems that the nature of "right wing" politics is to become a carbon copy of whatever the left was thirty years ago.
A ludicrous example extracted from my futurist almanac: in the year 2084, the left defended the right of people who identify as a washing machine to legally marry their sofa and have an legally recognized affair with the trash can who used to be a real woman soldier and member of the marines in the Seventh green international brigades that fought at the 2072 4th Liberation War to remove Ivanka Trump from the Imperial throne of Newfounland. The left also demanded a special category of taxtation for self-aware domestic appliances.
But in that same year the right wing complained that the country was moving away from traditional values like only allowing trans-specism within the same clade (if you are a mammalian you cannot identify as an eagle, if you are a baobab tree you cannot (legally or morally) identify as an asparagus,) as well as the obvious conservative truth that identifying as an electronic product should remain forbidden, as ScrAIpture always taught, but they will agree on special taxation for crazy people.
It's not surprising to me that they would agree to murder the mentally ill, and make a business out of it. These fraudservatives are the same leftist cannibals from the 1970s.
The CIA created neocons, via National Review, to provide a competing Company brand label. Both "sides" are lipstick Trotskyites that grant us such stunning humanitarian generosities as the War Powers Resolution.
Don't forget the FISA court, an investigation into executive criminality that the congress turned into a special court to baptise executive criminality in the sweet waters of national security.
There's a reason why the polite term for a good hard fucking is "an act of congress" ...
>the glamour of having a doctor kill you is portrayed, and how that affects weak minds. Minds susceptible to propaganda... Imagine all the “likes” on social media you can get for being so stunning and brave<
Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point considers suicide from the social epidemic point of view. Here are couple of quotes:
"Here we have a contagious epidemic of self-destruction, engaged in by youth in the spirit of experimentation, imitation, and rebellion. Here we have a mindless action that somehow, among teens, has become an important form of self-expression."
"The central observation of those who study suicide is that, in some places and under some circumstances, the act of one person taking their own life can be contagious. Suicides lead to suicides."
" immediately after stories about suicides appeared, suicides in the area served by the newspapers jumped. In the case of national stories, the rate jumped nationally"
"The individual within the ‘attempted suicide subculture’ can perform an act which carries a preformed meaning: all he’s required to do is invoke it. The process is essentially similar to that whereby a person uses a word in spoken language."
" If suicide in the West is a kind of crude language, in Micronesia it has become an incredibly expressive form of communication, rich with meaning and nuance, and expressed by the most persuasive of permission-givers."
"To look closely at complex behaviors like smoking or suicide or crime is to appreciate how suggestible we are in the face of what we see and hear, and how acutely sensitive we are to even the smallest details of everyday life. That’s why social change is so volatile and so often inexplicable, because it’s in the nature of all of us to be volatile and inexplicable."
To continue the metaphor of social epidemic, it is probably not far off the mark to conclude that the euthanasia virus is being deliberately spread.
‘The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways — I to die and you to live. Which is the better, only God knows.’
Socrates trial.
‘To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death of one's own free choice, death at the proper time, with a clear head and with joyfulness, consummated in the midst of children and witnesses: so that an actual leave-taking is possible while he who is leaving is still there.’
Twilight of the Idols.
The problem is that the "Nanny State" (all of them) have made it almost impossible to obtain the necessary materials (preferably in pill or powder form) to painlessly and definitely take one's life when one feels it optimum.
They require you to take one's life in a painful and dangerous manner with pain and suffering the most likely path. The 'good old days' when one could wander into a drug store and buy any amount of morphine or opium have been outlawed.
The state steals your earnings with promises of social care in your old age and then condemns you to a life of penury and misery by stealing your property through taxes and charging extortionate amounts for medical and health care.
Edward Mandell House, had this to say in a private meeting with President Woodrow Wilson:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
Edward Mandell House
Make Fentanyl available OTC at any chemist in any amount and watch how fast this society decides the game is not worth the candle.
When you pointed out the seeming confusion over how a killing can be 'safe', I think that you were near to the heart of the issue. What the lady, and Hanania and all of the other modernists, mean by 'safe' in this context is that, 'no one dies who is not supposed to die'. So, to talk of killing being 'safe' in this sense is really to beg the question of who has the right to decide who lives and dies.
Of course, the most conspicuous real sense in which this killing can be called safe is that the killer is in no jeopardy for his/her homicide. And so the tragedy of this untimely death is compounded by the prevention of justice.
Yes, again, "stunning and brave", just how our loving nanny state needs its gloriously expendable heroes to be.
Zoraya ter Beek held on for 3 years till the powers that be lavished official approval on her "wish" to die. Her main goal wasn't to end it all. Her main goal was to get attention.
Or, in tv show Frasier terms, she pulled a Lupe Vélez. (
Maybe we should put a value on the value of human life, Say, 13.67 million dollars. Perhaps people wouldn´t sell it so cheap.
Why do we even have suicide hotlines anymore?? Just forward the calls to the nearest hospital for "help".
BREAKING--Moderna Receives U.S. FDA Approval for mRNA RSV Vaccine mRESVIA(R). I read the clinical trial data. Rubbish. Self-selecting sample as always. Lots of comorbidities. Wrong end point used. Trial period 3.7 months!!! NO LONG TERM SAFETY STUDY AT ALL. And they claim not one single SAE in the 17572 that received the Vax. Frankly, I don’t know why they bother listing the comorbidities of the vax and placebo groups because when they calculate efficacy they use everyone regardless. There are no controls of any kind. So the FDA does not give a damn about safety. Nothing has changed since the covid vaccine fiasco.
I often question the motives for my own comments. I'm in Canada.
I'll post the following, even so...
"Parliament in Belgium has passed a bill allowing euthanasia for terminally ill children without any age limit, by 86 votes to 44, with 12 abstentions."
I recall hearing of this story,
I have heard of one Dr. assisted death. A friends father in-law, who was at the end of liver cancer or something like that. I didn't inquire too much. He said it allowed the family to prepare, and have suitable last visitations.
In Canada, one of the most covered euthanasia stories, is the Robert Latimer case. He has been out of jail for a while now. Here are a couple of updates, if you aren't familiar or not up to date like me.
Excellent commentary. This is no joke. As a Canadian, its not an exaggeration to say that certain cohorts in this country are in the thrall of a death cult. When you 'celebrate' abortion, aggressively promote doctor supplied euthanasia, and advocate for legal (and even free of charge government supplied) opiates on the streets and open use anywhere, what else can you call it? This is beyond deranged, and fully anti-human.