"Up with people!" as I used to say.

William Bendix would have complained on black and white TV in the days of "The Life of Riley," "What a revoltin' development this is!" John and Revelation (KJV) in Substack, on my doorstep this morning.

So much for the power of positive thinking.

And I have not yet had a cup of coffee.

You ask, "What's in my wallet?" A maxed-out Capitol One credit card, a $20 bill worth $8, and a 50 cent prophylactic from an Eighties gas station in Maine on I-95.

Can we blame this on the Bush Baddies? Hillary and Bill? Obama? the China Virus vaccine? Fauci? Biden? the CCP? Of course not. It's Putin and Trump and the white privileged, once-working-now unemployed white working class who've damned us to Hell.

I bet Hell is a Blue State, like Michigan and New York, run by college-educated white women, and that a woman named Whitmer's in charge of operations and a woman named Hochul is her chief of recruitment.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

I'll defend my garden.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by William M Briggs

Sad, but I can’t refute any of this. Prepare for upheaval, and for those with a spiritual base, stay the course.

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> GDP is composed of Health care, Education, Media/Entertainment and FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real-Estate).

And we now do all that poorly. Once the social capital in U.S. Universities dries up among foreign students, things will get dicey.

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Excellent. We certainly seem to be approaching the time where we'll seriously have to decide what it is we're willing to die for, as the lunatics in charge of this country keep pushing citizens further and further to their breaking point.

God help us, though we don't deserve it...

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I remain convinced that Our Lady's reference to 'the errors of Russia' refers primarily to Bolshevism and not to 'Eastern Orthodoxy' or 'the Russian Church'.

But then I am sympathetic to 'Symphonia' aka 'Caesaro-Papism' and see it's equivalent in the West in the 'two-swords' of Dante's de Monarchia.

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Well, it's just like my grandfather used to say,

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