American Sulla will bring harsh justice to those performing gender reassignment surgery. And others. Lots and lots of others. I hope.

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Apr 19Liked by William M Briggs

“Well, this is obviously insane, and the people who wield the knife, should it come to that, ought to be hanged publicly, their corpses left to decompose in the Capitol at Sacramento as a warning to others. The mother should be forced to pull the levers—before herself being led to the scaffold. All done legally, of course, relying on laws California will pass”.

That's if her now 20 year old damaged, destroyed son doesn't take matters into his own hands, and get to her first.

I suspect we're going to see an upsurge in matricides over the coming years.

Obscene irony that just a couple of decades ago, women like this were all outraged at genital mutilation in Africa, yet have ended up inflicting it on their own children.

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With respect to the legalized mutilation news of California, I want to say this: the people who pretend that the current fascio-communist Therapeutic State is not morally worse than what Nazi Germany did to Germans surely deserve to be exterminated by it.

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Apr 19Liked by William M Briggs

Whenever I see someone from ‘our’ side positively reference people like Boghossian (or Lindsay, or Hanania, or Rubin, and some others) I immediately relegate that person to ‘Enemy’ status. In the Schmittian sense, these people are not friends. Period.

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I'm so blissfully disconnected of everything that happens in my dear Spain that I get to read these horrible things only on substack.

My experience as a former reader of Spanish News: everything is masonic shit being hurdled by evil journos against a spiritually compromised public. We have the worst political class in all history. It's astonishing how bad it has become, and this disgusting scandal, which only an evil man would not call disgusting, is perfectly in harmony with all the corruption since 1986, when Spain made the superlative mistake of accessing the satanic club that is the EU.

I don't know the name of the person who did this and I prefer not to know. Thank you for not mentioning it.

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Apr 19Liked by William M Briggs

''... There is a way that seems right to men that leadeth to Destruction...' . The world is on this path As the fear of God Becomes almost nonexistent. God will have the last laugh as it were.

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Apr 19Liked by William M Briggs

"I eat cannibal ... feed on animal ... we are what we eat ... and you're my kind of meat!"

Toto Coelo, 1983

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Am I free to assume, because Boghossian is defending this guy, Boghossian likes to eat his own shit?

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Super funny as usual. However, I was surprised to see those comments about Boghossian, I quite like the guy, I don't know what's up with all that.

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My kids make fun of wokies. They subdivide them into different types: bluehairs, neckbeards, drama soys, etc.

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> My friends, as I have told you, academia is not science, it is also not philosophy. We cannot reject all philosophy because of the shallow-brained Boghossians of the world. That wholesale rejection is, of course, a philosophy. What we need instead is a proper philosophy.

You can say it again, all day. There's a wealth of wisdom and insight in the 2500 some years of European philosophy. It took around 80 years of dull-witted bureaucratization to turn it into the butt of a joke (and not without some justification for the punchline).

There is no real choice. You either do philosophy on purpose, or you do it badly. Civilization has chosen to do it badly, and often on purpose.

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"a politician from Spain... filmed himself joyfully eating his own excrement, as part of some “sexual” practice."

Makes the Franco Regime seem like the good old days.

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Interesting that one of the biggest philosophy channel on YouTube turned to trans also a few years ago. Obviously I think google's algo already helping these people to get the advantage.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

"... a politician from Spain who filmed himself joyfully eating his own excrement, as part of some “sexual” practice."

Sounds like Aleister Crowley and his SATANIC Cult of Thelema ... there is a documentary on R for all who want to know more.

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I really like your wit Dr. but please let me leave you this thought for consideration

"Woke reject Reality and want to enforce their local truth, usually by law. "

Rejecting REALITY in and of itself is rejecting LAW. As there is only ONE LAW the rest masquerading as such is LEGALESE.

"The problem is not ugly people, but ugly people (in mind or body) who want to be called beautiful."

Rejecting THE LAW inevitably - in all of us - leads through the spirit rejecting THE LAW to the mental and by extension to the fleshly results stipulated and promulgated by THE LAW. The late H.Kissinger just crosses my mind while writing this, you could literally see the burden he was carrying with him/not admitting before GOD ALMIGHTY. I hope he eventually did.

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