Whatever medical value the variants of the coronadoom vex have in the elderly (and surely they have some: but not much, given that all Shanghaiese are "fully" vexxed, but still imprisoned), and however much they are useless or harm the young (as they surely are and have), it is unquestionable they have served as yet another mechanism to separate Us versus Them.
My BIL knows someone who works in the financial department of a drug company which implemented a mandatory vaccine policy before the ventriloquists had their Joe Biden dummy vocalize such a policy. This person, who had access to the numbers, told him that the government was paying the company $1,000 per vaccinated employee.
How long will they allow Tucker Carlson to wander about, unvaccinated and speaking unspeakable truths on occasion?
My BIL knows someone who works in the financial department of a drug company which implemented a mandatory vaccine policy before the ventriloquists had their Joe Biden dummy vocalize such a policy. This person, who had access to the numbers, told him that the government was paying the company $1,000 per vaccinated employee.
How long will they allow Tucker Carlson to wander about, unvaccinated and speaking unspeakable truths on occasion?