Oct 9Liked by William M Briggs

“Should women be allowed to vote?” Only if they pass the competency testing for eligibility to do so.

Personally, I think government has become so bloated with hubris and incompetency that it has become ineligible to govern, which makes voting moot.

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Oct 9Liked by William M Briggs

No, literacy tests are not the solution.

Community standing requirements are the solution.

Property owners, and net taxpayers eligible.

Forget the old Starship Troopers "military service" for eligibility. The military today is a PC-Prog indoctrination machine. As is the government "civil service."

Military members and government employees (local, state, or federal) all INELIGIBLE to vote. Their interests are directly opposite of Normal Americans.

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It actually isn’t, that’s 💩BS the military- by Felony law under orders to obey - just nods their heads to… like everyone else at work where people nod their heads at HR, or kids in schools.

The last two aren’t under penalty of felony law if they don’t nod their heads. BTW.

The military is.

What has happened is we’re walking away because we’re just abused and betrayed once too often.

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"It actually isn’t, that’s 💩BS"

What "actually isn't"?

Not sure what your point is.

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The military

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Pretty unclear.

Are you saying that "the military is not a PC-Prog indoctrination machine"?

It is. Examples:

"The doctrines and texts of CRT are finding disturbing favor among our armed forces. It starts at the top, where Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley bristled at a recent congressional hearing when asked to defend a seminar at West Point called, "Understanding Whiteness and White Rage."

"Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday has recommended sailors read How to Be an Antiracist, written by CRT celebrity Ibram X. Kendi, who has proudly touted "present discrimination" as the only remedy to past discrimination."

"I teach critical race theories to our nation's future military leaders because it is vital that cadets understand the history of the racism that has shaped both foreign and domestic policy," wrote Professor Lynne Chandler Garcia [Air Force Academy]

"From January 26, 2021, onwards, there are no restrictions on military service by transgender individuals. Medical care for transitioning service members is provided by the military and procedures for handling the transition in official records established."

"Attorneys for the U.S. Naval Academy say the officer training school should be allowed to continue using race as an admissions factor because prioritizing diversity in the military makes it stronger, more effective and more widely respected...."

"Terrifying Navy Plane Crash Killed Two Female Pilots Tragically Burning To Death in Blow Up Flames"


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Clear; the military- by Felony law under orders to obey - just nods their heads like everyone else at work where people nod their heads at HR, or kids in schools.

The last two aren’t under penalty of felony law if they don’t nod their heads. BTW.

The military is under felony law, UCMJ to obey.

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First, the fact that military members are forced ("under penalty of law") to conform to PC-Prog insanity is NOT evidence that the military is not a PC-Prog indoctrination machine. In fact, just the opposite--the military powers enforce their PC dictates with "the penalty of law."

You're conflating the poor dupes who signed away their constitutional rights (officers and enlisted in the US military) with the political structure--civilians in the DOD, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chairman of the JCOS, commanding officers, and all the other devotees of PC-Progism.

The poor dupes salute and obey (until they don't), and yet they are still brainwashed with the belief system. If they stay in for more than a couple years, especially if they do 20, their minds are polluted.

The military power structure, which drives the culture and belief systems taught in the military, is 100% bought-in to the Hate-Normal-America beliefs. Yeah, some poor dupes may be just "nodding their heads" and not really believing it. But the military is still 100% PC-Prog.

None of them should be allowed to vote. They are too invested in the political system.

Note that it's very likely the US military will, in the near future, be voting with their weapons, just as did Robert E. Lee and others. Until they are forced to make such a choice, it's safe to assume that anyone getting a paycheck from the DOD is a true believer (or faking it, which amounts to the same thing).

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Proof of Risk of life. DD214, or Police, firefighter, EMT, or some risk of life to family.

Or get out of polling stations and stay out.

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Does taking a walk in downtown SF count?

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If bearing arms or risk on behalf of others- yes. Even yes as paid security. A broad franchise is desirable, universal isn’t.

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Proof of risk of life : almost every time a woman gives birth. Don’t start blaming each other. This isn’t a man vs woman thing. This is a God vs no God thing.

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Madam, Turn on each other? The people already turned on us, or turned their backs when we were lynched or betrayed.

NO, sorry. Too late.

(Women get a vote to send me to war justified by a child when I’m the Father. Otherwise- no. )

And not to worry- for this is all but theory to avoid an irrevocable mistake already made. You’re short one Veteran- myself.

I’m probably not alone.

(In fact it’s common).

You see you all turned your backs when we were getting lynched for committing “war” - so we learned we can’t turn our backs on you. Investigate THIS; you’re no longer defended. You’re indefensible, because no one can turn their backs on you.

For now DIY or hire mercenaries, no Western people and certainly not Americans have any business talking to any one else. You relate better to them anyway.

Future possibilities; Voting

If you have a family member in risk or harmed or dead, vote for life. If not - no vote for war making powers. There’s no stake and no real understanding until fear touches a person. I will not lecture women on labor pains, they if taking no personal risk not sending this child downrange won’t decide the fates of soldiers, nor elect a President who does, nor Governor, nor sheriff, nor Mayor who controls police- who must shoot or it fails. It fails already. It failed. Go shopping while it’s still safe, after all … what were we suffering for?

The net taxpayer should get the vote for the assembly that controls war funding or votes on war …. Although notice how fast that vanished after our last declared war in 1941.

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Oct 10Liked by William M Briggs

For those who still believe that serving, or having served in the US military is a mark of good citizenship and should be required for eligibility to vote: American DOD 2024 is NOT the DOD that you knew, or thought you knew.

Lots and lots of examples out there. But this one today is enough.

"Male soldier is mad that the army doesn’t let him wear makeup on duty."


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Some of the smartest, most vocal authoritarian types online, have fallen for the appeal to authority, even after years of fighting against such online (for many to have heard). No corrections. No apologies.

Just push their stupid agenda and call everyone who disagrees names.

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Heads of households should have the vote, IMO. If a woman is a widow, for instance, yes, she should have the vote.

Voting should go by household!

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No. That’s enough of property rights extending to other people as property, which is exactly what happened, which usually happens throughout history under any system. In this scenario the labor of others would be voted into said Households… no.

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Have to disagree with you on this one. The people who spout the most disinformation are those who have become very good at taking tests. I fear that if we were to require literary competency, we would be ruled by people like cackling Kamala and tampon Timmy.

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Oct 9Liked by William M Briggs

Question : How many states in the union?

Former president would have failed: Obama thought there were 57 states



Question: Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation?

A) Charlemagne

B) Leon Trotsky

C) Abraham Lincoln

D) Tarzan

Back in the 80's the Cultural Literacy promoters said the answers in American high schools were worse than random guessing


Picture of

A) square


C) circle &

D) triangle

Question: Which one is a triangle?

I have seen videos of math teachers asking a class of 14 year olds this question. No one could answer.

Make it like Ham Radio. Pool of 400 questions you can see on the internet.

Four of them on each ballot. Miss one & ballot goes in the trash.

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And those who do not know about Taylor and Travis should be enfranchised automatically. Sometimes ignorance is commendable.

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I had no idea what you were talking about for about a minute. I thought "Did he mean Taylor v. Travis? Is this some legal decision I don't know about?" Then it dawned on me. I've never felt so smart for being so ignorant in my life. Alas, they are inescapable in today's society. I can only take solace in the fact that while I am aware of their presence, I don't care.

Well, I care enough to hope they stay together so that she never writes another song again.

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Since I've never heard one, I won't be disappointed if she never sings another one.

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I'm all for Starship Trooper's classes of citizenship: serve in the military and EARN your franchise or you a second class citizen and get no say.

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This seems a priori reasonable but then when I look at our active duty military personnel and our veterans and realise that they are mostly loony and troony I say no dice.

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Very well. Now defend yourself.

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sounds good. i'll keep defending myself and leave the professionals to keep stealing and getting beat up by iron age arabs. sorry but the military doesn't impress me that much. anything that Tim Walz can succeed at is pathetic simply for that reason.

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Ah, excellent. Good luck in war.

You are an Army of One !

I’m sure the Paraglider irregulars will be impressed.

I’m not, but I shan’t interfere with your destiny.

PS - we didn’t get beaten in war, we got betrayed at table.

As your remarks indicate, we don’t impress people not in danger. The last military reversal of the US Military was Korea 1950-51. The war itself a draw.

The rest were victories given away at table. But don’t worry, we’ll not interfere in the future…

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You make a good point. But as my father, who had 9 Purple Hearts, once said of VA benefits: it should be restricted to combat veterans. Perhaps if you haven't a scar from enemy action, you get no Franchise.

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this argument boils down to 'only those who have served the government, in the fullest and best way, should be allowed to run it'. this is a recipe for expertocracy and the citizens being enslaved to the government.

consider this, has our homeland been defended by the US military in combat in living memory? if not, then all of those scars were obtained in actions that were aggressive, useless to the American people, and unconstitutional(because Congress did not declare war, an AUMF without a declaration of war is a shameful way to send men to die without being willing to stand up and say what they are dying for). People who would offer their lives in such a way are courageous and in a sense noble, but unqualified to lead, or therefore to be the holders of an elite franchise.

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And giving eligibility to military or other government workers ignores the fact that today's military and government are the leading indoctrinators of the Hate-Normal-America movement.

The exact opposite is needed: military and government workers are NOT eligible to vote.

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Only 💩posting performance artists collecting benefits should vote.

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Lol. Have fun defending.

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Service in the military was the standard from Athens through the Russian Revolution.

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That was the standard from Athens 2500 BC ~ to the 19th Amendment. Including during the French and Russian Revolutions. Military service was for the vote. That was the reason the French and Russians rallied to the Revolution.

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Hear! Hear! I'll go ahead and cut off the tree limb I'm standing on: only males 25 years or older who own real estate or businesses should vote. There I said it! Why 25 years old? Because that is now the threshold for basic mental acuity among social media addicts.

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Very well. Now defend this real estate.

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The first problem is, it is politicians and bureaucrats that will decide on the questions, and do the grading. We know exactly how literacy tests worked before - these would be different only in the selection of who to disenfranchise. This is a perfect example of a good theory (only allowing competent people to vote) that fails the first reality test (how it actually gets administered).

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As long as we're talking about radically altering our voting method and disenfranchising lots of people, I'd like to change it to one vote per primary residence. No renters, and any adult in the house can be the one to cast the ballot (they can sort that out among themselves).

This would disenfranchise me. But I think on the balance it would put the country in more capable hands, and I live in this country, so that's good for me too.

Would also examine alternatives to first-past-the-post.

Might also examine what (and whether anything) really needs to be voted on in the first place, and by whom.

Just spitballin' here.

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Does that include Blackrock?

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Nope. Primary residence only. Fink get one vote, or zero when he flees the country.

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Proposed questions for the literacy test:

1 Underline the name of the Sovereign Nation with more population: Canada, Texas.

2 Underline the blasphemous acronym BCE, IHS.

3 Calculate the angle of a vector that is normal to a plane minus the angle whose arc cosine is zero.

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Minus the angle whose COSINE is zero (that angle is 90 degrees). One takes the cosine of an angle. The arc cosine is taken of a number and gives an angle.

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1. Is this a spiritual question probing sovereign feeling? Texas.

2. Before Common Era, In His Shoes, think think think... the Jesuits use that second one a lot because each one thinks he is his own Christ. IHS.

3. Minus the angle whose arc cosine is zero, or minus the arc cosine of zero? Sitting this one out. Will consult my husband.

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Number one is right, because Canada is not a Sovereign Nation, but a Hellmouth.

Number two was intended to be BCE, but now that you mention the Jesuits, I am having doubts.

Number three, you understood well what I meant, my bad; minus the arc cosine of zero.

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Abolish government and abolish useless voting.

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there was a logical rationale for poll taxes. the ability to earn. skin in. not a hand out.

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