We are of course being prepared for an Inquisition and heresy trials regarding climate change, but they will have to find some alternative to burning at the stake in open air for the auto-da-fe.

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Excellent essay, per usual.

Thank you for thinking before you write and for writing crisply, with clarity, concision and logic aimed at objectivity.

Yet, in debating the Left, "those who will not learn," do you not (as I too often do) fall into their tactical trap, that of taking the incredible seriously and painstakingly dismantling it on the merits? The Left creates the ruse of debate and we devote time and energy responding to it, while knowing that we're pursuing a fruitless project and aiming at the wrong target. There can be no debate with "those who will not learn. Rather, is it not smarter, in a culture war, to fight the enemies of truth and decency using their weapons of choice, rhetoric, ridicule, ad hominem, accusation, and character assassination, while discrediting their illicit tactics, attacking their markedly unscientific methods, and exposing the actual ideological purpose of their war on science, truth and decency?

Perhaps it's time to stop debating and start demoralizing the Left.

BTW: hot models have long been unreliable. Just ask Billy Joel.

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You are right. But we need also write for ourselves, so that we can be sure of our footing.

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Of course!

As you suggest, writing well forces one to think well. The debates and speeches of A. Lincoln are proof of that. A statesman is a politician with a moral compass who writes out his political vision.

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