Human aggression “dates back to the ancient world.”
Climate-induced mean tweets.
Precious verbal anthropology!
And Briggs need not dig to uncover the shards; they're right there on the surface of western civilization.
Joe Biden notwithstanding, I thought people were getting nicer. Who knew?
Not Steven Pinker, whose "The Better Angels of our Nature" paints a picture of massive declines in violence of all forms, from war to child abuse. But then maybe mean tweets are not violence. Maybe we recipients of "mean tweets" are to the internet gods "as flies to wanton boys. They kill us for their sport.”
Also, Pinker's book is 2011. In looking at mean people, he probably failed to consider recent increases in mean matter like fossil fuels and fertilizer. I'm certain that Pinker overlooked both the recent historical record of mean tweets and mean weather and the predictive value of mean models which correlate human meaness with rising CO2, nitrous oxide, temperatures, oceans, wildfires, hurricanes, tweeter hostility and the rage of online trolls.
I wonder what a study might say about the relationship between hostile tweets or even violent crime and political party affinity. My empirical observations (which do not meet the Fauci test of The Science) are that those with DemocRat sympathies oligopolize inner-city crime and online anger management issues, especially death threats.
Talk about mean tweets!
With the dawn of AI, robots will eventually learn what even Homer Simpson discovered, "They have the internet on computers." When that happens, the incidence of mean bot tweets and angry bot trolls will surely rise, just as the oceans rise, with the artificial rise in global temperatures and intelligence.
P.J. O'Rourke (RIP) laughed through the tears of post-modernity. In one of his final TV interviews, O'Rourke said that "woke" could not last, "It's too stupid!"
Hopefully the upcoming famine will make so many of these people superfluous, our NWO overlords using their flesh as an alternate source of protein should the surviving members of this planet grow restive of eating insect protein. There will be no need for their useful idiocy anymore...
If I survive, I will stick to the barbecue flavored earthworms. Clearly, Annika and her woke ilk suffer from the human equivalent of mad cow disease.
So much fun.
Human aggression “dates back to the ancient world.”
Climate-induced mean tweets.
Precious verbal anthropology!
And Briggs need not dig to uncover the shards; they're right there on the surface of western civilization.
Joe Biden notwithstanding, I thought people were getting nicer. Who knew?
Not Steven Pinker, whose "The Better Angels of our Nature" paints a picture of massive declines in violence of all forms, from war to child abuse. But then maybe mean tweets are not violence. Maybe we recipients of "mean tweets" are to the internet gods "as flies to wanton boys. They kill us for their sport.”
Also, Pinker's book is 2011. In looking at mean people, he probably failed to consider recent increases in mean matter like fossil fuels and fertilizer. I'm certain that Pinker overlooked both the recent historical record of mean tweets and mean weather and the predictive value of mean models which correlate human meaness with rising CO2, nitrous oxide, temperatures, oceans, wildfires, hurricanes, tweeter hostility and the rage of online trolls.
I wonder what a study might say about the relationship between hostile tweets or even violent crime and political party affinity. My empirical observations (which do not meet the Fauci test of The Science) are that those with DemocRat sympathies oligopolize inner-city crime and online anger management issues, especially death threats.
Talk about mean tweets!
With the dawn of AI, robots will eventually learn what even Homer Simpson discovered, "They have the internet on computers." When that happens, the incidence of mean bot tweets and angry bot trolls will surely rise, just as the oceans rise, with the artificial rise in global temperatures and intelligence.
P.J. O'Rourke (RIP) laughed through the tears of post-modernity. In one of his final TV interviews, O'Rourke said that "woke" could not last, "It's too stupid!"
Unusually, PJ was only half right.
Hopefully the upcoming famine will make so many of these people superfluous, our NWO overlords using their flesh as an alternate source of protein should the surviving members of this planet grow restive of eating insect protein. There will be no need for their useful idiocy anymore...
If I survive, I will stick to the barbecue flavored earthworms. Clearly, Annika and her woke ilk suffer from the human equivalent of mad cow disease.