Thank you, I’ve been saying this very thing for years. If DeSantis wants to do something significant for the republic, he should stay in Florida and lead a rebellion of the states. In my view, that’s the only way out.

The delusion that you can replace a Mafia Don with someone who is going to dismantle the Mafia is childishly unrealistic. Trump is proof. He wasn’t supposed to win in 2016. And they made sure he couldn’t do what he promised. He did well in spite of the odds, but he took it too far when he thought he was actually supposed to be in charge. This is why they’re now favoring lightweights like Biden, Fetterman and Pence -- they’re far too dumb to ever make that mistake. They prefer puppets like “Leonid” Biden and (to a large degree) O’Bama or active criminal participants like Clinton.

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Oh, it's much worse than this; this production is worldwide.

Trump squandered an opportunity to turn our nation around by meekly submitting in the face of outright election fortification. In the immediate aftermath of the theft, Michael Anton penned a piece urging Trump to hold rallies in the states where counting stopped with him holding substantial leads that vanished when vans full of "votes" appeared in the wee hours. He should have duked it out right then and there. Instead, he went golfing.

Charles Haywood keeps promising that an American Caesar will appear on the scene to save our country from the evil bleepers who control it. I fear that he will be waiting a long time for that event...maybe even from inside a prison camp.

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Given that Trump talked about potential election shenanigans prior to the 2020 election, the fact that he (and the Republican Party) didn’t have a team of attorneys waiting to challenge something like the voting shutdowns is unconscionable. Not challenging ballot harvesting, mail in voting for all, etc. prior to the election is also reprehensible.

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Well, when nuthin makes no sense soever, zero zip zilch, whatever yarn you happen to yank... Methinks we've got stuck with a shitty mental model of how stuff supposedly works in ruling premier league 🤨

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The Boxer analogy is apt, but what it reminded me of for any anime fans is a priest throwing pieces of exorcism paper(forgotten the correct term) at demons. Sometimes it works and sometimes the demon laughs and the guy with weird hair and a sword has to come in and take over. Conservatives clinging to a Constitution that NEVER had any teeth to prevent a government out of control is ludicrous. The ones who say, 'Let's just keep working in the system a little while longer before we do anything radical.' make me wanna scream, 'They are chopping little boys' dicks off do you really plan to wait until they come for your little boy?' But who and where is the guy who is willing and able to take the fight to the enemy?

As far as Mr. Trump goes, I have been saying for sometime now. They weren't able to control him with threats or bribes, which puts him in the top ten percent of politicians.(maybe top 5%?) But they ran circles around him. They tricked him into doing everything that they wanted. I would like to believe that he has grown into the man that America needs but I just don't see any evidence of it. I would also like to believe that Mr. Kennedy can be the guy we need but there is so much that he just doesn't get. I do think that the value of putting any outsider at the top shouldn't be underestimated, but Trump cared and cares too much about being popular and winning and not enough about doing the job. If he had had his eye on the job in '20 and not on the election we might be in a much better place right now.

He fundamentally thinks like they do. The one great difference between Trump and the other elites is his trampling narcissism. It is his virtue and his flaw. He won't cavort with the globalists, even though his thought processes are the same as theirs, because he believes fundamentally that the best thing for everybody, for America and the world, is Donald J Trump. His own personal greatness is his pole star and he could more accurately call his movement Make America Trumpy Again.(btw Trumpy is better than what America is now and has been in the recent past but I still want to aim a bit higher) DeSantis I leave out he is merely the next generation of McCainromneyism, designed to smooth the descent to hell by providing a little braking at the rough bits. He is the lube for the sodomization of America.

Is Kennedy the guy with the weird hair and the sword who will fight off the demons for us? Well he looks and sounds weird. A unique voice is always helpful for the hero. He knows some of what is wrong with America and is willing to do what it takes to fix the things that he sees that are wrong. It is strange to say that a Kennedy is a political outsider but he is even more of an outsider than Trump, and I think has given up any aspiration of the ruling class ever accepting him. MAKA(or perhaps Make America Camelot Again?) is in some ways a powerful and tempting vision, but I'd really rather make the Left Kennedy again and for the right to reach for something more pure, something paleoconservative, something actually Christian instead of all the syncretistic nonsense that has taken up all the air. I don't know. I don't see anything on the political front that gives me any hope. There is no Good News in that direction.

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Bobby Jr is a True Believer in the DemocRat Party. He may criticise the modern Party, but he will never challenge its orthodoxy (which is the root of all evil.) He's a Kennedy Brat, and like the old Bolsheviks after Stalin purged them and sent them to the gulags, Teddy's kin can never remounce their party. To do so is to risk emotional trauma and suffering worse than death.

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He does believe very much in a lot of things that I disagree with. I don't think that everything that you say about him is true and nothing that I have seen makes me think that it was true of his father either. Anyway, since his party has already renounced him it is much more of a toss up what he will do. They have already put him through that emotional trauma and suffering over his refusal to toe the line. Since you bring up Teddy, I would say that what happened to Jack and Bobby is a great part of what made Teddy the man that he was and Bobby Jr the man that he is. You can see how the same trauma affects different men in different ways. It reveals character. They both turned to drugs as a cope, but Teddy never could face up to what he had done and be a man. There is some indication that Bobby has. He has sacrificed his status with the elites to fight for a noble cause. He couldn't go back to them even if he wanted to.

So, we have two candidates that the Deep State and the MIIPC(Military/Industrial/Intelligence/Pharma Complex) has been and will continue to go scorched earth on. They try with all of their might to lock these two men out of the political process. But just because they hate and fear them doesn't mean that we can trust or hope in either of them. By the time November '24 gets here we should know if there is any hope in either of them, if either of them lives that long, and we still have a country by then.

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This is a very good point sir. The cracks have revealed themselves but don’t forget the earthquake that is causing them.

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Perhaps the most tragicomic note of this is that Trump --- of all people --- showed some restraint in office. He could have installed new brass at the FBI and DoJ and locked Clinton and her co-conspirators under the jail. And so, as per usual, our enemies accuse him of what they themselves do and are.

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💬 How about Science, one of the shining jewels of the West?

Covid wars hero John Ioannidis et al offer some cautious thoughts ↓↓ 🤔😏

🗨 an apparently outrageous consequence becomes inescapable: science itself may have become a threat to overall population health.[... I]t is hardly irrational that an increasing proportion of the dissatisfied public is wondering whether truth and the path to a healthier world must lie somewhere else than within prestigious journals and celebrities at the science–policy–communication interface.


(h/t Jeff Childers of C&C)

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The analogy to the Boxer Rebellion is quite apt. I can't help but wonder if the turn towards religion - voting harder didn't work, so we'll pray harder! - isn't just the white man's Ghost Dance.

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Isn't it rather a turn towards realism? People chopping off little boys' dicks can't be fixed with a law, can't be turned with a supreme court decision. People are turning away from the faith in paper to things that are real.

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My Governor needs to stay here in Florida and finish what he started. Our large cities are on the verge of becoming Democrat run sewers. Now we have to many northerners escaping Democrat run states and bringing their voting habits with them. I hope to God I'm wrong. 🇺🇲😎

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Am I allowed to say that I hate anti-hate legislation and that I also hate any hypothetical mandatory love legislation?

I also want to ask if am I allowed to opine that any person trying to legislate human freedom of conscience in any way is committing an egregious sin against the Creator?

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Carthusian Dualism? In the world but not of it?

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It's a pun on Cartesian, and Descartes was kind of all over the place. The other leg of the pun is about the "Charterhouse of Parma," a novel where there are many dualities.

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"I think I am a pregnant man, therefore I am a pregnant man." Thanks, Descartes!

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While arsonists burn, murderers murder, rapists rape, thieves steal and muggers mug, jaded is just not enough!

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Burn arsonist burn! 😁


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I'm afraid it's way too late.

I'm reminded of the Phillip K. Dick short story "The Hanging Stranger".


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