Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Malcolm Muggeridge on Western man, of which dementia-addled Joe Biden is the poster fossil:

“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense.”

“Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over--a weary, battered old brontosaurus--and became extinct.”

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

He didn't write that yesterday. How far we've fallen since.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

He didn't write that yesterday. How far we've fallen since.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Sounds like The Book of Revelation!

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

I had to look him up. He wrote that when I was a sophomore in high school. Prophetic.


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Aside from the slur against the brontosaurus, very apt.

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This a very dangerous situation. Political clans of America are losing the ability to negotiate and decide upon the common goals. Appointing the demented clown as president was a sign that they are not interested in talking with anyone. Now they are not keen on talking with their peers. As intra-elite polarisation grows the country will slowly become less and leas steerable. Various groups will start to act on their own, hiding and shifting blame. It will become a slow boiling civil conflict that is going to spill all over the planet. Unhindered and unaccountable power groups will pursue their goals to the detriment of America and other nations. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps.

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Agree, this is a very dangerous time for America and the world.

"Appointing the demented clown as president was a sign that they are not interested in talking with anyone." Yes, they hold half of America as beneath contempt, and feel no obligation to listen to their grievances. Assuming they are unfortunate enough to have this decrepit, evil man avoid a health issue and are forced to run him in November, I can see how those cocooned dullards in the Biden Administration would claim that debating Trump would be inappropriate since it would give a platform to HATE, and would cancel all debates.

This will not end well.

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But it shouldn’t end well either

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Stupid ought to hurt?

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When combined with cowardice, greed, selfishness and being sly... in sum the Western world’s voters; YES.

Because most importantly;

Without the pain there’s no lesson, indeed it seems to be the only way to learn.

Now when I was younger and got painful lessons, I resented it.

In fact at times I was ready and would have felt completely justified in doing violence over it, I’m not even sure it would have been wrong. Even now.

But yes stupid must hurt, instead of what has been happening- stupid gets rewarded.

The elites and politicians didn’t cheat us, they bought us. That we aren’t staying bought is most of their rage, and they have a point.

Now this is ending badly, and it should, and we’ll not soon make these mistakes again.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

"The elites and politicians didn’t cheat us, they bought us. That we aren’t staying bought is most of their rage, and they have a point."

Brilliant. Brave New World. They bought us with titillation, intoxication, distraction, well-placed fear mongering, gaslighting, and promise of material comfort.

Gross. I'm ashamed to have not recognized this 20+ years ago, instead of getting caught up in it myself.

We outsourced love, justice, traditional values, relationships, meaning, purpose for a two-car garage, home in the burbs, and a home theater room.


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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Yep, we traded the future of our kids in the bargain. Easy call, kids are a lot of work.

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" They bought us with titillation, intoxication, distraction, well-placed fear mongering, gaslighting, and promise of material comfort." ... who is "they"? Of course the mindset based on the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - the very thing your comment is trying to illuminate, but it rather obfuscates the root cause - EVERYONE INDIVIDUALLY buys into doesn't know differently. "Those" who offered you the water - promise - from the poisoned well were equally poisoned - like all generations since EVE was beguiled by THE SERPENT and convinced herself to be wiser than GOD ALMIGHTY and ADAM fell for EVE'S DELUSION based on her advances and rackets conjured up by her paranoic, confused and out of it wicked mind in THE GARDEN OF EDEN - offering EVERYONE the same perks and poisonous gospel leading into THE ABYSS. Like a drug dealer fully aware of his wicked ways and still UNABLE to resist the shiny WORLDLY POWER AND MATERIAL BENEFIT that comes with his offerings.



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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

I hope you're right; I'm just not convinced we have the capacity to learn from the pain.

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The American Mao is the winner.

The most fit warlord.

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The big lesson Americans need to take away from the Putin interview is that Putin is not our friend. He's not the "arch-nemesis of democracy" the media shrieks about, but his priorities do not fall in line with the priorities of the American people. To be quite honest, Putin and Russia have benefited tremendously from the missteps of the Biden administration and it's Deep State patrons. That's not to say that Russia will never come to the table to do business with a post-Biden/Progressive America. It should be observed, however, that after all the broken promises and low-down dirty subversive tricks that the West has battered Russia with, Russia will never trust the West again.

The Russian outlook has changed, and they no longer see themselves as a fundamentally European power. To be fair, we never considered themselves one, but they're no longer interested in trying. Quite the opposite, they're actively working to become a power bloc opposite the West. We can see the early steps of that now.

It's pretty safe to say that the Pax Americana is over forever.

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My question is who is the friend of the US when the US has been at war for over 230 years with someone in the world, over it's existence, you forgot to say. With friends like this who needs enemies. One other thing is that Russia was never a slaver and trust me, visit a museum in a colonized territory that tells the truth of "their" history as opposed to the "enlightened fairy tale" propagated by the enslavers saying how they brought better conditions, when they only brought terror, exploitation, sexual rape, as well as rape if resources and you will see that the demise of the US and the western poodles is long over due and welcomed by the rest of the world. The golden Billion only stand on the gold stolen from others. Be lucky that the world is not vengeful because if so, the west would once again fall to the so called barbarians. Did you also forget the Russians kept the british at bay during the birth of america, the american army and marines invaded Russia in 1917-1918 protecting the white Russian forces and no one seems to understand that. Along with the 300 year history of the british trying to rape Russia and supported the Nazi's in the attempt to defeat Russia, you should read some history.

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I never claimed America was good or worth saving. All I observed was that Russia no longer seeks to be a European power for the first time since Peter the Great, and that will have dire consequences for the Europeans and their descendants.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

I think the whole thing is being orchestrated to oust and replace Joe. ALL of a SUDDEN, the elephant in the room is okay to acknowledge and even to document and it's ok for the press to hurl demanding questions at Joe, rapid fire, rather than remain silent or play softball. Biden's exit is being staged.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Enter Big Mike or Gavin Nuisance. Not sure which would be worse.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Michelle Obama. I know she doesn't want to run but she'd just be a placeholder anyway. She could continue to vacation and spend all her time on Martha's Vinyard and the Borg would just keep running things as they do now. And she'd probably win in a landslide. That would be worse.

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Oh, no!! Say it ain’t so! Gavin…?

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Agree. Obvious that Biden is now being given the bum's rush by the Dems. After 50 years in the party ... couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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Gavin New-scum for President!

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

You're brilliant. Forgive me, but amidst all the depression imposed on us, I feel it's appropriate to quote from my own book once again—its very end:

In Lieu of Conclusion

"Frankly, so many times I wanted to give up, to toss my work out, to fuhgeddaboudit, get oblivious, go for a 100-mile walk, or, like Edmund Blackadder, leave “immediately for Nepal, where I will live as a goat.” Somehow, through bouts of severe back pain and equally unpleasant insomnia, I have waddled and wobbled, drudged and toiled, but here I am, at the end, feeling not only beaten to a pulp, torn apart, and exhausted beyond words but also like a marathon runner who has to crawl those last meters toward the finish line. And as I finally crawled across and crossed the last t’s and dotted the last i’s, I felt a relief. Not because I’ve finished something that tortured me enormously—I’ve read most of the bibliographical entries in their entirety—but because now I know. I got it. I understand the enemy.

And I also know that he is weak, like a bully who has never experienced a slap across the face and needs to keep bullying because, deep down, he’s afraid that his victims might turn on him.

“Henry, they’ll get us,” Richard Nixon once said to Henry Kissinger while observing the protests outside the White House. Incestuous as they are, ugly, aging, and withering away, they know we can get them.

The Choice

“Someone once told me the definition of hell” quote from Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy book335 that continues with “on your last day on earth, the person you could have become will meet the person you became,” made me think of Fyodor M. Dostoevsky whose epic, iconic

books are read all over the world. In his novel Crime and Punishment, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, tells his love, long-suffering Sonia (Sofia Semyonovna Marmeladova), that her ‘worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.’

This judgment stemmed from Sonia’s life circumstances—her father’s death after spending the family’s last money on alcohol, and her subsequent descent into the ‘filth’ of prostitution as a means of supporting her little siblings. His cruelty toward her was seen in the same scene in which Raskolnikov,

without saying so, admitted his crime of murder to Sonia. At the end, they’ve both have reached the bottom of life and then fell through the cracks to pits of hell; he as a double murderer and she as a harlot. At the very end of his almost unbearably painful, deep and beautiful beyond words novel, Fyodor Dostoevsky offers both Raskolnikov and Sonia a path toward redemption:

“He did not know that the new life would not be given him for nothing, that he would have to pay dearly for it, that it would cost him great striving, great suffering. But that is the beginning of a new story—the story of the gradual renewal of a man, the story of his gradual regeneration, of his passing

from one world into another, of his initiation into a new unknown life.”

If life is a journey and a summary of all our choices, we too have a choice. We can either betray ourselves and let us be ‘lead to the slaughterhouse’ designed by some idiot WEF-sponsored geek’s dystopian future where we’d be further reduced to tools and toys for the Cabal in power and succumb to every and all wars they keep creating in order to add to their already obscene filthy lucre, or we can take the power and the government they seized and corrupted from them and yet again, have the government of the people, by the people, for the people.

We owe that much to ourselves and our future.

The United States of America has had great men in the past. One of them, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President, in his first inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1933, during the Great Depression, uttered those famous words: ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ Nowadays, the

cabal’s Financial Crime Cartel et al. use gaslighting to sell dread and fear as their main weapon against us 24/7.

Apage Satanas! Begone, Satan. We should roar with the power of a million enraged lions at the Mordor of power and clearly tell the Cartel and its cabal’s members, ‘You’re few, and we’re many, and we’re coming after you, you hubristic, greedy, idiotic bastards.’ We must stop being afraid. We still have the right to vote and all the power, all the numbers we’d need, but only if we fully understand and accept that.

If we open our eyes and conquer our fear, everything else is at least possible. That is where we begin. We have the power to crush them and vote those cocksuckers out."


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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

"The United States of America has had great men in the past. One of them, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President,"

Try reading "Americas Second Crusade" by William Henry Chamberlin for a "different" view of FDR in particular page 204 of 347. Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Hiroshima, Nagasaki could have been avoided.

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I am painfully aware of those instances. However, given the context, FDR was a giant in comparison to the modern-day criminal bozos placed in the office.

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Being a more competent traitor to the people doesn't make FDR better.

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I love the Dostoyevsky names and quotes. Seems to me you are doing your own transliterations, yes?. Nice. What language is “Apage Santanas”? Funny—I read the first word as “Agape”!

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Apage Satanas!" is a Latin phrase, meaning "Begone, Satan!" with "Satanas" coming from Old Greek which itself is derived from the Hebrew word "Satan," meaning "adversary" or "accuser."

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Let's see them put the highest office diversity higher in first. Kamala Harris, 47th president, first fully black & women president, unelected to the position.

One final crescendo of elevating incompetence.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

An experience we could probably do without!

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Kamala Harris is Indian, not African American, so there fixed it for you and nearly all "educated" African Americans detest her as well. Put there by zionist for zionist's sake and a zionist husband because no real man would have married her past her expiration date. Old, stale, nasty, and moldy.

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Jiminy, the more I learn the more I loathe

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

One very pertinent data point left out above: One of the Deep State avenues of attack, Lawfare, has not been damaged. Yesterday Michael Mann won a million dollar damage award from Mark Steyn.

These attacks against representatives of Normal America, those who are standing up and declaring the emperor has no clothes--like Steyn, Trump, the Hillary meme guy, the "insurrectionists," and others--are raging and increasing.

Also, no mention of the Deep State operations against "domestic terrorists." The intelligence and law enforcement targeting of Normal Americans acting or speaking against the regime are ramping up, too.

And don't forget the good old Wag The Dog ops. It is just too easy to start a war, declare an Emergency, and lock down everyone, and lock up "enemies of the state." This would empower them to legally(?) erase dissent. The stage is set now--we're just one Tonkin Gulf/USS Maine false flag/entrapment/provocation away.

Bottom line: might be too soon to look for the neocon/PC-Prog vile lash-up to collapse. Much more likely to fight like the cornered rats they are.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

I think the only explanation for last night's debacle is that the person actually running the administration (rhymes with Osama) has decided it's time to jettison ol' Joe. Cue the speculation about the king-to-be. My guess is Newsom (unless a US birth certificate is found for Trudeau).

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Gonna be that guy that Obama sleeps with.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Maybe Big Mike.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Rules for Radicals: "The real action is your opponent's reaction."

The Left will continue to try to provoke the populist presidential crowd to react to the unjust way their candidate is being treated. So the Left can cry: MAGA bad! Don't anyone take the bait! Especially Trump! And let's pray the Supreme Court clamps down on this lack of jurist prudence.

We're in for a rocky road over the next 11 months. The Leftist Hive mind craves power, will not go quietly into the night and the end justifies the means with this brood. The Hive mind will continue to abuse their power and do stupid things. The American people are sick of wars in foreign lands, let's hope that holds, because that has to be what the Left is craving for right now.

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As many others, I believe Biden will be out, some time around the D convention (unless he drops out of natural causes before then). Could be before or during the convention, or after their preferred puppet gets the VP slot. But in any case, after most or all of the primaries are complete.

The question is, why have they kept him in the mix so long?

The regime knew they were weak before the primaries, but still chose to run a known losing candidate. They have no plan to lose, so the plan must be to replace that weak candidate with another one before the election.

If they were planning for a replacement that has a chance to win the D primaries legitimately, they would have wanted them to run in the primaries. That they didn't replace Biden for the primaries may mean that they have a less popular puppet in mind, like Newsome.

But in any case, it suggests that the plan is (and probably always was) to insert their puppet of choice directly at the Democratic convention, rather than taking the risk of subjecting their choice to the democratic voters in the primaries. So, it seems like they might have kept Biden in intentionally, to allow them to safely disenfranchise the Democratic voters.

Nothing new there, it's just likely to be more obvious this time. Because they've kind of stopped trying to hide their actions.

But one wonders if some of the Democratic voters who haven't quite been willing to take the red pill yet will reconsider if they recognize the obviousness of it all. Some never will, because religion is like that. But the borderline between those who remain loyal and those who've jumped ship seems to be slowly shifting in favor of reality, so we can hope these kinds of machinations might nudge the line enough to push a few more over it.

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Yup, I think you have the timing down pat.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

JB as president illustrates the sordid nature of a society where courage honour and moral rectitude are not just absent but cynically ignored.

It’s a cheerless prospect for us in the west but it’s some comfort to know that there is another civilisation in the east with a promising future.

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If they are stupid (I jest, there’s no if...) Addled Joey will pick a bigger fight with Abbott over the border, to show how tough he is. He may even federalize the TX National Guard expecting that Texans will battle Texans if ordered to do so.

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That scenario is way high on the list of possibilities. As my father used to say, “Let’s you and him fight!”

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

They need another false flag operation.

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I have been thinking that they already got it, but maybe not: Stand down intelligence and the military and get Hamas to attack Israel so Israel will retaliate. When other Arab countries join in solidarity and we retaliate, Iran joins the fray and… We get to bomb them.

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I think they’re out except trotting Joe out as distraction from their stealing.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

They are running out of "polite" options to take out Trump, those who support him, and those who oppose the fed gov't. Pretty soon, the gloves are going to come off and there are few things more dangerous than a cornered bureaucrat who wields a lot of power. The other thing we are going to see is some increasingly inexplicable behavior in some people in the above groupings as they all-of-a-sudden start to support the odd leftist positions. People like Judges, Prosecutors, politicians, etc. This will tell us exactly who is on the Epstein client list and that they are being blackmailed. Ever since Justice Roberts allowed the gov't to keep Obamacare, and because of some of the other odd opinions he has issued, I've been convinced that the only explanation is that someone has pictures of him doing something he doesn't want out in public. Perhaps Jeffrey took those pictures.....

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Wondering if the mind-boggling fines the courts are hitting Trump with may well be designed to enrage his supporters to such a degree that they might undertake something to make January 6 seem like one loonie standing on a soapbox in the park, and putting possibly tens of thousands of MAGA people behind bars for VERY long sentences.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

Actually, some time ago, it crossed my mind that behind all of these lawsuits against Trump is none other than his old pal Hillary.

He completely humiliated her in their 2nd debate when she said "it is a good thing he was not in charge of the law in our country", and he responded with "because you'd be in jail". I will never forget the look on her face as she turned away from the camera as it was, ever so briefly, one of pure evil. Then, he delivered his coup-de-grace to her in front of the whole planet when he beat her like a rented mule in the election. I'm pretty sure there is not a word in any known language that could adequately describe the depths of the hatred she feels for what he did to her, and you can bet she will go to her grave plotting revenge.

Hillary has a long and well documented history of absolutely destroying anybody who gets in her way no matter how slight the perceived insult, and she has the connections and the power to orchestrate something like these lawsuits. Trump not only got in her way, but in the best WWE fashion, he picked her up and faceplanted her in a great steaming pile of what that rented mule leaves behind.

Having said that, I'm sure that included in the calculations behind what is being done to Trump is consideration for what you say. Team Hillary/Barry/FBI/CIA/etc. would love to provoke an overreaction on the part of some knucklehead. They would have the cameras to swing away long enough for them to slap MAGA hats on the heads those involved, and on the heads of several thousand of those not involved. Then, as you say, the resulting arrests and incarcerations would make the J6 show trials and the BLM/ANTIFA riots look like a 5 year-old girls birthday party and provide the excuse they want to finish what Bush started with "The Patriot Act". A sublime piece of legislation which, as usual, turned out to be a weapon instead of a protection.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

Stop guessing ... look no further than The Book of Revelation!

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs


Eek! Your autocorrect substituted “eeking” for “eking”.

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Feb 9Liked by William M Briggs

I think we’re at that point where the passengers on the USS Enterprise have just noticed that Kirk, Spock, McKoy, Scott, Uhura, Chekhov and Sulu all beamed of the bridge some time ago (never to return) probably because they realised that the starship was headed for a black hole and there was nothing they could do about it ..

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