Excellent compilation.

Lies are the coin of the realm in DC and western capitals. Western man (the elites, at least) have rejected Truth Incarnate; no surprise that other truths are discarded.

(My enemies have resorted to seeding my lawn with crabgrass, going so far as to tamper with and render ineffective lawn care products applied to prevent this occurrence. Evil bastards!)

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Nobody cares about inherent rights of crabgrass! 😭

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MAGA of the weed world.

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Ad plantam fallacy par excellence! 😭

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What about the 'noble silence'? As exemplified in 'not a crazy thing to think, but a crazy thing to say out loud'. Lying by omission is still lying, no? Suggestio falsi and suppressio veri being two sides of same lying (haha) coin 😊

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Good stuff! I would only, niggingly, object to the choice of the word "error" as it is used three times, e.g.

"The Conditional Fallacy is perhaps the commonest error..."

The fallacies of the Leftists are rarely if ever errors; I believe that they are lies, intentionally used to deceive.

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Yeah, amazing stuff. Most of this would not work if people stopped to think, not just feel. Early in my teaching career I was hauled over the coals for trying to show a senior class that much of what we think is based on beliefs and feelings, not sound reasoning, and how to see where this is happening. Oh no, it's all arguments and logic, I was told. Just follow the textbook and keep your scary ideas to yourself; you'll frighten the children.

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