I note the irony of coincidence. The original Mann Act addresses the interstate commerce in prostitution and the climate hoax profiteers are political whores and academic pimps soliciting funds across state lines.

Decades ago I was involved in the defense of an African American man named Congress, charged with violating the Mann Act.

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Imagine how wildly unpopular a short, ugly toad like Mann was in high school. I fully believe he's sold his soul to gain the popularity that escaped him all those years.

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This is like lockdowns.

They say "real" lockdowns have never been tried. Which means holding all humans, all of them, each and every one of them, alone, isolated, in a completely closed room, probably a place with padded walls that ecologists used to call home, with food (sachets of powdered soy, to be precise) and water and maybe a self-sterilizing van lavatory, no drain, for a long enough period of time, such that human-reservoir viruses would cease to exist.

Obviously, millions of people would die. Like all babies and the sick, and some old folks. And the suicidal. And people who are not suicidal, but will be. Not really a problem, right? Salvation of all takes precedence over the individual selfish desires, as the Austrian Painter explained.

And we don't know what would replace those human-specific viruses. Other animal viruses, perhaps? Would that be worse than our viruses? Maybe we should lockdown all animals. Even the microscopic ones, inside a little box of matches.

Yeah, that is totally possible. And not crazy at all.

A Parliament can change the World in any way it pleases. Or a Tyrant. Or a multitude of tyrants. No problem.

Yep, fossil fuels can be banned. Of course. It's the only way. We must kill humans to save the planet and end suffering. Also, we should kill all predator animals, because they cause suffering. And all parasites. And all herbivores, because they would eat all the plants and then die of hunger, suffering. In general, to end all suffering we must end all life. All of it. Nothing satanic here, keep walking, move along.

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Since Mann means "man" (and only in the sense of male person, not in the sense of human being in general) in German, it is quite amusing to replace every "Mann" in the text by "man". No chance there is going to be a "Mann Act"; he will have to be replaced by Michaela Frau first.

And Tolkienesque surely refers to giant eagles coming to the rescue. Probably the US Air Force.

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We all need to come together and (hockey) stick it to the Mann.

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